







汉语拼音:xué zhì






  1. 学校的制度。

    南朝 宋 范泰 《请建国学表》:“学制既下,远近遵承。”《北史·刁冲传》:“虽家世贵达,及从师於外,自同诸生。于时学制,诸生悉日直监厨, 冲 虽有僕隶,不令代己,身自炊爨。” 宋 曾巩 《劝学诏》:“故更制博士,而讲求所以训厉之方,定著于令,以为学制。”

  2. 国家对各级各类学校的组织系统和课程、学习年限的规定。



  1. Academic school that is not enough for three years, not to the certification, then when you think you female enrollment than a horse?


  2. Degrees stretch over a flexible number of two-semester years, rather than the traditional three terms over three years.


  3. No matter what kind of academic practice, as long as middle school to be considered complete nine-year compulsory education.


  4. At present, flexible study years, course classifying design and tutor system can be adopted in implementing this system.


  5. A: The three-year system, but the only time in school for two years, the beginning of the third year of work.


  6. Additional staff support for implementation of the new academic structure for senior secondary and higher education .


  7. The graduate system in developed countries has appeared elasticity, multiplicity and flexibility.


  8. A four-day school week sounds like a great idea for students and teachers.


  9. XX University in 2003 to enter educational background in finance professional, with a duration of four years.


  1. 缩短学制。

    Shorten the period of schooling.

  2. 近代三部学制

    three modern educational systems.

  3. 免试入学制

    open admission.

  4. 党员导学制

    Party member helping system.

  5. 分绩教学制

    different level teaching system.

  6. 大学免试入学制

    open admission

  7. 日后, 我们会检查学制。

    In the near future we shall review the academic system.

  8. 中等艺术学校学制四年。

    The secondary art schools last four years.

  9. 国家建立科学的学制系统。

    The State establishes a scientific schooling system.

  10. 大学学制那时缩短到三年。

    The college course was then cut to three years.

  11. 学制形式全日制, 寄宿制, 计时制。

    Educational System Fullday System, Boarding System and Hourly system.

  12. 建立弹性学制的基础和条件

    Foundation and Conditions of Establishing Flexible Educational System

  13. 高职教育学制转换的应对措施

    The measurement against conversion of length of schooling

  14. 对缩短硕士研究生学制的思考

    Shortening the Schooling Length of Master Degree Candidates

  15. 对高职教育学制变革的认识

    Understanding and Strategy for Length of Schooling Reform in Higher Vocational Education

  16. 初等中学的学制一般为三年。

    The length of schooling of a middle school is generally three years.

  17. 关于实行学分制和弹性学制的思考

    On Conducting Credits System and Elastic Length of Schooling

  18. 制药学, 药剂学制药和配药的科学

    The science of preparing and dispensing drugs.

  19. 五年学制?你读的是医学院吗?

    Five-year? You are at medical school?

  20. 学生们如今愿意选择学制更长的课程。

    Students are now opting for longer programmes.

  21. 光绪二十七年,清政府下诏改学制。

    In 1901,the Qing court ordered a change of the school system.

  22. 不,我后年毕业。我们是五年学制的。

    No. I will graduate the year after next. We're a five-year college.

  23. 我国普通高等教育学制可以这样改革吗?

    General higher education system in China can be reformed in this way?

  24. 我国近代高等教育学制与高等教育现代化

    China's higher education system and modernization of higher education

  25. 日后,我们会在适当时候检讨香港的学制。

    In the near future we shall review the academic system.

  26. 酶处理改善麦草化学制浆效率研究

    Improved Chemical Pulping of Wheat Straw by Enzymatic Treatment

  27. 弹性学制是一种全新的教学管理制度。

    The flexible credit system is an updated method employed in the teaching management.

  28. 这种教育分为一至四个年级,学制4年。

    Such an education and schooling is graded one to four and lasts four years.

  29. 我院旅游管理专业学制改革的可行性研究

    A Feasibility Study on School System Reform of Tourism Management in Our College

  30. 大学学位改革的目标之一是要缩短学制。

    One of the objectives of the reform of university degrees is to reduce the duration of studies.


  1. 问:学制拼音怎么拼?学制的读音是什么?学制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学制的读音是xuézhì,学制翻译成英文是 educational system; length of schooling