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不,不是:~凡。~法。~分(fèn )。~礼。~但。~同小可。啼笑皆~。不对,过失:痛改前~。文过饰~。习~成是(对于某些错的事情习惯了,反认为是对的)。与“不”呼应,表示必须(有时后面没有“不”字):我~看这本书。责怪,反对:~难(nàn……
汉语拼音:dōng fēi
Most cheetahs on East Africa's plains do not live to see adulthood, and it's mother's job to help her offspring beat the odds.
东非平原上的猎豹大多活不到成年,因此提高后代生存机会也就成了母亲的天职。He was by a river in East Africa, facing the camera and up close to it, squatting down, getting ready to take a photograph of something.
他在东非的一条河边正对摄像机,而且是近镜头,蹲在那里好像正准备拍摄什么。A species of acacia tree found in Eastern Africa seems to be protected from elephant damage - by the ants that live on it.
在东非发现的合欢树似乎保护免受大象的破坏,在树上有蚂蚁生活在那里!After listening to his mother talk about Kenya and his father's life there, Barry visited the public library and read a book on East Africa.
奥巴马听完母亲的故事和父亲在那儿的生活后,就到了公共图书馆阅读有关东非的书。Mr Kikwete may use a second term to try to integrate Tanzania and its neighbours into a revived East African Community.
总统先生也许会利用自己的二次任期,来试图将坦桑尼亚与其邻国整合,以重新复苏东非国家共同体。Electricity throughout east Africa is patchier than usual, just when governments are trying to pep their economies up.
正当政府试图大力推动经济发展的时候,整个东非的电力供应变得比往常更加混乱。A major military exercise involving five East African nations and the United States is taking place in Uganda.
东非五国家和美国正在乌干达举行一场大规模的军事演习。But most of them are going to carry on. And next stop, perhaps only four or five days away is going to be East Africa.
但是它们中的多数都会继续向前飞。那下一站,可能仅仅四五天的距离,就是东非。And every one of these birds that makes the crossing from India to East Africa eats insects, large insects, the size of dragonflies.