




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 血 [xuè]2. 血 [xiě]血 [xuè]人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大多为红色,主要成分为“血浆”、“血细胞”和“血小板”。味咸而腥:~型。~脂。~压。~糖。~迹。~汗。~泪。~洗。~书。~雨腥风。~海深仇。人类因生育而……





汉语拼音:bīng bù xuè rèn








  • 【解释】:兵:武器;刃:刀剑等的锋利部分。兵器上没有沾上血。形容未经战斗就轻易取得了胜利。
  • 【出自】:《荀子·议兵》:“故近者亲其善,远方慕其德,兵不血刃,远迩来服。”
  • 【示例】:~,就平了广西省多年的乱党。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作定语、状语;形容未经交战就取得胜利


  1. In the end, people involved in the investigation said, Wal-Mart's leaders found a bloodlessly bureaucratic way to bury the matter.


  2. China has enormous population and natural resources that dwarfs Japan, and boy Chinese are out for blood, taking no prisoners.


  3. They too honored the great one, who had defeated their vast armies without spilling a drop of blood, except his own.


  4. The mercurial leader came to power in a bloodless coup against King Idris in 1969, when he was just an army captain.


  5. At first I was winning just barely, but after a few more games, I was able to win by a landslide.


  6. Arsenal were the night's biggest winners, scoring six without reply at home to Braga.


  7. By surrounding the city our troops achieve a bloodless victory.


  1. 这场战争必须速战速决,尽量兵不血刃。

    This war had to be fought fast and relatively bloodlessly.

  2. 兵不晓得散步,只知道齐步的75公分和正步的用力砸地。

    Soldier doesnt go for a walk, just go for75cm. Quick march or parade step that hard tamp the ground.

  3. 铜轴电缆不兵被光纤电缆替代。

    Copper shaft cable will be optical fibre cables.

  4. 兵贵乎勇不贵乎多

    Soldiers highly valued in courage, not highly valued in numbers

  5. 这不兵贬低纸的质量和畅通铜网, 不细布。

    This will reduce the quality of the paper and plug the brass, felt.

  6. 其分色参数撤销不兵间接感化制卡和会员卡制作成果。

    The color parameter is set to business card printing and membership card making.

  7. 因其是水溶性质料,所以搁置浑水不兵未曝平的局部冲刷掉。

    Because it is water soluble materials, using water unexposed part rinse.

  8. 绝不能以偏概全,草木皆兵,不能以势压人,强词夺理。

    They must on no account make sweeping criticisms, find something suspicious everywhere they look, use a position of power to intimidate others or try to convince them through sophistry.

  9. 如果刮墨刀运行功迟, 这不兵会减小附着的油墨层的薄量。

    If you run scraping knife too quickly, this will reduce the ink attachment.

  10. 如果客户有自己的接口, 我们会不兵不离他们的接口搁置。

    If the customer has its own interface, we will use their interface.

  11. 然后再用同样步调不兵不开底拔不入另一方框边。

    And then use the same steps to subsealing another box.

  12. 在这里, 敌人搞不到兵, 搞不到粮食。

    In this area the enemy cannot enlist soldiers or collect grain.

  13. 兵要的是真挚的言语或真挚的沉默。兵说他不懂得爱情。

    Soldier wants sincere spoken and reticent. He says that he doesn't understand what the love is.

  14. 这对于我的排兵布阵未尝不是件好事, 瑞典人补充说。

    It is good to have many options, added the Swede.

  15. 这对于我得排兵布阵未尝不是件好事, 瑞典人补充说。

    It is good to have many options, added the Swede.

  16. 如果敌军土兵不讲出真情,我们可以拷问他。

    We can put the enemy soldier to the question if he doesn't want to tell the truth.

  17. 故兵不顿, 而利可全, 此谋攻之法也。

    With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph will be complete. This is the method of attacking by stratagem.

  18. 最好的作战是不战而屈人兵。

    The superior fighter has won before engaging in battle.

  19. 秀才遇见兵, 有理讲不清

    Even when right a scholar never can win an argument with a military man

  20. 秀才遇见兵,有理说不清

    A scholar meeting a warriorunable to vindicate oneself against an unreasonable opponent.

  21. 我们不是少爷兵, 而是英勇善战的勇士。

    We are no carpet soldiers, but courageous troops.

  22. 我们不是少爷兵, 而是英勇善战得勇士。

    We are no carpet soldiers, but courageous troops.

  23. 他们大多是刚入伍的新兵,不是职业兵。

    They are mostly raw recruits, not professional soldiers.

  24. 现在我们把兵统统裁掉好不好?

    Would it be all right to demobilize all our troops now ?

  25. 我也不是在要兵。

    And I'm not asking for one.

  26. 由刮墨钢刀不兵短少油墨刮不兴。

    By scraping the ink curettement kitchen knives.

  27. 同样,底部图像不兵被锯齿形不天嵌入。

    Similarly, the bottom of the image will be indented to embed.

  28. 五是不收松真空抽头,不兵工件取下。

    Fifthly, release the vacuum tapped, the workpiece.

  29. 本文不兵片背切磋胶印连线寒烫技艺。

    This article will be fully explored perm technology printing line.

  30. 人们不兵这类金属油不朱称为金不朱和银不朱。

    This class will be referred to as a gold metallic ink and silver ink.


  1. 问:兵不血刃拼音怎么拼?兵不血刃的读音是什么?兵不血刃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兵不血刃的读音是bīngbúxuèrèn,兵不血刃翻译成英文是 win without firing a shot


