


1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……


1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:sī liang









  1. 志趣和器量。

    《三国志·蜀志·黄权传评》:“ 黄权 弘雅思量, 李恢 公亮志业……咸以所长,显名发迹。”《晋书·魏舒传》:“司徒 剧阳子 舒 体道弘粹,思量佳远。” 清 蒋士铨 《一片石·宴阁》:“怎么今日就这样骄其妻妾,思量高尚?”

  2. 考虑;忖度。

    《晋书·王豹传》:“得前后白事,具意,輒别思量也。” 唐 杜荀鹤 《秋日寄吟友》诗:“閒坐细思量,惟吟不可忘。”《红楼梦》第二四回:“ 贾蓉 出了 荣国府 回家,一路思量,想出一个主意来。” 杨闻宇 《渠水儿悠悠》:“也不思量思量,这到底是为他呀还是害他呀!”

  3. 商量。


  4. 想念;相思。

    《敦煌曲子词·风归云遍·征夫数载》:“想君薄行,更不思量,谁为传书与表妾衷肠。” 宋徽宗 《燕山亭》词:“知他故宫何处?怎不思量,除梦里有时曾去。”

  5. 犹心思。

    明 陈大声 《粉蝶儿·赏桂花》套曲:“正近著秋吟緑牕,写幽情费尽了思量。” 端木蕻良 《科尔沁旗草原》六:“我费了多少思量,说过了几次,结果呢,也只落得一片痴心。”

  6. 方言。顾虑。

    梁斌 《播火记》三一:“话刚吐出,又想到: 志和 走了,家里只剩她一个人,就又犯了思量。”



  1. For a long time I brooded over the idea of making a canoe of the trunk of a tree, as the Indians do, and at last set to work at the task.


  2. The next day, Salla began to take stock of her life, and thought it was time to settle down.


  3. There, shut into her own room as soon as their visitor left them, she could think without interruption of all that she had heard.


  4. Dyke, at last alone and driving his team out of the town, turned the business confusedly over in his mind from end to end.


  5. Then, just as I was wondering whether or not my teapot ought to be replenished with hot water, there she was, in the room.


  6. But the little bum had more patience than I had and just lay there most of the time chewing his cud in forlorn bitter-lipped thought.


  7. "Good-bye, dearest, " she said, her eyes so blue that he wondered afterward if they had shone on him through tears.


  8. And the Rajah and the Rani, after giving the matter a little consideration, agreed that this was so.


  9. The message of his eyes was instantly putting to flight the simple, weary and yet peaceful contemplation in her own.


  1. 但我思量着

    But I was thinking that.

  2. 暗自思量某事

    to say something to o.s.

  3. 他行事欠思量。

    He acted without thought.

  4. 慢思量,快行动。

    Deliberate slowly, execute promptly.

  5. 大家好思量你啊!

    How we all miss you!

  6. 你这样做欠思量。

    The way you do this shows lack of consideration.

  7. 也许他在独自思量吧。

    It is probable that he was holding counsel with himself.

  8. 思量了好一会儿,他咽了咽唾沫。

    After a moment's thought, he 14 swallowed.

  9. 你应当好好思量这件事。

    You should chew over this thing.

  10. 不要反复思量过往的事情。

    Do not revolve the past.

  11. 他反覆思量是否该求婚。

    He was trying to decide whether he should propose.

  12. 他思量了一下,才勉强同意了。

    He thought for a moment, then reluctantly agreed.

  13. 让我细细思量后再决定吧。

    Let me consider the matter well before deciding.

  14. 我听说你正在思量放弃你的工作。

    I hear you're meditating giving up your job.

  15. 你也不要辜负了我的思量。

    I hope you won't either let down my yearn.

  16. 内森思量,枪是否装上了子弹。

    Nathan wondered if the gun was loaded.

  17. 内森思量,枪是否装上了子弹。

    Nathan wondered if the gun was loaded.

  18. 我们便可恒坐静谧中,细细思量。

    We would sit down and think which way.

  19. 我停下车, 坐下来, 思量这个决定。

    I stopped the car and sat and thought about the decision.

  20. 我停下车,坐下来,思量这个决定。

    I stopped the car and sat and thought about the decision.

  21. 思量再三,他决定向编辑提出撤稿。

    After rethinking the situation, he decided to withdraw his essay.

  22. 思量再三,他决定向编辑提出撤稿。

    After rethinking the situation, he decided to withdraw his essay.

  23. 罗宾一直思量着他父亲说过的话。

    Robin thought over what his father had said.

  24. 而若你对我冷酷,我对你则加倍的思量。

    If you are to me cold, I think you are double.

  25. 数年来,我多次思量过父亲的梦。

    I have thought about my father's dream many times over the years.

  26. 黑社会老大几经思量,决定还是金盆洗手。

    The gang leader decided to quit after serious consideration.

  27. 黑社会老大几经思量,决定还是金盆洗手。

    The gang leader decided to quit after serious consideration.

  28. 罗宾一直思量着他父亲说过得话。

    Robin thought over what his father had said.

  29. 他停了一停,看着亚当,心里在思量着什么。

    He paused, looking thoughtfully at Adam.

  30. 如在外, 不规则口型又难以表现, 令人思量。

    if its out of it, its hard to show the irregular shape. What a question.


  1. 问:思量拼音怎么拼?思量的读音是什么?思量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:思量的读音是sīliang,思量翻译成英文是 consider



量,在汉语词典中,作为“条目”被收录时,有两个读音,分别是 liáng和liàng。但在“思量”一词中读轻声。轻声字,注音不标调号,但在注音前加圆点。