




1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……



汉语拼音:tān hái






  1. 分期偿还。

    清 马建忠 《适可斋记言·借债以开铁道说》:“至筹偿负之法,或附入本息以摊还,或鬮取债券以清结。” 萧乾 《衣阿华的启示》:“﹝他﹞只说了一声‘有贷学金,毕业以后分期摊还’,就在网球场犄角拐弯了。”



  1. The stands also sell little flags, and red and white ribbons to be worn in a sign of mourning.


  2. We've amortized the cost of the research over a 10-year period.


  3. This research isn't about perfect projections or amortized costs or beating the competition.


  4. While walking towards my apartment, I could see the fruit stand at the entrance to the residential village.


  5. The two did go earlier one night, sparking a turf war with neighboring street barbecuers, who began shoving the cart and yelling.


  6. In addition, capital stay credit limit of time to grow more, the harder it is to through rational stage amortize the solution.


  7. the term loan amortization schedule.


  8. Neg-am mortgages in America and buy-to-rent arrangements in Britain were based on the assumption that houses were primarily investments.


  9. Ina conventional mortgage the homeowner makes a monthly amortized payment to the lender;


  1. 分期摊还日程表

    amortization schedule

  2. 已摊还的借款

    amortized loan

  3. 分期摊还的清算

    liquidation in installments

  4. 分期摊还标准法

    standard plan of amortization

  5. 以股息方式摊还资本

    capital returned to stockholders in dividends

  6. 按公式计算的摊还方法

    Formulae Based Amortization

  7. 分期偿付或摊还款项的清算

    liquidation in instalments

  8. 有关拟宣布摊还债款的通知

    Notice of intended dividend

  9. 计算利率,付款方式,贷款额,贷款摊还期中得任一样。

    Calculate the rate, payment principal or amortization by inputting any three known variables.

  10. 计算利率,付款方式,贷款额,贷款摊还期中的任一样。

    Calculate the rate, payment principal or amortization by inputting any three known variables.

  11. 此外,可提供关于所做最重大投资的预计摊还期。

    In addition, information may be provided on the expected amortization period of the most significant investments made.

  12. 半句话!你想干什么?开个小早点摊还是开个航空公司?

    Half word! What do you want to work? Is opening a small breakfast amortize to fly an airline?

  13. 他说,他希望从该计划取得低利率和慷慨的摊还条件。

    He said he expected to obtain a low interest rate and generous conditions of repayment under the program.

  14. 她睡著了, 腿上还摊开著一本书。

    She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap

  15. 她睡着了, 腿上还摊开着一本书。

    She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap.

  16. 她睡著了, 腿上还摊开着一本书。

    She have fall asleep with an open book in her lap.

  17. 分期摊还法

    amortization plan of payment.

  18. 直接摊还法

    straight line method of amortization.

  19. 末摊还成本

    unamortized cost.

  20. 抵押式摊还法

    Credit foncia amortization

  21. 未摊还折让

    unamortized discount.

  22. 日内瓦摊还基金

    Geneva Amortization Fund

  23. 未摊还债务折价

    unamortized debt discount

  24. 未摊还开办费用

    unamortized organization expense

  25. 未摊还建设期间

    unamortized interest during construction

  26. 以股利摊还股本

    capital returned to stockholders in dividend

  27. 未摊还发行的折价

    unamortized issuance discount

  28. 未摊还公司债券折价

    unamortized bond discount

  29. 未摊还建设期间利息

    Unamortized interest during construction

  30. 学生可于毕业后十年内摊还贷款。

    It allows students to repay their loans over 10 years after their graduation.


  1. 问:摊还付款拼音怎么拼?摊还付款的读音是什么?摊还付款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摊还付款的读音是tān huán fù kuǎn,摊还付款翻译成英文是 amortization payment

  2. 问:摊还贷款拼音怎么拼?摊还贷款的读音是什么?摊还贷款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摊还贷款的读音是tān huán dài kuǎn,摊还贷款翻译成英文是 amortized loan