






1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……





汉语拼音:yǐn yǐ wéi ào








  1. It boasts a solid graphical environment, powerful compilers and debugging environments, easy-to-install packages, and numerous applications.


  2. A man of several nicknames, including Dave and Boss, Garven Dreis was one of the few "veterans" the Alliance could boast in its early days.


  3. None of the M-series cameras has autofocus, and Leica prides itself on building manual-focusing technology that's accurate and easy to use.


  4. i study well at school, and i will work harder for a higher score. and i will try to catch up with others to be a daughter worthy of proud.


  5. Exorcist people as you, with your proud slingshot and sorcery to eliminate in the courtyard of the ghosts.


  6. The prison boasts a state-of-the-art gym, complete with a rock-climbing wall. No word yet on whether there's a class on tunneling.


  7. So, you can be proud to represent the best nutritional and skin-care products that this competitive market has to offer!


  8. The doctors said the trend for plump, luscious lips as sported by Angelina Jolie were no longer popular.


  9. I sometimes felt like a freak, but mostly I was proud of it and didn't hesitate to bring it up in conversation.


  1. 我们的后裔都很引以为傲。

    We have a very proud lineage.

  2. 我是说那个他相当引以为傲。

    I mean, he was pretty proud of that.

  3. 令身为加拿大人的我们引以为傲

    that make us proud to be Canadians.

  4. 这是我引以为傲和引以为乐得事。

    It is my pride and joy.

  5. 她对自己做馅饼的技术引以为傲。

    She piqued herself on her skill in making pies.

  6. 这是我引以为傲和引以为乐的事。

    It is my pride and joy.

  7. 莎士比亚是英国文学引以为傲的文学家。

    Shakespeare is the boast of English literature.

  8. 对于个人作品集,你有什么引以为傲之处?

    What are you proud of as you look through your portfolio ?

  9. 那显示出了我们有我很引以为傲的韧性。

    That showed our toughness, which I also was very proud of.

  10. 那显示出了我们有我很引以为傲得韧性。

    That showed our toughness, which I also was very proud of.

  11. 至于电影,台湾可以因为电影导演李安而引以为傲。

    As for cinema, Taiwan can be very proud of film director, Ang Lee.

  12. 缝在他们袖章上刻的是引以为傲的空军标志。

    The patch on their sleeve was the mark of the proud air force.

  13. 所以本店有许多忠诚的顾客, 这是本店引以为傲的。

    We therefore have a large number of loyal customers and we are very proud of that.

  14. 所以本店有许多忠诚得顾客,这是本店引以为傲得。

    We therefore have a large number of loyal customers and we are very proud of that.

  15. 让投资者引以为傲的两类资产是日元和黄金。

    Two that have done investors proud are the yen and gold bullion.

  16. 大学对校园引以为傲,并会继续致力保存美丽的校园。

    The University is proud of its campus and will continue to do its utmost to preserve its unique beauty.

  17. 我们可以创造一个充满希望,让后辈引以为傲的未来

    We can create a future where hope and history rhyme.

  18. 医疗及教育确实是大多数古巴人所引以为傲的显著成就。

    Health and education are indeed the most prominent accomplishments most Cubans say they take pride in.

  19. 那个人和里根像是一个模子打出来的, 他一定很引以为傲。

    That man is the spitting image of Ronald Reagan. He must be very proud.

  20. 那个人和里根像是一个模子打出来得,他一定很引以为傲。

    That man is the spitting image of Ronald Reagan. He must be very proud.

  21. 莎士比亚是英国文学引以为傲得文学家。

    Shakespeare is the boast of English literature.

  22. 使人引以为荣

    do honor

  23. 你不引以为荣吗?

    Were yon not pround?

  24. 引以为豪的成就

    a feather in one's cap

  25. 她为她的本土文化引以为豪。

    She is very proud of her culture.

  26. 它应该令我们每个人引以为荣。

    And it should make every one of us proud.

  27. 你看, 那些我们引以为豪的

    You see the things we take for granted

  28. 他对自己的书法引以为豪。

    He takes great pride in his handwriting.

  29. 他们公正的名声令他们引以为豪。

    Their reputation for fairness is a matter for pride.

  30. 我亲手缝制的,我非常引以为豪。

    that I sewed with my hands, and I'm pretty proud of it.