








1. 核 [hé]2. 核 [hú]核 [hé]果实中坚硬并包含果仁的部分:桃~。杏~。像核的东西:~细胞。~酸。~心(中心)。结~。原子~。~子。~反应。~武器。仔细地对照、考察:~定。~计。~实。~算。~查。翔实正确:其文直,其事~。核……



汉语拼音:jì xiào kǎo hé



  1. Therefore, the establishment of a sound performance appraisal system and performance culture, seems to be imperative.


  2. But, with performance-review season in full swing, some people are bound to hear negative comments.


  3. The kind of dynamic performance appraisal system also can be available for the other middle and small scale business.


  4. Performance pay disputes must be resolved by utilizing the Company Performance Pay Dispute Resolution procedure.


  5. Performance appraisal as a human resources management tools and methods, many units have actively explored, and put into a larger energy.


  6. The hotel will regularly for your performance, reasonable assessment, outstanding staff from selected managers, make your efforts rewarded.


  7. A Company employee's right to appeal a performance rating is stated on the Company Performance Appraisal and Work Plan form.


  8. Comparing the actual number of excellent papers produced in a city to the expected number provides something like a performance review.


  9. the end of the year award (in accordance with the results of performance appraisal issued) up to 3 times the monthly salary.


  1. 工作绩效考核

    Work performance appraisal.

  2. 岗位绩效考核

    post performance evaluation.

  3. 部门绩效考核

    department performance evaluation

  4. 绩效考核系统

    enterprise performance test system

  5. 库存绩效考核

    Three principles of inventory performance evaluation.

  6. 完善政府绩效考核制度。

    Improve the government performance appraisal system.

  7. 协助绩效考核的管理工作。

    Assist with performance appraisal management.

  8. 四达公司绩效考核体系研究

    The Research of Performance Appraisal System of Star Corporation

  9. 包括招聘、培训、绩效考核、薪酬管理。

    Including recruitment, training, performance appraisal, compensation management.

  10. 公务员的绩效考核是激励机制的核心。

    The performance of officeholder assesses the core that is incentive mechanism.

  11. 绩效考核是人材管理制胜的法宝。

    Effect Test is key to the success of talent administration.

  12. 绩效考核又称绩效评估、绩效考评、考绩等等。

    Performance Assessment, also known as performance evaluation, performance appraisal, performance appraisal, and so on.

  13. 建立绩效考核体系提高病案管理水平

    Establishing Performance Check System to Raise the Level of Medical Record Management

  14. 薪酬绩效考核岗位评价人力资源管理。

    Compensation Performance Appraisal Position Evaluation Human Resource Management.

  15. 对现生产供给商进行年度绩效考核。

    Carry through the supplier performance ration annually to the current supplier.

  16. 绩效考核不是辩论和解决问题的时候。

    The review isn't the time to debate and resolve the problems.

  17. 绩效考核和评估在科室管理中的应用

    Application on performance evaluation in clinical department management

  18. 绩效考核中宽大效应的成因及控制方法

    The Influence Factors and Remedies of Leniency Effect in Performance Appraisal

  19. 抓住绩效考核与薪资管理两个主要环节

    How to Catch Hold of Two Key Links of the Gains Check and the Payroll Management

  20. 电信营业厅月度绩效考核的问题与改进

    Problems and improvement of monthly performance assess for telecom business office

  21. 组织和指导公司各部门得绩效考核工作。

    Administer and manage the Company's Performance Evaluation process and subsequent results.

  22. 组织和指导公司各部门的绩效考核工作。

    Administer and manage the Company's Performance Evaluation process and subsequent results.

  23. 叉车工人及拣货工人工作效率控制与绩效考核。

    Productivity of forklift drivers and picking workers control and performance evaluation.

  24. 积极开展民主管理, 协助班长开展班组绩效考核工作。

    Precede with democratic management assist the team leader with the work performance checking.

  25. 负责本部门员工的培训、绩效考核和职业发展。

    Dealing with the training, performance evaluation and career development for department employee.

  26. 在附录中,本文将给出员工绩效考核的细则。

    In appendix A, I will provide the regulation of the staffs Performance Evaluation.

  27. 根据人事部门政策,对通道人员绩效考核薪水调整。

    Adjust the underling people PA and salary status according to HR policy.

  28. 绩效考核管理付款违约, 拖欠率, 欺诈检测率和投诉率。

    KPI Manage Payment Default, Delinquent Rate, Fraud Detection Rate and Customer Experience

  29. 不怕明讲,我真的很鄙视年度绩效考核流程。

    Ill go on the record as saying that I truly despise the annual performance review process.

  30. 建立一定的工资制度和工资政策, 与绩效考核紧密结合。

    Establish the proper wages system and the wages policy, which combine with the achievement.


  1. 问:绩效考核法拼音怎么拼?绩效考核法的读音是什么?绩效考核法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绩效考核法的读音是jì xiào kǎo hé fǎ,绩效考核法翻译成英文是 performance assessment method


绩效考核(performance examine),是企业绩效管理中的一个环节,是指考核主体对照工作目标和绩效标准,采用科学的考核方式,评定员工的工作任务完成情况、员工的工作职责履行程度和员工的发展情况,并且将评定结果反馈给员工的过程。常见绩效考核方法包括BSC、KPI及360度考核等。绩效考核是一项系统工程。绩效考核是绩效管理过程中的一种手段。