







汉语拼音:yù shì






  1. 指诸侯间相会的事。

    《战国策·魏策一》:“三国之相,不信 齐王 之遇,遇事遂败。”

  2. 碰到事情。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·筮仕·荐托》:“遇事居功不报,反为招怪。” 赵树理 《李家庄的变迁》十二:“以后咱们遇事的时候多啦,这不算什么!”



  1. Sunrise East China Sea off the sun, unhappy day, joyful day; failing into a dead end, people are comfortable, comfortable heart.


  2. When you put things off once, it's easier to put them off again, until the habit is so firmly ingrained that it cannot be easily broken.


  3. He continued to speak regardless of my feelings on the matter.


  4. He said she is a great cook with an artistic eye and a calm demeanor that can handle the pressure cooker that is the White House kitchen.


  5. Self control (Guk Ki). To have control of your body and mind. A Taekwondo student should practice controlling his actions and reactions.


  6. Saul said nothing that day, for he thought, "Something must have happened to David to make him ceremonially unclean--surely he is unclean. "


  7. More exchanges and more communication, failing to calm the heart and the air is crisp, the joy of music everywhere.


  8. It would be nice if we all went around fresh out of the shower and perfectly dressed.


  9. The reason I make friends with him who are in distress because he was brave, honest, and clever.


  1. 遇事冷静。

    Keep calm when problems crop up.

  2. 遇事报告主管

    keep superior informed

  3. 遇事报告上级

    keeping superiors informed

  4. 遇事和群众商量

    consult with the masses when problems arise

  5. 你不必遇事太认真。

    You do not have to take thing too seriously.

  6. 告诉同志们,遇事要沉着。

    Tell our comrades to keep calm when problems arise.

  7. 妻子说我遇事太冲动。

    My wife says I'm too impulsive.

  8. 她很镇静,遇事不慌乱。

    She's so calm, nothing seems to faze her.

  9. 像他父亲一样,遇事冷静。

    Like his father, he is of cool temper.

  10. 危难中镇定自若。遇事不慌

    Ability to remain calm and act quickly and sensibly in a crisis

  11. 我不是个遇事后退的人。

    I am not one of those that spare themselves the trouble.

  12. 他遇事断行,从不犹豫。

    He is a resolute man and never hesitates when it comes to making decisions.

  13. 他遇事断行,从不犹豫。

    He is a resolute man and never hesitates when it comes to making decisions.

  14. 女孩子遇事容易感到局促不安。

    Girls embarrass easily.

  15. 遇事踌躇不前, 就干不成大事。

    People who are hesitant when confronted with difficulties will never make great achievements.

  16. 遇事踌躇不前,就干不成大事。

    People who are hesitant when confronted with difficulties will never make great achievements.

  17. 遇事商量是他们婚姻的支柱。

    Discussing everything was the prop of their marriage.

  18. 总之,遇事一定要冷静就是了。

    Lose your cool and keep your cool are opposites.

  19. 教练员遇事必须同队员商量。

    A coach must consult with the players when matters arise.

  20. 途中遇事耽搁,故未能按期到达。

    I was held up on the way and so I was late.

  21. 当时人们尊尚鬼神, 遇事占卜。

    At that time, people believed in ghosts and practiced divination on important occasions.

  22. 沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度。

    I was calm and dispassionate attitude in distress.

  23. 挫折使他遇事只看其阴暗面。

    Frustration predisposes him to look on the dark side of things.

  24. 你到了那儿遇事要小心点。

    You must mind your p's and q's when you get there.

  25. 遇事要有主见,决不能随波逐流。

    One must have one's own opinions and not drift with the current.

  26. 不然, 遇事都过问, 同级党委吃不消。

    If they try to concern themselves with everything, they will only make trouble for the Party committee concerned.

  27. 他是那种遇事就恐慌的人吗?

    Is he the panicky type?

  28. 他在外边朋友多,遇事总能逢凶化吉。

    He has many connections, and he can always find some way of tiding over a crisis.

  29. 再者所谓坚持政治立场, 并非遇事固执己见。

    By keeping to a political stand we do not mean that they should be opinionated.

  30. 有些人遇事就采取冷嘲热讽的态度规避。

    Some people retreat into positions of hard irony and cynicism.


  1. 问:遇事拼音怎么拼?遇事的读音是什么?遇事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇事的读音是yùshì,遇事翻译成英文是 when anything comes up

  2. 问:遇事现打主意的拼音怎么拼?遇事现打主意的的读音是什么?遇事现打主意的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇事现打主意的的读音是,遇事现打主意的翻译成英文是 hit-or-miss




拼音:yù shì 基本解释 [when anything crops] 碰上变化或情况 遇事多想再做 详细解释 1. 指诸侯间相会的事。 《战国策·魏策一》:“三国之相,不信 齐王 之遇,遇事遂败。” 2. 碰到事情。 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·筮仕·荐托》:“遇事居功不报,反为招怪。” 赵树理 《李家庄的变迁》十二:“以后咱们遇事的时候多啦,这不算什么!”