


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……





汉语拼音:zhè xià






  1. 指近期内发生的事情。京剧《盗魂铃》第六场:“哎呦,这下儿把我摔着啦!” 刘心武 《立体交叉桥》第二章七:“ 侯莹 这下完全清醒了。她顿时明白了自己在二哥眼中是多么碍事的东西。” 陈建功 《辘轳把胡同9号》:“ 清 室的宝物册上写得明明白白哪,嗬,价值连城……这下可好, 王双清 家热闹啦。”参见“ 这下子 ”。



  1. A few days later, though, on a beach, I noticed a man sneaking furtive looks at her bulge, which was finally beginning to show.


  2. " Little crow like: " This is the next boss will repair, do not they nest so broken, it is possible to live in it?


  3. The village was illuminated; nobody went to bed again; it was the greatest night the little town had ever seen.


  4. I would have wanted to borrow this book, but I haven't got the chance, that's great, send the door to book, do not borrow theory.


  5. But fresh trouble loomed last night over reports that at least two women will go public with claims that they had affairs with him.


  6. Then Blondeau gazes at me, with the gentleness of a tiger, and says to me: `lf you are Pontmercy, you are not Laigle.


  7. Private Chat: This cold-blooded to me that she had exposed, I did not think she would dare accept your proposal.


  8. And I said, "Sheriff, why'd you send them away? They had to see the President. Now they'll never come back. "


  9. and as the man rolled up his eyes at him in the last agony, 'George, ' said he, 'I reckon I settled you.


  1. 这下更好了

    Well, that makes it all better!

  2. 这下好了,妈妈。


  3. 这下好了,妈妈。

    Nice, mom.

  4. 这下好了,妈妈。

    Nice, mom.

  5. 这下你开心了。

    Well,I hope you're happy.

  6. 这下你放心了。

    Wow.You must be so relieved.

  7. 这下你放心了。

    Wow. You must be so relieved.

  8. 这下士兵们恼了。

    Now the soldiers were mad.

  9. 这下场太悲哀了!

    That's a terrible end!

  10. 老娘这下生气了。

    I mean,now I'm getting mad.

  11. 鞋匠这下可乐了,

    The shoemaker was very happy.

  12. 这下晚餐有着落

    Now we've got something for dinner.

  13. 该死!这下可好了。

    Oh damn it, now thats just what I needed !

  14. 这下有三具了。

    That makes three.

  15. 这下好了,对吧?

    Great, right?

  16. 这下他没着了。

    He has no tactics beyond this.

  17. 哇,这下麻烦大了?

    Wow.Did he,now?

  18. 哇,这下麻烦大了?

    Wow. Did he, now?

  19. 哦 这下戒指丢了。

    Oh, there goes my ring.

  20. 这下我们死定了!

    We're gonna die for this!

  21. 你这下被动了吧。

    Well,you gotta hand it to her.

  22. 你这下被动了吧。

    Well, you gotta hand it to her.

  23. 这下好好吃一顿。

    We almost had a feeding frenzy.

  24. 这下孩子们都鸦雀无声。

    This time the silence was complete.

  25. 希望你这下开心了。

    Well, I hope you're happy.

  26. 但我这下可惨了。

    However, I'm doubly screwed.

  27. 这下我有点慌了。

    Now I was getting a little anxious.

  28. 这下我开始全神贯注了。

    So, I started full focus.

  29. 这下就很难匹配了

    That are hard to match.

  30. 这下就露了底儿了。

    And so the whole thing came out.