


1. 莫 [mò]2. 莫 [mù]莫 [mò]不要:~哭。没有,无:~大。~非。~名其妙(亦作“莫明其妙”)。不,不能:~如。~逆。~须有。~衷一是(不能得出一致的结论)。爱~能助。古同“漠”,广大。姓。莫 [mù]古同“暮”。……









汉语拼音:mò cè gāo shēn








  • 【解释】:高深的程度无法揣测。指处世的态度、或说话、文章的内容(多不用在正面,带贬义)。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·严延年传》:“吏民莫能测其意深浅。”
  • 【示例】:知县当然别有我们所~的妙法在。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. On the surface, he appeared open, simple and frank, yet he defied analysis and his whole character was elusive.


  2. He is that he's enigmatic, he or she did not understand that he's!


  3. The inadequacies and vagaries of these two outdated schemes have bewildered and frustrated generations of library users.


  4. Man of practice just knows something enigmatical. If you do not observe his deed and talk, it is difficult to know that he is a bookman .


  5. He had always felt the absolute impossibility of addressing that enigmatical man, who was, in his eyes, both equivocal and imposing.


  6. Whispered the great god, the deity's voice resonating with an unfathomable rumble of power.


  7. Tao is so profound that we have difficulty in establishing a clear code of conduct to replace it.


  8. Just like some cheaters, if they don't make themselves profound and deceitful, how do others believe them?


  1. 可恶,这玩意对我来说莫测高深

    Damn, some of this stuff is too hard for me.

  2. 当然我们不知世事的女孩子,莫测高深。

    Of course, to naive girls like myself, you're inscrutable.

  3. 环绕着她的那种神秘气氛, 又使我感到莫测高深。

    The mystery around her made me very curious.

  4. 温斯顿猛可里大汗淋漓,可脸色仍然是莫测高深。

    A sudden hot sweat had broken out all over Winston's body. His face remained completely inscrutable.

  5. 那其实很简单,一点也不高深。

    It's very, very simple. It's not rocket science.

  6. 它其实不是像火箭科学那么高深。

    It's actually not rocket science.

  7. 因此, 它所涉及的术语就像飞行员使用的术语一样, 极其高深。

    Consequently, it has a very complicated terminology not too unlike that used by pilots.

  8. 年高阅历深。

    They that live longest see most.

  9. 楼高地基深。

    High buildings have low foundations.

  10. 比山高, 比海深

    be loftier than mountains and deeper than seas

  11. 我们的友谊比天高, 比海深!

    Our friendship is deeper than the sea, is higher than the sky!

  12. 我们得友谊比天高, 比海深!

    Our friendship is deeper than the sea, is higher than the sky!

  13. 与监管者相比, 他们报酬高, 资历深, 影响大。

    They are better paid, better qualified and more influential than the regulators.

  14. 今夜我思念他们,他们对我的恩情比山高、比海深。

    I miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure.

  15. 冷轧深冲高磷薄板钢研究

    A study on the cold rolled deep drawing high phosphorus sheet steel

  16. 高碳马氏体深冷处理后分解产物的组织分析

    Structural analysis of decomposition production of high carbon martensite after cryogenic treatment

  17. 激光加工产生得孔比标准制造技术有更高得直径深比。

    The resulting lasermachined holes have a much higher aspect ratio than holes achieved with standard fabrication techniques.

  18. 激光加工产生的孔比标准制造技术有更高的直径深比。

    The resulting lasermachined holes have a much higher aspect ratio than holes achieved with standard fabrication techniques.

  19. 山越高, 谷越深。

    The higher the mountain, the deep the valley.

  20. 山越高,谷越深。

    The higher the mountain ,the deep the valley .

  21. 酚类含量高得茶颜色深。

    A high phenolic content gives a tea with a high color.

  22. 酚类含量高的茶颜色深。

    A high phenolic content gives a tea with a high color.

  23. 高地温问题是深埋长大隧道的主要地质灾害问题之一。

    High geotemperature is one of the main problems which occur in deeply lying long and big tunnel.

  24. 再高的塔楼, 再深的岩窟。

    There is no tower as high or cave so deep.

  25. 地势极而南溟深,天柱高而北辰远。

    And the terrain very deep South drizzle, Tianzhu high Tien far.

  26. 山愈高,峭壁愈陡。爬得愈高,跌得愈深。

    The higher the mountain, the greater descent.

  27. 用深地球色比如高光红是非常理想的颜色。

    Natural earthy shades with touches of red are ideal.

  28. 超深高应力

    high stress in deep mine.

  29. 我在外面走动, 起先没有给里面注意到, 那窗子很深而且很高。

    I walked about the outside, unobserved from within, the window was so deep and high.

  30. 初始含水量越高和地表积水越深越利于雨水的入渗。

    Rainwater may infiltrate more easily with a higher initial soil water content and a deeper surface pond.


  1. 问:莫测高深拼音怎么拼?莫测高深的读音是什么?莫测高深翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莫测高深的读音是mòcègāoshēn,莫测高深翻译成英文是 too profound to be understood; unfathomabl...

  2. 问:莫测高深地拼音怎么拼?莫测高深地的读音是什么?莫测高深地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莫测高深地的读音是,莫测高深地翻译成英文是 inscrutably


