


1. 仆 [pū]2. 仆 [pú]仆 [pū]向前跌倒:~倒。前~后继。仆 [pú]被人雇佣差遣服务的人,与“主”相对:~人。~从。旧谦称“我”。……


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:pú cóng








  1. 侍仆、从官。

    《书·冏命》:“其侍御僕从,罔匪正人。” 孔 传:“虽给侍进御僕役从官,官虽微,无不用中正之人。”

  2. 跟随在身边的仆人。

    《后汉书·单超传》:“其僕从皆乘牛车而从列骑。” 唐 韩愈 《寄卢仝》诗:“水南山人又继往,鞍马僕从塞閭里。”《醒世恒言·吴衙内邻舟赴约》:“那医者更是扩而充之,乘着轿子,三四个僕从跟随,相见之后,高谈阔论,也先探了病源,方纔诊脉。” 清 刘大櫆 《江贞女传》:“乃以辛巳之四月,携僕从,乘舟直抵 吴门 。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第十章:“ 周仆 笑着说:‘不过,我这个仆从,是比他们要忠实得多的仆从。’”



  1. The sounds of thunder and lightning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.


  2. Protect him from the treacheries of evil men and grant him strength to 'smite the servants of the dark.


  3. She went into a long room, but when she saw the Sultan, his Vizier, and all his slaves, she was very afraid.


  4. Yet even in a country as batty as North Korea, it would be odd to throw a lavish get-together of the main party hacks for no reason.


  5. After all, we're not murderers, no matter what that corpse valet dreams up in his foolish head.


  6. When Lord Byron visited the glories of Greece (then an Ottoman dependency), he brought five servants with him.


  7. Hu sent away his maids, concubines and servants, and killed himself in deep grief right before the imperial edict arrived.


  8. To remain undercover, he had to pretend to be Peluso's loyal servant, which meant sacrificing his own dignity and reputation.


  9. He surrounds himself with servants to guard and protect him. And he spends much of his time hunting for Kiaransalee.


  1. 仆从目中无英雄

    No man is a hero to his valet

  2. 她是诸神的仆从。

    She was a servant of the gods.

  3. 她是诸神的仆从。

    She was a servant of the gods.

  4. 神谕祭司是诸神的仆从

    The Oracle is a servant of the gods.

  5. 女王身边总有仆从跟随。

    The queen was always surrounded by her attendants.

  6. 跑向服侍安伯莲的仆从

    Ran into the Henchman who severed Anne boleyn

  7. 哦, 你是个不自觉的仆从。

    Oh, you are an unconscious henchman.

  8. 莫里哀喜剧中的仆从角色分析

    The analysis of footman character in moliere's comedy

  9. 我比寄人篱下的仆从好不了多少。

    I am little better than a dependant.

  10. 巫妖王在看著我们这些仆从!

    The Lich King watches over us minions!

  11. 地狱战马是燃烧军团燃烧着的仆从。

    Felsteeds are the fiery equine servants of the Burning Legion.

  12. 不过她嫁给的不是一个低层的仆从。

    Only now she won't be marrying a lowly servant.

  13. 付费可享有安全的底下停车以及仆从服务。

    Secured underground parking and valet service available for a fee.

  14. 他能给予召唤者优秀的仆从以便传授艺术。

    He given good Familiars and such as can teach all Arts.

  15. 他说他希望我能证明我和我的父亲一样忠心的仆从。

    He said he hoped I would prove as faithful a servant as my father.

  16. 拜伦勋爵寻访希腊的辉煌时,随身带了五个仆从。

    When Lord Byron visited the glories of Greece, he brought five servants with him.

  17. 从前法老恼怒臣仆,把我和膳长下在护卫长府布的监里。

    Pharaoh was once angry with his servants, and he imprisoned me and the chief baker in the house of the captain of the guard.

  18. 这个富翁有仆从30名。

    The millionaire had a staff of 30 servants.

  19. 接下来的时间他恩准他的仆从们休息。

    Then was the hour in which he granted rest to his servants.

  20. 是我和波塞冬的忠实仆从。

    A loyal servant to me and to Poseidon.

  21. 为什么不只是创造狭义人工智能仆从?

    Why not just create narrow AI servants?

  22. 吾之仆从,在此呼应吾之命令,为胜利而显露汝之刃!

    To cast in the name of mine, heed my command, and unveil your blades for victory!

  23. 他躲过仆从们的注意, 潜入到橄榄树林幽凉的深处。

    stealing away from the sight of his slaves into the cool recesses of the olive grove.

  24. 已知习惯作为亡灵仆从, 骷髅马遵循主人的任意命令。

    Tricks Known As an undead minion, the skeletal horse follows any command its master gives.

  25. 他能给予优秀的仆从,并能显示被恶灵守护的宝藏。

    He giveth Good Familiars, and can bewray Treasure that is kept by Spirits.

  26. 为了生计,他做过好多事,从男仆、助手到大使。

    He earned his living during this period, working as everything from footman to assistant to an ambassador.

  27. 通过咒语他结识了梅菲斯特, 也就是魔鬼得仆从。

    By conjuration he calls up Mephistophilis, the Devil's servant.

  28. 谁也想不到他竟然从昔日得男仆变成了今天得经理。

    Jeeves was Bertie Wooster's man.

  29. 谁也想不到他竟然从昔日的男仆变成了今天的经理。

    Jeeves was Bertie Wooster's man.

  30. 由德军及仆从军所组成的最大军队集团彻底遭到覆灭。

    By the German Army and the minion, which comprises the largest military group was complete destruction.


  1. 问:仆从拼音怎么拼?仆从的读音是什么?仆从翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仆从的读音是púcóng,仆从翻译成英文是 footman; retainer; lacquey

  2. 问:仆从军拼音怎么拼?仆从军的读音是什么?仆从军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仆从军的读音是pú cóng jūn,仆从军翻译成英文是 vassal troops



词目仆从 读音pú cóng 释义跟随在身边的仆人 出处后汉书·单超传其仆从皆乘牛车而从列骑 唐·韩愈寄卢仝诗水南山人又继往鞍马仆从塞闾里醒世恒言·吴衙内邻舟赴约那医者更是扩而充之乘着轿子三四个仆从跟随相见之后高谈阔论也先探了病源方才诊脉 示例清·刘大櫆江贞女传乃以辛巳之四月携仆从乘舟直抵吴门 魏巍东方第五部第十章 周仆 笑着说不过我这个仆从是比他们要忠实得多的仆从