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1. 王 [wáng]2. 王 [wàng]王 [wáng]古代一国君主的称号,现代有些国家仍用这种称号:~国。~法。公子~孙。~朝(cháo )。中国古代皇帝以下的最高爵位:~公。~侯。一族或一类中的首领:山大~。蜂~。~牌(桥牌中最大的……
1. 冠 [guān]2. 冠 [guàn]冠 [guān]帽子:衣~。~戴。~盖(古代官吏的帽子和车盖,借指官吏)。衣~楚楚。形状像帽子或在顶上的东西:~子。鸡~。树~。~状动脉。冠 [guàn]把帽子戴在头上:沐猴而~。超出众人,居第一……
汉语拼音:wáng guān
《汉书·王莽传上》:“戊辰, 莽 至高庙,拜受金匱神嬗,御王冠。”
《资治通鉴·汉献帝建安二十四年》:“秋,七月, 刘备 自称 汉中王 ……乃拜受璽綬,御王冠。” 胡三省 注:“王冠,远游冠也。”按,《后汉书·舆服志下》载:远游冠为诸王所服。
徐特立 《送董老赴京》诗之二:“万国王冠落,吾京独屹然。” 南汉宸 《坚决进行反对帝国主义和新殖民主义的斗争》:“一个国家的独立王冠,在于自力更生。”
It is precisely because he was such a strong sense of justice, which makes the detection of the case the day and find the jade crown.
正是因为他这样强大的正义感,才使得一天之中侦破了案子,找回了绿玉王冠。He had a gold crown on his head, and delicate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than Tiny herself.
他头上戴着一顶最华丽的金制王冠,他肩上生着一双精美的翅膀,而他本身并不比拇指姑娘高大。But you are more pleasant to the eye as you stand there now than if you had a crown on your head, and jewels dangling from your hair.
可是你现在的样子,真要比你头戴王冠,满身珠光宝气可爱的多。With much reverence and ceremony, he slowly removed my hat with both hands and presented it to me as though it were the crown jewels.
他毕恭毕敬、彬彬有礼,用双手将我的帽子缓缓取下呈献给我,仿佛那是一顶至尊的王冠。He was crowned by the Pope in Paris, taking the crown from the Pope and putting it upon his own head himself as Charlemagne had directed.
教皇在巴黎为他加冕,他从教皇手中接过王冠,自己戴在头上,就像查理大帝以前教导的那样。and as he wore his crown over the wig, he did not look at all comfortable, and it was certainly not becoming.
由于他在假发上又戴上王冠,看起来很不顺眼,而且肯定也不会舒服的。other, who had not come up above the sea for many years, and the Sea-King with his crown upon his head.
这次以后,她们每天晚上都来看她。有一天晚上,她远远地看到了多年不曾浮出海面的老祖母和戴着王冠的海王。'The oldest and simplest form of the name' of Osiris, we are told, is a hieroglyph of a throne and an eye.
我们所被告知的,奥西里斯“最古老和最简单”的名字,在古埃及文中是一个王冠和一只眼睛。Now it was a simple job: obtain a volume of gold equal to the volume of the water and check its weight against the weight of the crown.