







汉语拼音:nú cai









  1. 亦作“ 奴材 ”。詈词。有鄙薄轻视之意。

    《晋书·刘元海载记》:“ 颖 不用吾言,逆自奔溃,真奴才也!” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·漾水》:“故 李特 至 劒阁 而嘆曰:‘ 刘氏 有如此地而面缚於人,岂不奴才也!’” 唐 赵璘 《因话录·商上》:“伊不赏父之都虞候,而惜母之阿嬭儿,非奴材而何?” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·奴材》:“世之鄙人之不肖者为奴材。”《儒林外史》第二七回:“被他妈一顿臭駡道:‘倒运的奴才,没福气的奴才。’”

  2. 家奴;奴仆。


  3. 引申为奴性十足,甘心供人驱使、帮助作恶的人。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·听稗》:“正排着低品走狗奴才队,都做了高节清风大英雄!” 续范亭 《威言》:“除了你们少数奴才走狗享乐舒服以外,试问那一个 中国 人神经不受刺激,不伤脑筋?”

  4. 明 清 两代宦官及 清 代旗籍文武官员对皇帝自称奴才, 清 代旗籍家庭的奴仆对主人亦自称奴才。

    清 朝皇帝对旗籍官吏有时亦以奴才称之。



  1. By comparison, Alcibiades' education is like that of an old, ignorant slave.


  2. She cried out, "Pierce me with the awl, but keep that slender, hair-like slave (the needle) out of me. "


  3. The light of day seldom penetrates to this cave, for the enemy and his minions prefer darkness for their labors.


  4. I would regard it as the deepest disgrace and sorrow of my life to live among the flunkeys and become their chief.


  5. If a man is caught kidnapping one of his brother Israelites and treats him as a slave or sells him, the kidnapper must die.


  6. Even he had not foreseen the greedy eyes of the servants, who had little to do but look important.


  7. But these people came to the emperor, just a slave, as the saying goes: the giddy, visible their life isn't easy.


  8. Of course these instruments are usually controlled by those who administrate the minion training program, but they don't have to be.


  9. The best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a minister.


  1. 奴才巴结主子。

    Underlings fawn on their bosses.

  2. 帝国主义的奴才

    a lackey of imperialism

  3. 独裁者及其奴才

    the dictator and his minions

  4. 你是主任的奴才

    Uh, you're the chief's bitch.

  5. 这是一种奴才心理。

    This is psychology of a kind of flunky.

  6. 你这个卑鄙无耻的奴才!

    You slimy little creep!

  7. 撒旦的奴才又在活动了。

    Satan's minions at work again.

  8. 大胆奴才!你竟敢私通主母。

    How dare you seduce your master.

  9. 边的几个奴才得她的心啊!

    A few slaves of side get her center!

  10. 这个奴才对主子的意图心领神会。

    The lackey immediately understood what his master wanted.

  11. 一群奴才都出来, 将傻子赶走。

    A bunch of flunkies ran out and chased Moron away.

  12. 这种奴才不会了解我们的苦心。

    No matter what you say, he will never understand us.

  13. 魔力将与奴才和佣工发现工作吗?

    Will Magic Find work with Minions and Hirelings?

  14. 殿下,奴才一直在中宫伺候才人们。

    Your highness, I am always in the Central Palace serving the talent ladies.

  15. 我需要奴才给我打下手,新的教学计划

    I need minions to do my crap work. Some new teaching thing.

  16. 不要掉进陷阱,成了没脑子的奴才。

    Dont fall into the trap of becoming a mindless minion.

  17. 不懂挣钱和积财,只能永远当奴才

    He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save

  18. 有时我就像秦桧的那八个狗屎奴才。

    Sometimes I feel like the seven dwarfs.

  19. 有时我就像秦桧得那八个狗屎奴才。

    Sometimes I feel like the seven dwarfs.

  20. 我将没有一个臣民,我将不再是奴才们的君主。

    Then, with all my subjects gone, I would no longer be the king of flunkeys.

  21. 傻子跟奴才到他屋外,动手就砸那泥墙。

    Moron started to pound the clay wall once he followed Lackey to the house.

  22. 一个没有胆量的, 靠着官府势力压迫人的奴才

    a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, threesuited, hundredpound, filthy, worstedstocking knave

  23. 贾桂是京剧法门寺里明朝宦官刘瑾 的亲信奴才。

    The Famen Temple, Chia Kuei is a trusted lackey of Liu Chin, a Ming Dynasty eunuch.

  24. 鲁迅先生常常骂的奴才相,共产党员是不能有的。

    The last thing Communist Party members should exhibit is the servility Lu Xun used to condemn.

  25. 鲁迅先生常常骂得奴才相,共产党员是不能有得。

    The last thing Communist Party members should exhibit is the servility Lu Xun used to condemn.

  26. 在宫殿里,男爵,伯爵走来走去,个个一副奴才相。

    Inside the house, barons and counts and dukes were walking around like servants.

  27. 支持哪一边的人都只是你奴才在游戏外面的卒子而已。

    People who support EITHER party are just pawns in the game.

  28. 为什么期望奴才做他们的工作,仅仅是因为你付了钱呢?

    Why expect flunkies to do their jobs just because you pay them?

  29. 奴才及其主子还不还政与民, 滚回德国马列祖宗家去。

    The slave and his master political back to people, and Go back homeland for Marx and Lenin's Germany!

  30. 最好的医生将会愤然拒绝服兵役,也不会去做部长大臣们的奴才。

    The best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a minister.


  1. 问:奴才拼音怎么拼?奴才的读音是什么?奴才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奴才的读音是núcai,奴才翻译成英文是 flunkey



奴才是指待奉主子之奴仆(满语称包衣阿哈),现代一般用于讽刺,含负面意义。 清时期太监面对皇帝亦会自称奴才,满族大臣和入旗的汉族大臣面对皇帝也会自称奴才(表示亲近),而没入旗籍的汉臣却不自称奴才,只准称臣。乾隆时有汉臣邀宠而自称奴才,因此规定之后大臣无论满汉上奏折一律称臣。