


扁平物体上下两个面的距离:~度。~薄(厚度)。扁平物体上下两个面距离较大的,与“薄”相对:~纸。~重(zhòng )(a.又厚又重;b.丰厚;c.厚道而庄重)。深,重(zhòng ),浓,多:~望。不刻薄,待人好:~道(诚恳,宽容,“道”读……





汉语拼音:hòu dao








  1. 为人善良宽容,不刻薄。

    明 张萱 《疑耀·官吏不得受监临饮食》:“今 曹修 止於尊酒,随而自首,已为刻薄,法官又以赃罪加之,剖析一条,以为二事,不察人情,不顾大体,非厚道也。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“大凡做个人,原要厚道些。” 巴金 《砂丁》四:“ 张先生 相貌厚道,做起事来刻毒!”



  1. With this there had been a real increase of humane feeling.

  2. eg. I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him.

  3. But, anyway, it seemed like an awful thing to do when they're bringing these falcons and hawks who were imported to intercept these people.

  4. He was more enthusiastic about America than ever, and he was not so simple, and he was not so nice.

  5. The strong sense of responsibility and the warm-hearted attitude helped me have good interpersonal relationship during my college life.

  6. In my opinion, I feel the do people want thick road, should be modest, but do not talk big, big show off their own.

  7. That gets a little touchy and sensitive to people, as you might guess.

  8. As a sage explained, "I believe that the first test of a truly great man is his humanity. "

  9. "It's hard to talk about somebody's home in terms of picking winners and losers, but this is virtually what this comes down to, " he says.


  1. 你这样可不厚道

    You can't be mad at me.

  2. 宽容厚道的本性。

    A forgiving nature

  3. 有点不厚道吗

    going behind my back like that?

  4. 他为人厚道, 做事勤快。

    Zhang was honest and hard working.

  5. 让我待人多一点厚道。

    Let me be kinder.

  6. 这样好像太不厚道了。

    It just seems mean.

  7. 这样好像太不厚道了。

    It just seems mean.

  8. 因为这是厚道的本质。

    Because that is the essence of humanity.

  9. 他是一位厚道的农民。

    He's an honest and kind peasant.

  10. 她最主要的品质是厚道。

    Her most essential quality is kindness.

  11. 他的厚道员工们了然于心。

    His kindness did not go unnoticed by his staff.

  12. 他对每个人都很厚道。

    He treats everyone with kindness.

  13. 那话说得可不太厚道。

    That wasnt a very charitable remark.

  14. 他拒绝帮忙, 真是有失厚道。

    It was unchristian of him to refuse to help.

  15. 她最大的特点是为人厚道。

    Her greatest attribute was her kindness.

  16. 你们可真是善良厚道的人啊!

    How good and kind you are!

  17. 你那么聪明, 但你却不太厚道。

    You're so clever, but you're not very nice.

  18. 他对人不厚道,老是嘲笑人家。

    He was unkind to people, making jokes at their expense.

  19. 这或许是一种不厚道的说法。

    A touch unkind, perhaps.

  20. 做人要厚道有比我的经典的吗?

    Do people want shick road?

  21. 随着这一点, 人情也确实厚道了。

    With this there had been a real increase of humane feeling.

  22. 宽厚, 仁慈仁慈厚道的状况或品质

    The condition or quality of being lenient.

  23. 他那么厚道, 以至于我们大家都喜欢他。

    His kindness was such as to make us all love him.

  24. 别把我的厚道作为你欺负我的本钱!

    Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.

  25. 厚道,勤奋,务实是企业的核心理念。

    kindliness, diligence and pragmatics are the core concepts of the enterprise.

  26. 他为人厚道,结果别人都向他借钱。

    His kindness was leading up to a request for money.

  27. 你们的记者认为两边的人都不厚道。

    Your correspondent thinks both sides are disingenuous.

  28. 他待人那么厚道,我们永远不会忘记他。

    His kindness was such that we will never forget him.

  29. 他一向厚道,根本不是会惹是非的人。

    He is always honest and kind, he will not stir up trouble.

  30. 他一向厚道,根本不是会惹是非的人。

    He is always honest and kind, he will not stir up trouble.


  1. 问:厚道拼音怎么拼?厚道的读音是什么?厚道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厚道的读音是hòudào,厚道翻译成英文是 kind



“厚道”是个多义词,它可以指厚道(汉语词语), 厚道(江苏文艺出版社出版图书)。