







汉语拼音:bǐ chù







  1. 书画、文章等的笔法和格调。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·<陶元庆氏西洋绘画展览会目录>序》:“在那黯然埋藏着的作品中,却满显出作者个人的主观和情绪,尤可以看见他对于笔触,色采和趣味,是怎样的尽力与经心。” 郭沫若 《文艺论集·未来派的诗约及其批评下》:“他画的画,无论着色、构图、笔触,我们都可以用最高比较级的下列的形容词去形容它。”

  2. 指画笔接触画面形成的线条、色彩和图像。

    阿英 《西行漫画题记》:“每一笔触,都百分之一百表现其为‘ 中国 的’。” 王西彦 《古屋》第二部三:“夕阳把它们的斜影不规则地投在金黄焕发的禾田上,如像自然的笔触在自己的杰作里描着淡淡的暗块。”



  1. Untitled (2007) displays a linear web of interlaced black, white, blue, and pink strokes, the traces of a fine brush and a light touch.


  2. I also added a subtle drop shadow to the green layer to separate it a bit more from the yellow.


  3. A few quick upward brush strokes and my brows looked almost as good as if Jimena's divine hands had shaped them herself.


  4. It then fills the area with a mapping, which is an image buffer used to color up the painting area of each stroke.


  5. The apparently spontaneous paint strokes of many artists are the result of a long learning and hard work process.


  6. XUE Tao, a famous female poet in Tang Dynasty, injected in her poetry the cream of Chinese culture with her peculiar feminine subtlety.


  7. But it is the gritty crayon strokes that captured my attention, as if they were some illegible script, or alphabet.


  8. Hallward painted away with that marvellous bold touch of his, that had the true refinement and perfect delicacy in art.


  9. Like brush strokes on a canvas, ridges of color seem to flow across the Lagoon Nebula, a canvas nearly 3 light-years wide.


  1. 锋利的笔触

    a sharp style

  2. 粗放的笔触

    a free and easy style of writing or painting.

  3. 笔触增值迭迭乐

    Pen touch increasing toping fun

  4. 给影片运用笔触

    Apply Brush Stroke To Movie

  5. 她用雄健有力的笔触绘画。

    She paints with bold strokes of the brush.

  6. 论笔触在油画作品中的作用

    Style of Drawing in Oil Painting

  7. 他的写作风格奇巧,笔触生动。

    He writes in a picturesque style with vivid language.

  8. 她上色的时候用了细致的笔触。

    She applied the paint in careful strokes.

  9. 物象位置任由笔触自由停顿而定。

    The object image position is determined freely by random pause of brushwork.

  10. 这位作家得笔触细致入微, 令人赞叹。

    His delicate style is amazing.

  11. 这位作家的笔触细致入微,令人赞叹。

    His delicate style is amazing.

  12. 这位作家的笔触细致入微,令人赞叹。

    His delicate style is amazing.

  13. 我们能从对笔触的探究中得到什么?

    We can from the study of the brush get?

  14. 她以灵巧的笔触赋予这幅画生气。

    She gave life to the picture with a deft touch of the brush.

  15. 然后新建一层, 用很细的笔触起稿。

    I open a new layer and start to sketch with some thin brushes, as though drawing with a sharpened pencil.

  16. 我通过笔触描述他心理和脉搏的变化。

    Through brush strokes I depict the changes in his psychology and pulse.

  17. 他的动机来自于他种种强健的笔触和混乱。

    His motif emerges from various kinds of his nervous brushstroke, from chaos.

  18. 冯峰的画面笔触,同样充满书写的随意性。

    Feng Feng's brush strokes are also full of the accent of randomness in calligraphy.

  19. 这本书以幽默的笔触论述了父母的身份。

    The book takes a humorous look at parenthood.

  20. 这首诗以欢快的笔触肯定了爱情的力量。

    The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love.

  21. 以肯定然而谨慎的笔触画一张难忘的脸

    to portray with sure but sparing brush strokes an unforgettable face

  22. 今天,我们很欣赏这种似乎不循章法的笔触。

    Today we venerate this seemingly unruly brush strokes.

  23. 限量版画册专辑在画布上,手饰包括笔触。

    A limited edition giclee print on canvas, hand embellished including brush strokes.

  24. 这首诗以欢快得笔触肯定了爱情得力量。

    The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love.

  25. 我不把雪莲刻在石头上, 我把她留在我的笔触。

    But I will not carve it onto a stone on iceberg but into my writing.

  26. 大师们笔触的形成可以在他们的创作中找到渊源。

    Masters the formation of strokes can be found in their creative source.

  27. 懂得享受的人,总以从容不迫的笔触来描述现实。

    One who knows how to enjoy the life can always describe the reality at ease.

  28. 笔触延伸出了抽象的表现,同时也建构出空间感。

    His brush strokes extend the abstract representation, and build a sense of space.

  29. 细处来看,更小的画笔笔触也有相似的效果。

    At a more granular level, the smaller brush strokes have a similar effect.

  30. 她以颇为动人的笔触形容了自己的思想和生命。

    She describes her mind and life quite movingly.


  1. 问:笔触拼音怎么拼?笔触的读音是什么?笔触翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笔触的读音是bǐchù,笔触翻译成英文是 A strike of a painting brush on the paper, now the s...

  2. 问:笔触方法拼音怎么拼?笔触方法的读音是什么?笔触方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笔触方法的读音是bǐ chù fāng fǎ,笔触方法翻译成英文是 pen touch method






【英译】brush stroke;touch;brushwork;style of writing(drawing,etc.)

【基本解释】书画、文章等的笔法;格调笔触粗犷深沉的笔触详细解释1. 书画、文章等的笔法和格调。鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·序》:“在那黯然埋藏着的作品中,却满显出作者个人的主观和情绪,尤可以看见他对于笔触,色采和趣味,是怎样的尽力与经心。” 郭沫若 《文艺论集·未来派的诗约及其批评下》:“他画的画,无论着色、构图、笔触,我们都可以用最高比较级的下列的形容词去形容它。”