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Watching the news from across the channel, the French are also changing their recent perceptions of the British psyche.
关注海峡对岸新闻的法国人,正在改变最近对英国人心态的认识。But as soon as you are removed from the crowd, you are a different person again and unable to reproduce the previous state of mind.
但是只要你一离开团体,你又成为另一个人,无法再复制先前的心态。I didn't slack off, but I developed a sort of cocky confidence that I had never experienced in my first three years of college.
我没有松懈,但我养成了一种大学前三年从没有过的骄傲自信的心态。We want you to see change as an opportunity to leave behind all that is undesirable, and enjoy the emerging benefits that will lift you up.
我们希望你们把转变看作是一次很好的机会,把那些不好的心态都留在身后,享受这将把你们整体提升的崭新的益处。ACE warm hint: Positive attitude may help you to overcome difficulties, to see hopes, to keep the aggressive and robust fighting will.
ACE温馨提示:积极的心态有助于人们克服困难,使人看到希望,保持进取的旺盛斗志。When you start a business, you need to have the frame of mind that this is what you want to do for the rest of your life.
开始一项事业的时候,你要有明确的心态:这就是我下半辈子想要做的事情。So in the text said: the change in appellation "by looking at a delicate Angle indicated the psychological changes among the people. "
所以课文里说﹕称谓的变迁“从一个微妙的角度展示着人们心态的变化。”Of course, this can tip over to a 'Pollyanna' mentality but it is no more realistic to be negative and pessimistic than to expect the best.
当然,这会推翻“盲目乐观”的心态。但是相比预期会最好来说,消极悲观是不现实的。I thought oneself is makes the matter careless water, casually settles in no way, the person, and has the perfect principle point of view.