




1. 岗 [gǎng]岗 [gǎng]高起的土坡:山~。景阳~。平面上凸起的一长道。守卫的位置:~哨。门~。站~。~位(a.守卫的位置;b.职位)。……



汉语拼音:zhàn gǎng







  1. 特指警戒人员在岗位上站立执行职务。如:门外有两个哨兵在站岗。

  2. 泛指履行职务。如: 张老师 明天就退休了,上这一节课是他最后一次站岗。



  1. He spoke to the U. S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush. "


  2. In order to let the small peach trees grow up earlier and eat the delicious peaches, they decided to look after the peach trees in turns.


  3. Then he ordered that the place should be surrounded with a golden railing, and a stationed near it.


  4. Together they had stood guard more than one cold and rainy night, their feet in the mud, the wind slapping their faces.


  5. The family decided to stand guard at night at the cow shed which also served as a hen coop, after 48 chickens went missing in a month.


  6. over-alertness: patients all the time like a sentry soldiers on guard every minute of the environment movement are wary.


  7. Indian paramilitary soldiers stand guard near the site of an explosion in Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir.


  8. The soldier was ordered to stand guard at the front door.


  9. Police stand on guard in Lhasa on Saturday, as the Olympic torch was to make its way through Tibet's capital.


  1. 继续站岗。

    Keep your guard up.

  2. 他在站岗。

    He is standing to his post.

  3. 派人站岗。

    detail a man for sentry duty

  4. 战士们在站岗。

    The soldiers are on guard.

  5. 他们轮流站岗。

    They kept watch by turns.

  6. 他们轮换站岗。

    They took turns to stand guard.

  7. 他们轮换站岗。

    They took turns to stand guard.

  8. 哨兵轮流站岗。

    The sentries alternated their watch.

  9. 放哨, 站岗警卫,

    The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.

  10. 放哨。站岗警卫。

    The post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher.

  11. 士兵们站岗到半夜。

    The soldiers were standing to half the night.

  12. 派一名战士站岗

    detail a man for sentry duty

  13. 我为伟大祖国站岗

    I stand guard for our great country

  14. 人人都得站岗放哨。

    No one was excluded from sentry duty.

  15. 郊野公园护理员站岗

    country park warden post

  16. 看守在深夜仍在站岗。

    The guards are still on watch at midnight.

  17. 在工厂正门站岗守卫

    to sentry the front door of a factory

  18. 站岗用的小亭

    a box for a sentry

  19. 他们站岗守卫那些伤员。

    They stood sentry over the wounded.

  20. 连长派我去站岗。

    The company commander assigned me to stand guard.

  21. 那个战士自告奋勇去站岗。

    The soldier volunteered for guard duty.

  22. 在码头上站岗的士兵。

    Soldier standing guard on pier.

  23. 两名战士在门口站岗。

    Two soldiers are on guard gate.

  24. 军官派一名战士站岗。

    The officer detailed a man for sentry duty.

  25. 他常常给我们站岗放哨。

    He often stood sentry duty for us.

  26. 站岗需要力量, 离岗需要勇气。

    It takes strength to stand guard, It takes courage to let down your guard.

  27. 哨兵被派在山上站岗。

    The sentinel was stationed on a hill.

  28. 我们派了一名卫兵站岗。

    We posted a guard to keep watch.

  29. 被指派去站岗的那个人。

    The one appointed for guard duty.

  30. 一个哨兵在角落里站岗。

    A sentry stood on guard at the corner.


  1. 问:站岗拼音怎么拼?站岗的读音是什么?站岗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:站岗的读音是zhàngǎng,站岗翻译成英文是 stand guard; be on sentry duty; stand sentry...



【动词】站在岗位上,执行守卫、警戒任务。stand guard; be on sentry duty; stand sentry站好最后一班岗:continue working hard till the last minute