







汉语拼音:quàn jiè








  1. 见“ 劝戒 ”。



  1. Paul rebuked the Corinthians, not for partaking of the communion in an unworthy state but for partaking of it in an unworthy manner.


  2. More often, she had thick brochure, under the scorching sun wind and Kaiyuan around the streets, children do not discourage drug abuse.


  3. De Boer today also warned politicians heading to the next round of international climate talks not to be too ambitious.


  4. It don't matter where I go, what I'm told, now you know.


  5. I was admonished for tackling "sensationalist and sexist" topics that apparently have no place in a forum such as Psychology Today.


  6. Sage counsel, savage wit, a bit of tumbling.


  7. To save herself from useless remonstrance, Mrs. Price never wrote to her family on the subject till actually married.


  8. Beneath the musical broadcast that you hear in stores and shopping malls may be a hidden message which exhorts against shoplifting.


  9. Knowing the king had a bad habit of drinking all night, Chunyu Kun decided to take this chance to admonish the king.


  1. 他劝诫我别鲁莽。

    He expostulated with me on my rashness.

  2. 劝诫她招认真情吧!

    Exhort her to confess the truth!

  3. 我的劝诫均无结果。

    My expostulations had no results.

  4. 我得劝诫均无结果。

    My expostulations had no results.

  5. 我知道你只会劝诫我。

    I knew you'd only preach at me.

  6. 肯尼迪劝诫听众远离暴力。

    Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.

  7. 劝诫信徒要有怜悯之心

    Believers Exhorted to Be Compassionate

  8. 我费了九牛二虎之力劝诫他。

    I expostulated with him with all the energy of which I was master.

  9. 对朋友要私下劝诫, 公开表扬。

    Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.

  10. 校长正对他的学生们谆谆劝诫。

    The headmaster was preaching to his pupils.

  11. 校长正对他得学生们谆谆劝诫。

    The headmaster was preaching to his pupils.

  12. 劝诫人们要积极思考 认清命运

    telling people to think positively, visualize their destiny.

  13. 智者的劝诫,野性的智慧,几个筋斗。

    Sage counsel, savage wit, a bit of tumbling.

  14. 我们要认真总结事故原因,以劝诫世人。

    We should carefully sum up the cause of the accident to tell people around the world.

  15. 我们要认真总结事故原因,以劝诫世人。

    We should carefully sum up the cause of the accident to tell people around the world.

  16. 最起码其他的劝诫会上我是醉着的。

    At least in my other interventions I was drunk.

  17. 我们老师经常就上学迟到之事谆谆劝诫我。

    Our teacher always preaches at me about being late for school.

  18. 我们老师经常就上学迟到的事谆谆劝诫我。

    Our teacher always preaches at me about being late for school.

  19. 我们老师经常就上学迟到得事谆谆劝诫我。

    Our teacher always preaches at me about being late for school.

  20. 国家存亡, 危在旦夕。可是, 谁也不敢去劝诫国王。

    The state was at the point of being destroyed, but one dared to advise the king.

  21. 第二,由认知、劝诫到审美的小说功能论的变化。

    Second, from cognition, is it warn to aesthetic novel change, function of theory to advise.

  22. 他指导,劝诫,警告和鼓励我们,告诉我们真想和他的看法。

    He guided and consoled, warned and encouraged, he told the truth and he told of his visions.

  23. 我的姊姊又在喋喋不休地劝诫我注意自己的不良行为了。

    My sister has been preaching at me again about my bad behaviour.

  24. 我得姊姊又在喋喋不休地劝诫我注意自己得不良行为了。

    My sister has been preaching at me again about my bad behaviour.

  25. 其目的在于教诫,劝诫教徒们为善止恶,弃妄归真。

    The aim of precepts, admonished believers the good and evil, leaving comments on basics.

  26. 智慧人的劝诫,在顺从的人耳中,好像金耳环和精金的妆饰。

    Like a gold ring of snow or an listening of gold is a wise rebuke to a listening ear.

  27. 他总是劝诫玛希玛冥想经文的意义,然后实践灵性戒律。

    He would always exhort Mahima to meditate on the meaning of the scriptural texts and to practise spiritual discipline.

  28. 劝诫性的讲话为鼓舞,刺激或郑重劝告而作的演说

    A speech or discourse that encourages,incites,or earnestly advises.

  29. 比尔的母亲给比尔讲了那个不肯吃饭的小孩的劝诫故事。

    Bill's mother told him the cautionary tale of the little boy who wouldn't eat his food.

  30. 自此听了这劝诫之后, 她的心有点难过, 因此需要您的开示。

    After such comment, her mind was a bit uncomfortable and needs you advise.


  1. 问:劝诫拼音怎么拼?劝诫的读音是什么?劝诫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劝诫的读音是quànjiè,劝诫翻译成英文是 admonish


