




巡逻,警戒防守的岗位:~兵。~卡(qiǎ ㄑㄧㄚˇ)。~所。岗~。放~。古代军队的编制单位,历代标准不一。一种小笛:~子。用口吹出的高尖音:口~儿。鸟叫。……



汉语拼音:fàng shào







  1. 在固定岗位执行守卫警戒任务或巡查警戒。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十二章:“ 金树旺 叫 二木匠 到 沙家店 南山上去放哨。” 梁斌 《播火记》第一卷十四:“自从 张嘉庆 从 保定 跑出来, 朱老忠 把他安排在这小园子里, 李豹 每天给他站岗放哨,送水送饭,好容易才把伤养好了。”



  1. Watt said when he asked Howard about what happened, Howard revealed the plan to rape the girl and that his role was to be the lookout.


  2. "This parrot was sending out alerts, " said police officer Hollman Oliveira. "You could say he was some sort of watch bird. "


  3. And yet standing sentry among the hordes Mr. Chen seemed a bit comical or his mission seemed the ultimate act of absurdity.


  4. He said as much to Tesla as they approached an intersection midway along the corridor. "I-I'll wait for you here-you know, s-stand guard. "


  5. Another, with a naked sword, a blue police cap on his head, placed sentinels.


  6. I realize how serious it is to fall asleep on guard duty, but executing such a young man seems so cruel.


  7. I stood guard with a rifle on the bank of the river.


  8. over-alertness: patients all the time like a sentry soldiers on guard every minute of the environment movement are wary.


  9. They used to keep watch at the top of the tree during the war.


  1. 警戒,放哨

    to keep sentry.

  2. 放哨的,没错

    A lookout? Yeah.

  3. 放哨, 站岗警卫,

    The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.

  4. 我需要个放哨的

    I need a lookout.

  5. 放哨。站岗警卫。

    The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.

  6. 晚上他们轮流放哨。

    They kept watch in turn at night.

  7. 人人都得站岗放哨。

    No one was excluded from sentry duty.

  8. 我需要一个人帮我放哨

    I need someone to keep an eye out.

  9. 他们常常在雪夜放哨。

    They often stood sentry on snowy nights.

  10. 他常常给我们站岗放哨。

    He often stood sentry duty for us.

  11. 被雇佣来站岗或放哨的人

    a man who is employed to stand guard or keep watch

  12. 一名警察在入口处放哨。

    A policeman stood sentinel at the entrance.

  13. 昨晚, 我的班在值班放哨。

    My squad were on sentry duty last night.

  14. 我们安排了一名卫兵放哨。

    We posted a guard to keep watch.

  15. 大家睡觉时派个警卫放哨。

    Post a guard to keep watch while the others sleep.

  16. 你查阅他的文件, 我来放哨。

    I'll keep watch while you go through his papers.

  17. 一人放哨, 另一人则闯进了房子里。

    One of the men kept guard, while the other broke into the house.

  18. 我们武装自己, 我们设置警戒线, 我们站岗放哨。

    We arm ourselves, we set perimeters, we stand guard.

  19. 看守者被雇佣来站岗或放哨的人

    A man who is employed to stand guard or keep watch.

  20. 他告诉他老头儿安塞尔莫放哨的地方。

    He told him where the old man, Anselmo, was posted.

  21. 他们抽签决定夜间站岗放哨的先后顺序。

    They drew lots to determine the order in which they would stand to watch during the night.

  22. 窗口有另外一个放哨的正在监视街道。

    And a second possible sentry at the window, looking down on the street.

  23. 在战争期间他们通常在树顶上放哨。

    They used to keep watch at the top of the tree during the war.

  24. 乔斯像往常一样爬到树上放哨。

    Jose, as usual, had climbed a tree to keep watch.

  25. 放哨,站岗警卫、哨兵或观望哨的责任岗位或时段。

    The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.

  26. 放哨得人急忙跑进屋里说,警察就在外面。

    The watchman rushed into the room to say that the police were outside.

  27. 放哨的人急忙跑进屋里说,警察就在外面。

    The watchman rushed into the room to say that the police were outside.

  28. 阿特买通了看门人,我们出钱让他放哨。

    Art recruited a janitor, we're paying him to keep watch.

  29. 老树为它们站岗, 花儿为它们放哨, 无忧无虑的它们多惬意啊!

    Old guard for them, the flowers to lay ambushes for them, they are more comfortable carefree ah!

  30. 这几袋行李很容易就塞进了放哨车的后备箱。

    It isl fit easily into the trunk of the cruiser.


  1. 问:放哨拼音怎么拼?放哨的读音是什么?放哨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放哨的读音是fàngshào,放哨翻译成英文是 to keep sentry; to keep guard; to be on patrol...


