




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……







汉语拼音:kǒu shuō wú píng








  • 【解释】:单凭口说,不足为据。
  • 【出自】:元·乔梦符《扬州梦》第四折:“你不合打凤牢龙,翻云覆雨,陷人坑井。咱两个口说无凭。”
  • 【示例】:此皆~,待我亲去踏看明。
  • 【语法】:复句式;作补语、分句;指口头说不能作为凭据


  1. Both Britain and France have said that they will judge Colonel Qaddafi on his actions, not on his words.


  2. Reporter: Where is your company? Did Qian Hui go to should have receipt? The mouth says to not have by ah!


  1. 口说无凭, 立据为证

    verbal statements being no guarantee, a written agreement is hereby made.

  2. 口说无凭, 立此为据。

    Verbal statements being no guarantee, a written agreement is hereby made.

  3. 口说无凭,立此为据。

    Verbal statements being no guarantee, a written agreement is hereby made.

  4. 口说无凭, 我们用行动证明!

    Acts speak louder than words!

  5. 口说无凭, 得靠真本事通过考验才行。

    I said no rhyme or reason, they have real ability to pass the test would do.

  6. 口说无凭。

    Verbal statements are no guarantee.

  7. 口说不如身临

    To hear it told is not equal to experience.

  8. 口说文化, 文字文化, 媒介文化

    The oral culture, charaetery culture and the media culture

  9. 口说的而不是书写的。

    using speech rather than writing.

  10. 恶人的口说乖谬的话。

    But the mouth of the wicked what is perverse.

  11. 诗1448他们的口说谎话,们的右手起假誓。

    Whose mouths speak deceit, And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

  12. 任何沟通现象,未必是口说表达,例如手势,皱眉等。

    Any communicative phenomenon, not necessarily vocalized, for example a gesture, frown, etc.

  13. 不要口说产品有多好。让产品在自己身上产生效用。

    Do not work on the products, let the products work on you!

  14. 求你救拔我,救我脱离外邦人的手。他们的口说谎话。

    Deliver me and rescue me from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful.

  15. 他耳不能听,口不能说。

    He can neither see nor talk.

  16. 我口要说智慧得言语,我心要想通达得道理。

    My mouth will speak words of wisdom utterance from my heart will give understanding.

  17. 我口要说智慧的言语,我心要想通达的道理。

    My mouth will speak words of wisdom utterance from my heart will give understanding.

  18. 对於宗教,他只是口上说说,因为对他的生意有利。

    He paid lip service to religion just because it was good for business.

  19. 智慧人的口,说出恩言。愚昧人的嘴,吞灭自己。

    Words from a wise man's mouth are gracious, but a fool is consumed by his own lips.

  20. 对于宗教,他只是口上说说,因为对他的生意有利。

    He paid lip service to religion just because it was good for business.

  21. 马可说,有时候写信比口说,更能够保护房客的权益。

    Sometimes writing letter can protect your rights better than just talking.

  22. 马可说,有时候写信比口说,更能够保护房客得权益。

    Sometimes writing letter can protect your rights better than just talking.

  23. 她每开一次口, 就说错一次话。

    Whenever she opens her mouth, she puts her foot in it.

  24. 我说得口干舌燥。

    My mouth was parched and my tongue scorched with speaking.

  25. 他喝了口威士忌又接着说。

    He took a sip of whisky before he went on.

  26. 祥子咽了口气,不知说什么好。

    Xiangzi gulped, not knowing what to say.

  27. 诺利斯太太喘了口气,又说了下去。

    Mrs. Norris fetched breath and went on again.

  28. 院长无可奈何,大主教的话已经说出了口。

    The prioress could do nothing; the archbishop had spoken.

  29. 纳西莎颤抖着深深吸了口气, 又开始说了起来。

    She took a great, shuddering breath and started again.

  30. 在一刹那间, 他相信这些话确实已经说出了口。

    For one instant, he believed that these words had passed his lips.



口说无凭是一个成语,意思是单凭口说,不足为据,典出 元·乔梦符《扬州梦》第四折:“你不合打凤牢龙,翻云覆雨,陷人坑井。咱两个口说无凭。”