


1. 争 [zhēng]争 [zhēng]力求获得,互不相让:~夺。竞~。~长论短。力求实现:~取。~气。~胜。方言,差,欠:总数还~多少?怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲):~不。~知。~奈。……





汉语拼音:zhēng bà








  1. 亦作“争伯”。争当霸主;争占首位。

    唐 白行简 《李娃传》:“当礱淬利器,以求再捷,方可以连衡多士,争霸羣英。” 宋 刘克庄 《挽方孚若寺丞》诗之一:“诗里得朋卿与我,酒边争霸世无人。” 明 刘基 《春秋明经·公会晋侯及吴子于黄池》:“岂意夫胜 齐 伐 鲁 之后,復驾 晋 而争伯。” 甘力 《第一次世界大战前大国在巴尔干的争霸》:“从十九世纪七十年代到二十世纪初,在 欧洲 形成了几个大国争霸的复杂局面。”



  1. Matt: No, I've been a bit caught up in Battlestar Galactica recently.


  2. StarCraft has almost always been known for its easy to understand gameplay and mechanics.


  3. Now, for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests.


  4. At least one opening, "Lord hegemony" of the number of on - line will jump up all the way up , all the servers are all full minute.


  5. Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has previously labeled the Starcraft franchise as one of the company's seven "pillars of opportunity. "


  6. Do not try to put every element of warcraft III objects to this world.


  7. like sort of a waste of time to play World of Warcraft with your son. But you're actually interacting with each other.


  8. In Starcraft, pro-players like Bisu, Nada, and Savior had strong Micro and a good sense of time management.


  9. That's because future Chinese-American competition will differ from that between the United States and the Soviet Union during the cold war.


  1. 散打王争霸赛

    free combat championship.

  2. 帝国争霸战

    fight for hegemony between kingdoms.

  3. 棋王争霸赛

    chess championship.

  4. 武术散打王争霸赛

    Wushu King of Sanda Challenge Match

  5. 他俩互相争霸。

    The two contended with each other for hegemony.

  6. 争霸全球的持续争斗

    the ongoing struggle for global predominance

  7. 来个狮王争霸。

    For the title of Lion King.

  8. 当年美苏争霸,咬牙切齿。

    Then the Soviet Union for hegemony, their teeth.

  9. 百年大国争霸与战争

    Hegemony and War of Power for a Century

  10. 蜀地争霸谁主沉浮?

    Contending for hegemony in Sichuan, who can lead the ups and downs?

  11. 星际争霸射击版小游戏

    Star Trek version of shooting Games

  12. 魔兽争霸装载游戏慢!

    Demon animal contend for hegemony lades game is slow!

  13. 星际争霸2将有多少个种族?

    How many races are in StarCraft II

  14. 急!魔兽争霸装载游戏慢!

    Be urgent! Demon animal contend for hegemony lades game is slow! ! !

  15. 云顶世界狮王争霸赛

    Genting World Lion Dance Championship

  16. 星际争霸录像为什么老出错啊?

    Why does kinescope of interstellar contend for hegemony often make mistake.

  17. 你为什么仍对星际争霸感兴趣?

    Why are you still giving your sympathy for Starcraft as a game, in particular?

  18. 必须是忠实的魔兽争霸玩家

    An avid World of Warcraft player

  19. 当时, 诸侯争霸, 战争频繁, 民不聊生。

    At that time, dukes or princes under an emperor struggled for hegemony. The war frequently broke and the people had no means of livelihood.

  20. 青岛晚报杯棋王争霸赛

    Qingdao Evening Newspaper Cup Qi Wang Tournament

  21. 在星际争霸中,越多采矿单位越好。

    In StarCraft, the more workers you have the better.

  22. 星际争霸2是否会推出家用游戏机版

    Will there be a console version of StarCraft II

  23. 美国独立战争对英法争霸的影响

    The Influence of the American Revolution on Contending for Hegemony to Great Britain and France

  24. 组队是否会像魔兽争霸3一样被锁定

    Will teams be locked just like in warcraft 3

  25. 星际争霸2得宏操与微操非常接近于星际争霸1。

    Macro and Micro in Starcraft 0 is very similar to Starcraft.

  26. 星际争霸2的宏操与微操非常接近于星际争霸1。

    Macro and Micro in Starcraft 2 is very similar to Starcraft.

  27. 当时, 七国争霸, 常年战乱, 秦是其中一国。

    It was one of seven states that had been warring for centuries.

  28. 论传统价值观在春秋争霸斗争中的表现

    Discussing expressing of traditional value idea in struggle for supremacy in the Spring and Autumn Period

  29. 星际争霸地图做起来很有意思并且玩起来很爽!

    StarCraft Maps are fun to make and are cool to play!

  30. 星际争霸当中的宏操与微操都非常重要。

    Macro and Micro in Starcraft was an important factor of the game.


  1. 问:争霸拼音怎么拼?争霸的读音是什么?争霸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:争霸的读音是zhēngbà,争霸翻译成英文是 to struggle for hegemony; to strive for supre...



“争霸”是个多义词,它可以指争霸(词语释义), 争霸(网页游戏《战龙兵团》中特色玩法), 争霸(2006年中港合拍古装剧)。