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1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……
1. 迁 [qiān]迁 [qiān]机关、住所等另换地点:~居。~移。~徙。变动,转变:变~。~就(改变自己的意见,凑合别人)。~延(拖延)。~怒。事过境~。贬谪,放逐:~谪(贬官远地)。~客(流迁或被贬谪到外地的官)。古代称调动官职,一……
汉语拼音:nán qiān
1.迁都南方。《魏书·灵徵志下》:“魏氏 世居幽朔,至 献帝 世,有神人言应南迁。”《宋书·武帝纪论》:“晋 自社庙南迁,禄去王室,朝权国命,递归台辅。”《明史·英宗前纪》:“甲子,京师闻败,羣臣聚哭於朝,侍讲 徐珵 请南迁,兵部侍郎 于谦 不可。”
2.被贬谪、流放到南方。唐 李白《江上赠窦长史》诗:“万里南迁 夜郎国,三年归及 长风沙。”宋 徐铉《和州酬江中丞见寄》诗:“贾 傅南迁久,江关道路遥。”宋 周密《齐东野语·徐汉玉》:“吾得罪必南迁,安得在畿乎?”
《魏书·灵徵志下》:“ 魏氏 世居幽朔,至 献帝 世,有神人言应南迁。”《宋书·武帝纪论》:“ 晋 自社庙南迁,禄去王室,朝权国命,递归台辅。”《明史·英宗前纪》:“甲子,京师闻败,羣臣聚哭於朝,侍讲 徐珵 请南迁,兵部侍郎 于谦 不可。”
唐 李白 《江上赠窦长史》诗:“万里南迁 夜郎国 ,三年归及 长风沙 。” 宋 徐铉 《和州酬江中丞见寄》诗:“ 贾 傅南迁久,江关道路遥。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·徐汉玉》:“吾得罪必南迁,安得在畿乎?”
Las Vegas has put federal, county and city courts a few blocks to the south of the original Glitter Gulch, together with a jail.
拉斯维加斯已经把联邦、郡以及市法院连同一所监狱南迁了几个街区到最开始的GlitterGulch。In autumn, the refuge plays host to thousands of Canada geese and other waterfowl as they migrate south.
秋天,她为成千上万的加拿大鹅和其他水禽提供南迁的栖息地;During the regime changing, she waited for me, thus lost the opportunity to retreat southwards to Taiwan.
政权易帜,外婆为了等我而失去了南迁的机会。With the migration of the Song Dynasty, a large quantity of north migration progressively came to this new capital.
随着宋室的南迁,成千上万的北方移民纷纷来到了这个新的都城。Distance is the beginning of the miss, Yaner migrated to the south, north brook eyelid ever sleep? Presumably, this is also missing!
距离是思念的开始,雁儿南迁,北方溪水的眼睑可曾入眠?想来,这也是思念着的!The tombs , located along Xijiang River should be left by the Yue people who moved to the south.
主要分布于西江流域的青铜器墓葬应是岭北越人南迁后的产物。Even if many still do, they were already spending less by last summer, with the exception of alcohol (up 41%) and gambling (up 352%).
尽管还有不少人坚持南迁,但时至去年夏天,这些人消费已大不如前,只有两项除外,酒消费(上升41%)及赌博消费(上升352%)。He explained that one represents a lineage that was pushed south during the last glaciations and survived in what is now the United States.
他解释称其中一支是在上一次冰河时代被迫南迁至现在的美国并存活下来的。In A. D. 317 the Jin court was forced to flee from Luoyang and reestablished itself at Nanjing to the south.