







汉语拼音:xià xún








  1. 每月二十一日到月底的日子。

    《周礼·天官·大宰》“前期十日,帅执事而卜日,遂戒” 贾公彦 疏引 汉 郑玄 《箴膏肓》:“ 鲁 之卜三正下旬之日。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五八回:“此时是六月下旬天气,带行李的甚少。” 马烽 《结婚现场会》:“那是今年一月下旬,也就是春节前几天。”



  1. I further invite you to support me to transcending a major global initiation inlateSeptemberattheevent known as 'Masters Conclave.


  2. A bit of China slips back into the house one evening in late March. At least it feels like a bit of China.


  3. The matter may be raised by the visiting Brazilian technical mission later this month, he said.


  4. The carry trade appears to have been squeezed out of the system by about late November, when the yen and the Vix halted their joint ascent.


  5. Many of the reforms that the bank is considering come from a report released in late March by an independent committee.


  6. Viewed in such a light, even Microsoft's champions might hope that this week's verdict will help global competition in future.


  7. Their conference was, after all, a warm-up for the full summit taking place in Pittsburgh later this month.


  8. In late September the British Journal of Sports Medicine published a few of these criticisms.


  9. Principal photography which began in late June 1940, finished just a few days over schedule on October 23.


  1. 在六月下旬召开。

    It will be held in the latter half of June.

  2. 九月下旬到十月中旬。

    Between late September and mid October.

  3. 月下旬,东北野战军奉命入关。

    In late November, Northeast Field Army was ordered into the customs.

  4. 十二月下旬,他缠绵病榻了。

    Late in December he took to his bed.

  5. 新办公室本月下旬将开始使用。

    The new office comes into service later this month.

  6. 西北野战军八月下旬转入反攻。

    The Northwest Field Army went over to the offensive late in August.

  7. 这个节日一直是11月下旬以来, 夹具。

    The holiday has been a fixture of late November ever since.

  8. 已为2007年9月下旬规划了一次研讨会。

    A workshop is planned for late September2007.

  9. 一月下旬天气就这么暖和有点反常。

    It was unseasonably mild for late January.

  10. 五月下旬出现适于调制干草的好天气。

    Good haymaking weather comes in late May.

  11. 审批结果将于五月下旬以书面通知。

    You will be informed of the result in writing by end of May.

  12. 已是八月下旬, 庄稼都妥善收割完毕。

    It was late August and the harvest had been safely gathered in.

  13. 这四个人都已在2003年1月下旬获释。

    All four were released in the second half of January2003.

  14. 然而,该方案在2003年12月下旬却被迫中止。

    However, later in December2003, the programme had to be suspended.

  15. 四月下旬北京所有的树都变绿了。

    All the trees in Beijing have turned green in late April.

  16. 这个物种得卵囊在5月下旬至6月最多。

    The oothecae of this species were abundant in late May and June.

  17. 这个物种的卵囊在5月下旬至6月最多。

    The oothecae of this species were abundant in late May and June.

  18. 六月下旬,那是不是说六月的最后一天呢

    W Late June that means very last day of June.

  19. 十月下旬扮装成精灵公主不会冷吗?

    Isn't it cold to dress up as a fairy princess in late October?

  20. 联储局政策决策者们将于本月下旬会晤。

    Reserve policy makers who will be meeting later this month.

  21. 郁金香的花期约在三月下旬至五月上旬。

    The blooming time of tulip is between later March and Early May.

  22. 下旬8月土星海王星反对去在二度天体里面。

    Late August Saturn Neptune opposition goes inside a two degree orb.

  23. 在11月下旬,它将开始扫除合恩角岛雷场。

    In late November, it will begin to clear the Cape Horn Island minefield.

  24. 这个月下旬, 打击犯罪法案再度提交给国会表决。

    Late in the month, the crime bill came to a vote again.

  25. 七月持续那始于五月下旬的星象上的激动。

    July continues the astrological excitement that started in late May.

  26. 这是7月下旬时,他们肯定知道这是贲门失弛缓症。

    It was late July when they knew for sure it was achalasia.

  27. 四月中旬之前所产卵在四月下旬初全部孵化。

    All the eggs laid before the middle of April hatched in early late ten days of April.

  28. 在这个月下旬,芭比女孩将按这个模式重新包装。

    Later this month, BarbieGirls will be retooled in this way.

  29. 花瓣, 雄蕊, 雌蕊原体于六月上旬至下旬相继出现

    The primordial of petal, stamen and pistil occur successively from early June to late June.

  30. 花原体于九月下旬起自顶端分生组织凸起。

    Flower primordia are emerged from the shoot apical meristem in late August.


  1. 问:下旬拼音怎么拼?下旬的读音是什么?下旬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下旬的读音是xiàxún,下旬翻译成英文是 last ten days of a month




【拼音】xià xún

【注音】ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄒㄩㄣˊ

【词语解释】[The last ten-day period of a month] 每月二十一日到月底的日子

【出处】《周礼·天官·大宰》“前期十日,帅执事而卜日,遂戒”贾公彦疏引 汉郑玄《箴膏肓》:“ 鲁 之卜三正下旬之日。”