







汉语拼音:gēn bān









  1. 旧时跟随在官员身边供使唤的人。

    《官场现形记》第三一回:“於是有两三个跟班扶持着,勉强出来会客。”《九尾龟》第二一回:“无可奈何,便改了行业,出去当差,央人荐到 浙江 一个候补知府公馆内,当了几年跟班。” 方之 《阁楼上》一:“‘文攻武卫’那阵,他是 郑 ‘司令’的讲稿起草人兼跟班,后来被提拔为政工组长。”亦指主人的随从。《镜花缘》第七八回:“我非你的跟班,为何你在我前。” 张友鹤 注:“跟班,跟随出行的僕人。” 沈从文 《三三》:“每一个人家,房子里一定还有许多跟班同丫头,跟班的坐在大门前接客人的名片,丫头便为老爷剥莲心。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·村歌下篇》:“你们娶聘,骑马坐轿,绫罗绸缎,跟房跟班,你们享过福。”

  2. 随同班级或班组一起活动。如:跟班劳动;跟班听课。



  1. an old man , the counts valet as he was called , danilo terentyitch , came up to the crowd and called mishka.

  2. Hurst, principally occupied in playing with her bracelets and rings, joined now and then in her brother's conversation with Miss Bennet.

  3. So far Mr Obama has been happy to leave much of the legislative heavy lifting to Congress.

  4. I make it a point to share with my classes whenever my dogs do funny things.

  5. Though understanding no Chinese, the American girl was able to communicate with the other students in her class.

  6. rge went to seek the valet de chambre , and returned with him in an instant.

  7. To secure those votes, governments "needed to spend money, not for investment and development, but in a clientelistic way, " he said.

  8. In the grand arena of ideas, we have tended to see emotion as the poorer cousin to thought, especially in the context of persuasion.

  9. They referred to me as their "cute little submissive. " It was nice.


  1. 审核跟班质量报告。

    Check quality records of shift.

  2. 她今天是我的跟班。

    She'll be shadowing me today.

  3. 而我会是你的跟班。

    But I get to be the entourage.

  4. 我觉得我就像她的跟班。

    And I feel like I am her lackey.

  5. 你跟班杜奇先生怎么样了

    So, how's it going with Mr. Banducci?

  6. 我受够当别人的跟班了

    I'm done being everybody's bitch.

  7. 骑士可能有一个战士小跟班。

    A knight could have a small holdfast and garrison of menatarms.

  8. 在学校我总是跟班上的同学合不来。

    I was always the odd man out in my class at school.

  9. 做你的小跟班应付采访不算什么

    the least I could do is be your P. R. Lackey.

  10. 你哥和他的跟班不一起来的话。

    You know, if your brother and his yes man hadn't come along.

  11. 她身后随着一个矮个子男人做跟班。

    She towed in attendance behind her a short man.

  12. 你和你的小跟班帮不了那些人。

    You and your little helper couldn't save those people.

  13. 你是我老头他什么人啊?跟班吗?

    What do you do for my dad? Follower?

  14. 倘使我想跟班你, 他们能否会朝气呢?

    Would they be more upseted if I thought of joining you ?

  15. 瞧,你的小跟班其实也不是一无是处呀。

    See? Your sidekick isn't completely useless.

  16. 跟班们奉命担任警戒, 以防发生打岔的事。

    The men were ordered to keep watch against interruption.

  17. 跟班们奉命担任警戒,以防发生打岔得事。

    The men were ordered to keep watch against interruption.

  18. 斯隆代理主任,我就成了主任的小跟班

    so Sloan's the chief, and I am the chief's bitch.

  19. 但大家都知道我只找法国人做跟班。

    But they know I only accept French valets.

  20. 伯爵拉了一下铃,一个跟班应声而至。

    The count rang, and a footman appeared.

  21. 我跟班上的一位男同学一直相处得。

    I'm getting along well with a boy in my class.

  22. 你和你的变态跟班们只是想那我们开刷。

    You and your fembots just want to make fun of us.

  23. 所谓男人,是婚前叫跟班,婚后叫老爷的家伙。

    What is a man? He is a personal attendant before marriage but the master after it.

  24. 但是我感觉我跟班里的许多同学没有共同语言!

    But I feel I have to join the common language of many of the students did not!

  25. 五点钟一敲,就关门谢客。那位跟班回答。

    To close the door against visitors as soon as the clock struck five, replied the valet.

  26. 我跟班上的一位男同学一直相处得很好。

    I'm getting along well with a boy in my class.

  27. 这些经历让我富有,现在这些男人都成了我的跟班。

    Experience has made me rich, and now they're after me.

  28. 小跟班不预期这场比赛会全然令人气馁的。

    Karstens doesn't expect the game to be overly daunting.

  29. 给我一杯浓的卡布奇诺和跟班肌肉男。

    Get me a double cappuccino and muscular stock boy.

  30. 需要一群跟班捧场的人来奉承她的一位女演员

    anactress who needed an entourage of lickspittles and lackeys to toady to her.


  1. 问:跟班拼音怎么拼?跟班的读音是什么?跟班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跟班的读音是gēnbān,跟班翻译成英文是 footman; join a regular shift, work or class...



旧时跟随在官员身边供使唤的人。 随同班级或班组一起活动。如:跟班劳动;跟班听课。