


1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……


跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhuī suí








  1. 跟随。

    《后汉书·党锢传·夏馥》:“ 静 追随至客舍,共宿。” 三国 魏 曹植 《公宴》诗:“清夜游西园,飞盖相追随。” 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第二折:“怎禁他这孩儿倒疾,紧拽住咱家衣袂,则待要步步追随。” 何其芳 《欢呼我国第一颗人造卫星上天》诗:“我的心追随卫星,以莫大的欢欣和速度,环绕地球飞奔。”



  1. Earlier, thousands of his followers were detained, mostly for a short time, around the country.


  2. The demographic description of target users just coincide with that of Chou's followers.


  3. She warns him against the dangers of his political activities and tells him that the doge wants her to marry his courtier Paolo.


  4. There was more than just a right kind of politics, one of her followers recalled.


  5. I followed with my eye the winding of the road and saw that it curved close to one of the densest of these clumps and was lost behind it.


  6. It could never have crossed his mind that he would wind up with a security adviser having a constituency of his own.


  7. not to follow me, not to make out of me a cage which will become a religion, a sect.


  8. He said, the Libyan leader, Col. Moammar Gadhafi, and his loyalists will be held accountable for continuing violence.


  9. She divides them into five categories based on how much they care about the organization, ranging from 'isolates' to 'diehards.


  1. 我们追随总统。

    We follow our president.

  2. 能追随歌声飞扬?

    That it can follow the flight of song?

  3. 顺从的追随者

    a fictile follower

  4. 紧紧追随你的信仰。

    Stand fast to your beliefs.

  5. 我追随火焰的纯净。

    I follow the purity of flame.

  6. 追随心灵无常的遐想。

    According to the Caprice of the mind.

  7. 我想我能追随夜星

    I can follow the evening star

  8. 我将追随我心所指。

    I'm going where my heart will take me.

  9. 都追随一个永生者

    All drawn to the man who is immune to death.

  10. 那你为什么要追随他?

    Why do you follow him?

  11. 那你为什么要追随他?

    Why do you follow him?

  12. 你追随的这颗星星。

    This star, the one that you have followed.

  13. 问题紧紧追随着他。

    He is with problems at his heels.

  14. 问题紧紧追随着他。

    He is with problems at his heels.

  15. 如果他追随帕西法厄。

    If he were to join Pasiphae.

  16. 你树立榜样让我们追随

    This place can't function without you.

  17. 追随和拥护印度教的人。

    A person who adheres to Hinduism.

  18. 追随虚浮的, 却是无知。

    But those who follow worthless pursuits have no sense.

  19. 众多追随者的奉承?

    to bask in the adulation of his numerous companions

  20. 誓死追随你是什么感觉

    willing to follow you up to the gates of Hell!

  21. 追随公认的风俗和礼仪。

    Following accepted customs and proprieties.

  22. 我将追随你到天涯海角。

    I will follow you even to the Pillars of Hercules.

  23. 追随自己得心坚守信念!

    The heart which follow myself guard securely conviction!

  24. 追随自己的心坚守信念!

    The heart which follow myself guard securely conviction!

  25. 如果你追随妮基去秘鲁

    If you follow Nikki to Peru.

  26. 他有追随女人的癖习。

    He has the habit of dangling about women.

  27. 这20年来我追随你父亲

    I followed your father around for 18 years.

  28. 我注定要追随文鲜明

    to be his disciple.

  29. 集拢一些忠实追随者。

    Round up some loyal followers.

  30. 施洗礼学说的追随者。

    follower of Baptistic doctrines.


  1. 问:追随拼音怎么拼?追随的读音是什么?追随翻译成英文是什么?

    答:追随的读音是zhuīsuí,追随翻译成英文是 follow

  2. 问:追随者拼音怎么拼?追随者的读音是什么?追随者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:追随者的读音是,追随者翻译成英文是 epigone

  3. 问:追随反应拼音怎么拼?追随反应的读音是什么?追随反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:追随反应的读音是zhuī suí fǎn yìng,追随反应翻译成英文是 following reaction



“追随”是个多义词,它可以指追随(1998年克里斯托弗·诺兰执导英国电影), 追随(2010年玛丽娜·迪克执导法国电影), 追随(1998年克里斯托弗·诺兰执导美国电影), 追随(词语释义)。