


与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……





汉语拼音:zhēn wǒ






  1. 佛教语。涅槃四德之一。亦称“ 大我 ”,与“妄我”相对,谓出离生死烦恼的自在之我。

    《俱舍论·破执我品》:“故佛説正法,如牝虎衔子,执真我为有,则为见牙伤,拨俗我为无,便坏善业子。” 唐 皎然 《禅思》诗:“真我性无主,谁为尘识昏。”



  1. Subconsciously you always knew that the Light would be victorious, but in the midst of it all you lost touch with your true self.


  2. The two gaze into each others eyes and cause a happenstance of a union divine to ignite in a heart accolade of self.


  3. Get out of the way of your own authentic fulfillment.


  4. The union is beautiful and lasts only a day and the two are at it again in a foray of disastrous treason of self.


  5. The self of the self within knows it is in for a disaster and attempts to transfigure the dream into a new accolade of something.


  6. It was a story about a girl, Liz, who left her current life route to search for a true her and to keep the balance of her life.


  7. the days when our spirits soared like the eagles, supreme and free to live up to what and who we were created to be.


  8. After 13 years of what can only be described as a dream come true, I have decided that it is time to leave the Backstreet Boys.


  9. The goal of this process is to clear the subconscious and be able to perceive the character and integrity of the Self.


  1. 我有真我吗

    I have a true self?

  2. 真我的本质

    The Essence of Our True Self.

  3. 真我永远自在

    The True I Is Always Free

  4. 他让我找回真我。

    He lets me be me.

  5. 他让我找回真我。

    He lets me be me.

  6. 你会显露真我吗

    You let your true self be seen?

  7. 真我色彩映像系统

    RLIS Real Life Imaging System

  8. 你找到真我的时刻

    The moments that made you who you are.

  9. 领我找到内在的真我。

    Guide me to find my real inner Self.

  10. 追寻野鹅?探求真我

    Pursuing the Wild Goose, Questing for the Real Self

  11. 步上认识真我之旅

    Spiritual Journey Towards Recognizing My True Self

  12. 诉说心事可能暴露真我。

    To express feelings is to risk exposing your true self.

  13. 让我看到你的真我吧

    Show me your true self.

  14. 现在什么是我们正谈论的真我?

    Now what is the Self we are talking about?

  15. 钻石代表我们永不毁坏的真我。

    Diamonds represent our true Self, which is forever indestructible.

  16. 学着去信任最深层的真我吧。

    Learn to trust Self at the deepest levels.

  17. 只要做个真我, 在笑声里渡过,

    Just wanna be myself, live With the laughter around me all my life.

  18. 然后,我的朋友,学着去信任真我吧。

    And then, my friends, learn to trust Self.

  19. 后来遇到了卡特,他劝我释放真我

    and then I meet Carter, and he convinces me to let her out.

  20. 当我坚持真我, 坚持我的信仰的时候, 他们叫我泼妇。

    When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me.

  21. 我们决心展现真我, 完全相信真理的能力。

    We make a decision to become our authentic selves and trust in the healing power of the truth.

  22. 我们决心展现真我, 完全相信真理得能力。

    We make a decision to become our authentic selves and trust in the healing power of the truth.

  23. 愿同学们在跃动的时空中尽显真我风采。

    We hope all of us will fully display our truest elegant demeanor in the flowing air.

  24. 这时刻会允许真我和身体去复原及再生。

    The moments allow self and the body to renew and regenerate.

  25. 你们的真我居于高山之巅, 与风道游四方。

    That which is you dwells above the mountain and roves with wind.

  26. 更为重要的是,这些诗还原了达尔文的真我。

    Most important of all, they to distil darwin to his essence.

  27. 更为重要得是,这些诗还原了达尔文得真我。

    Most important of all, they to distil Darwin to his essence.

  28. 当你需要力量时,你要向你的神性真我祷告。

    The prayers that you pray when you need the strength should be directed to your Godself.

  29. 那次犯规把我放到了板凳上, 这真我抓狂。

    That foul put me on the bench and it really made me mad.

  30. 他确实有时候会发飙,但是那才是他的真我。

    Sure he gets angry sometimes, but that's just how he is.