




扁平物体上下两个面的距离:~度。~薄(厚度)。扁平物体上下两个面距离较大的,与“薄”相对:~纸。~重(zhòng )(a.又厚又重;b.丰厚;c.厚道而庄重)。深,重(zhòng ),浓,多:~望。不刻薄,待人好:~道(诚恳,宽容,“道”读……



汉语拼音:zhōng hòu








  1. 忠实厚道。

    《荀子·礼论》:“礼者谨於治生死者也……故事生不忠厚,不敬文,谓之野;送死不忠厚,不敬文,谓之瘠。” 杨倞 注:“忠厚,忠心篤实。”《史记·郑世家》:“ 子产 者, 郑成公 少子也。为人仁爱人,事君忠厚。” 唐 韩愈 《刘公墓志铭》:“长子 元一 ,朴直忠厚。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·结构》:“凡作传奇者,先要涤去此种肺肠,务存忠厚之心,勿为残毒之事。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部七:“他办事正派,待人忠厚,一个心眼看人,从不计算别人,也很少想到别人对他耍花招。”

  2. 指老实而不精明。

    沈从文 《王谢子弟》:“ 湘云 那孩子痴,太忠厚了,我担心她会受人欺侮。”



  1. On her decision to leave home in the moment, an umbrella stopped above her head, it is a steady appearance of honest men honest.


  2. The real piety and benevolence of the simple old man invested him with a temporary dignity and authority, as he spoke.


  3. And the kind creature retreated into the garden, overcome with emotion.


  4. An honest man , strong , fearless, was struck down by a colossal power, perverted by an evil influence .


  5. he was just a good, dull, honest, plain man.


  6. In the face of such a person, honest honest is of no use, they will insatiable, then you have nothing to remedy the situation?


  7. The Badger, resting from his labours, leant on his stick and wiped his honest brow.


  8. Yu Jie's partner is to be an honest man, perhaps somewhat dependent on intelligence competent Yu Jie.


  9. But sometimes I feel not a little necessary Then if necessary I'll see you as a loyal friends!


  1. 他忠厚老成。

    He is honest and steady.

  2. 忠厚的弗雷德!

    Good old Fred!

  3. 他为人忠厚老实。

    He is kind and simple.

  4. 他为人忠厚质朴。

    He is simple and honest.

  5. 忠厚乃处世之本。

    Honesty is the policy.

  6. 她利用了他的忠厚。

    She imposed upon his good nature.

  7. 其实,我算够忠厚了。

    Actually I'm faithful enough.

  8. 你曾利用他的忠厚。

    You have imposed on his good nature.

  9. 我是爱心狗, 爱心又忠厚。

    I am BUDDY DOG, loyal and loving.

  10. 他们外表忠厚,却暗藏杀机。

    They may be more dangerous than they seem.

  11. 他为人忠厚老实,热情诚恳。

    His humanness is honest and tolerant and frank, enthusiastic and cordial.

  12. 咱们都以为他对同伙忠厚。

    We all consider him loyal to his friends.

  13. 那个忠厚老实人难过到极点。

    That honest creature was in deep affliction

  14. 一个轻信的父亲, 一个忠厚的哥哥。

    EDM A credulous father, and a brother noble.

  15. 他外表忠厚,但是实际上很坏。

    He looks honest, but actually he is bad.

  16. 当地人赋有忠厚质朴的性格。

    The local people are by nature honest and kind.

  17. 忠厚, 实, 风正派, 工作认真负责。

    Honest, devotion, fairness and responsible.

  18. 他为人忠厚朴实,大家都信任他。

    He's loyal and honest – everybody trusts him.

  19. 忠厚老实,责任心强,做事认真、仔细。

    Faithfulness honesty, strong sense of responsibility, work conscientiously, carefully.

  20. 他性情忠厚,但绝不是大笨伯。

    He is honest and kind-hearted, but he is by no means stupid.

  21. 你可以找一个忠厚老实一点的。

    You know, you could find somebody solid and honorable.

  22. 译文他为人大方, 有生气, 忠厚耿直, 谦虚。

    He was canny, open0 handed, brisk, candid, and modest.

  23. 只会用忠厚的神情, 不会用言语来保证。

    Pawned honest looks, but laid no words to gage.

  24. 他们都在谈论姚明的忠厚和谦恭。

    They all spoke up about Yaos sincere humility and modestness.

  25. 老挝人的善良, 忠厚一直在感染着我。

    The kindness and loyalty of Laos people always inspires me.

  26. 他为人聪明大方, 生气勃勃, 忠厚耿直, 谦虚谨慎。

    He was canny, openhanded, brisk, candid, and modest.

  27. 因此, 学诗足以陶冶人温柔忠厚的本性。

    If we study them, we can develop a gentle and honest nature.

  28. 他爱挖苦人, 但也忠厚, 一切无所谓, 但也有所爱好。

    He was ironical and cordial.His indifference loved.

  29. 宋钢老实内向,善良忠厚,却在现实面前一败涂地。

    Song Gang honest introversion, good upright, actually collapses completely in front of the reality.

  30. 初次见面,他就给我留下忠厚、诚挚、和蔼的深刻印象。

    When I saw him for the first time, I was impressed by his honesty, sincerity and amiability.


  1. 问:忠厚拼音怎么拼?忠厚的读音是什么?忠厚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠厚的读音是zhōnghòu,忠厚翻译成英文是 loyal and sincere

  2. 问:忠厚地拼音怎么拼?忠厚地的读音是什么?忠厚地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠厚地的读音是,忠厚地翻译成英文是 meekly


