


1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……


1. 骨 [gǔ]2. 骨 [gū]骨 [gǔ]人和脊椎动物体内支持身体、保护内脏的坚硬组织:~头。~骼(全身骨头的总称)。~节。~肉(a.指最亲近的有血统关系的人,亦称“骨血”;b.喻紧密相连,不可分割的关系)。~干(gàn)。像骨的东西……







汉语拼音:qiè gǔ zhī hèn







切骨之恨 [qiè gǔ zhī hèn]
  1. 意思是形容怨恨极深。高阳《清官册·节母之子》:“但在那些身受明朝重录,而又靦颜事清,好官自为的大老来说,却有刺心之痛,切骨之恨。 ”



  1. 网络
  2. Hatred that cuts the bone

  1. 一念之差铸成终生之恨

    One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret

  2. 一念之错可铸终生之恨。

    One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret.

  3. 兴亡悲剧的主题是家国之恨、兴亡之叹。

    The theme of the Rise and Fall tragedy is hatred of loss of home and county and lament of rise and fall.

  4. 希特勒感到切骨之痛。关节痛和骨痛可能会发生。

    Hitler was stung to the quick. Arthralgia and bone pain may occur.

  5. 群众声声詈骂也难解对这个贪官得心头之恨。

    Curses are not enough to vent the anger of the masses towards corrupt officials.

  6. 群众声声詈骂也难解对这个贪官的心头之恨。

    Curses are not enough to vent the anger of the masses towards corrupt officials.

  7. 群众声声詈骂也难解对这个贪官的心头之恨。

    Curses are not enough to vent the anger of the masses towards corrupt officials.

  8. 选择妻子也像策划战争,一时之错将成终生之恨。

    In the election of a wife as in a project of war, to err but be undone for ever.

  9. 国王定要处死刺客,这样才能解他的心头之恨。

    The king needed the assassin dead, for death of the man would be a catharsis for him.

  10. 选择妻子也象策画战争,一时之错将成终身之恨。

    In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever.

  11. 可这不足以平息萨拉父母罗杰和凯瑟的心头之恨。

    But for Roger and Cathy, Sarah's parents, this wasn't enough.

  12. 当人们不再有爱恨之心。

    When men no longer love nor hate.

  13. 爱之深, 恨之切。

    Love well, whip well.

  14. 爱之深,恨之切。

    Love well,whip well.

  15. 拯救我们脱离仇敌,和一切恨我们之人的手。

    That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us.

  16. 两人志同道合, 谈得投机, 只恨相见之晚。

    Having the same interests, they had a most agreeable chat. They only regretted that they had not met sooner.

  17. 所以说好多人的痛苦是因为贱, 痛苦之人必有其可恨之出!

    So many people are suffering because of the cheap, suffering person must have its hateful's out!

  18. 图一时之快,贻百年长恨。

    From short pleasure long repentance.

  19. 一人如恨一本书之作者,则读那本书必毫无所得。

    One never learns anything from a book when he hates the author.

  20. 它是关于传导内心的爱与恨,使之膨胀及传播。

    It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow and spreading it.

  21. 毫无悔恨之心

    not a pittance of remorse.

  22. 只要有人常怀怨恨、妒忌之心,便永远会有不和谐发生。

    There will always be disharmony as long as there are individuals who harbour animosity, hate or jealousy.

  23. 结果,他发现自己因为没有得到所需之物而心怀愤恨。

    As a result of that, hes found himself feeling resentful for not getting what hes needed.

  24. 吉姆是我恨之入骨者之一。

    Jim is one of my pet hates.

  25. 爱与恨仅有一线之隔。

    There is a fine line between love and hate.

  26. 这切骨之仇,我永生难忘。

    This is deep hatred, I will never forget it in my whole life.

  27. 称之为恨,称之为爱,我称之为艺术。

    Call it hate, call it love, I call it art.

  28. 近二十年长恨歌主题之争综述

    A Summary of the Contention about the Theme of Eternal Regret Song

  29. 世人都看不起,恨不能群起而诛之。

    Most people look down on satyr, Hen Buneng without prior warning of the dire straits.

  30. 因为他的嗔心唤醒了我们本身之嗔恨。

    Because their hatreds had awaken the hatreds in us.