


1. 逮 [dài]逮 [dài]到,及:力有未~。捉拿:~捕。~系。……





汉语拼音:dài bǔ





人民法院、人民 检察院和公安机关,对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在一定期间内暂时剥夺其人身自由,并予以羁押的强制措施。逮捕应同时具备三个条件:(1)有证据证明有犯罪事实;(2)可能判处有期徒刑以上刑罚;(3)采取取保 候审、监视居住等方法,尚不足以防止发生社会危险性,而有逮捕必要的。



  1. 捕捉;捉拿。

    《史记·绛侯周勃世家》:“其后人有上书告 勃 欲反,下廷尉,廷尉下其事 长安 ,逮捕 勃 治之。”《汉书·萧望之传》:“ 望之 大臣……不奉法自修,踞慢不逊攘,受所监臧二百五十以上,请逮捕繫治。”

  2. 今法律上称限制人犯人身自由并予以羁押的一种强制措施。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部七:“ 上海 解放以后,伪工会理事长逃到 川沙 ,给 上海市 公安局逮捕回来法办了。”



  1. Since the beginning of the year, the office has arrested 12 foreign criminals hiding out in Pattaya, Colonel Atiwit said.


  2. Unable to find buyers in western Massachusetts, he took the copies to New York City, where he was arrested for peddling without a license.


  3. Article 12 The arrest of any citizen, unless decided on by a people's court, must be subject to the approval of a people's procuratorate.


  4. He said to him, "On behalf of my battery, I arrest you! "


  5. "No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers. " - The Magna Carta.


  6. they are trying to arrest you for serving up the tins when the Sex Pistols were singing God Save the Queen.


  7. Prison officials in Colombia say they've caught an 11-year-old girl trying to smuggle dozens of mobile phones and a gun into a jail.


  8. British man who claimed thousands of pounds in disability welfare handouts while running half marathons was jailed for a year.


  9. Police arrested the driver of the bus and held him in custody while considering what kind of charges to hold him responsible for, Gago said.


  1. 逮捕拘捕逮捕

    To seize arrest.

  2. 逮捕嫌疑犯

    arrest a suspect

  3. 逮捕到庭审

    arrest to trial

  4. 被捕, 被逮捕

    under arrest

  5. 附条件逮捕

    conditional arrest

  6. 被捕,被逮捕

    under arrest

  7. 不批准逮捕

    disapproval arrest.

  8. 将某人逮捕

    to place somebody under arrest

  9. 当场逮捕某人

    take sb. in the act.

  10. 审查逮捕制度

    review arrest system.

  11. 逮捕制度目的

    Purpose of capture system

  12. 逮捕附带搜查

    a search incident to a lawful arrest

  13. 我将逮捕你

    I will arrest you.

  14. 你被逮捕了。

    You are under arrest.

  15. 被逮捕犯罪嫌疑人

    arrested suspect

  16. 逮捕而不扣留

    arrest not detain

  17. 你已被逮捕。

    Consider yourself under arrest.

  18. 而被逮捕了

    for the murder of his wife and her friend.

  19. 麦克遭到逮捕。

    Mike got arrested.

  20. 没有逮捕证

    An arrest without a warrant.

  21. 警察逮捕了他。

    The police pinched him.

  22. 逮捕后之搜索

    A search incident to an arrest

  23. 逮捕权归属

    adscription of arrestment right

  24. 我依法逮捕你。

    I arrest you in the name of the law.

  25. 她担心被逮捕。

    She was apprehensive of being arrested.

  26. 行动 现在逮捕他。

    Go on, now. cuff him.

  27. 行使逮捕的权力

    The capacity to make an arrest

  28. 执行逮捕的权力

    the capacity to make an arrest.

  29. 逮捕,拘留或监禁

    arrest, detain or imprison

  30. 附条件批准逮捕

    conditional approval on an arrest


  1. 问:逮捕拼音怎么拼?逮捕的读音是什么?逮捕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕的读音是dàibǔ,逮捕翻译成英文是 arrest

  2. 问:逮捕权拼音怎么拼?逮捕权的读音是什么?逮捕权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕权的读音是dǎi bǔ quán,逮捕权翻译成英文是 right of arrest

  3. 问:逮捕法拼音怎么拼?逮捕法的读音是什么?逮捕法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕法的读音是dài bǔ fǎ,逮捕法翻译成英文是 law of arrest

  4. 问:逮捕率拼音怎么拼?逮捕率的读音是什么?逮捕率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕率的读音是dǎi bǔ lǜ,逮捕率翻译成英文是 arrest rate

  5. 问:逮捕倾向拼音怎么拼?逮捕倾向的读音是什么?逮捕倾向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕倾向的读音是dǎi bǔ qīng xiàng,逮捕倾向翻译成英文是 liability to arrest

  6. 问:逮捕报告拼音怎么拼?逮捕报告的读音是什么?逮捕报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕报告的读音是dǎi bǔ bào gào,逮捕报告翻译成英文是 arrest report

  7. 问:逮捕权力拼音怎么拼?逮捕权力的读音是什么?逮捕权力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕权力的读音是dǎi bǔ quán lì,逮捕权力翻译成英文是 arrest power

  8. 问:逮捕法办拼音怎么拼?逮捕法办的读音是什么?逮捕法办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕法办的读音是dàibǔfǎbàn,逮捕法办翻译成英文是 arrest and deal with according to law

  9. 问:逮捕登记拼音怎么拼?逮捕登记的读音是什么?逮捕登记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕登记的读音是dài bǔ dēng jì,逮捕登记翻译成英文是 registration of arrests

  10. 问:逮捕程序拼音怎么拼?逮捕程序的读音是什么?逮捕程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕程序的读音是dǎi bǔ chéng xù,逮捕程序翻译成英文是 arrest procedure

  11. 问:逮捕记录拼音怎么拼?逮捕记录的读音是什么?逮捕记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕记录的读音是dǎi bǔ jì lù,逮捕记录翻译成英文是 arrest record

  12. 问:逮捕社会学拼音怎么拼?逮捕社会学的读音是什么?逮捕社会学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕社会学的读音是dǎi bǔ shè huì xué,逮捕社会学翻译成英文是 sociology of arrest

  13. 问:逮捕证人令拼音怎么拼?逮捕证人令的读音是什么?逮捕证人令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕证人令的读音是dàibǔzhèngrénlìng,逮捕证人令翻译成英文是 witness warrant

  14. 问:逮捕前置主义拼音怎么拼?逮捕前置主义的读音是什么?逮捕前置主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕前置主义的读音是dài bǔ qián zhì zhǔ yì,逮捕前置主义翻译成英文是 priority of arrest

  15. 问:逮捕规避技术拼音怎么拼?逮捕规避技术的读音是什么?逮捕规避技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕规避技术的读音是dǎi bǔ guī bì jì shù,逮捕规避技术翻译成英文是 arrest-avoidance technique

  16. 问:逮捕人犯决定书拼音怎么拼?逮捕人犯决定书的读音是什么?逮捕人犯决定书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕人犯决定书的读音是dài bǔ rén fàn jué dìng shū,逮捕人犯决定书翻译成英文是 arrest document

  17. 问:逮捕令执行回呈拼音怎么拼?逮捕令执行回呈的读音是什么?逮捕令执行回呈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕令执行回呈的读音是dǎi bǔ lìng zhí xíng huí chéng,逮捕令执行回呈翻译成英文是 return of warrant

  18. 问:逮捕前转处计划拼音怎么拼?逮捕前转处计划的读音是什么?逮捕前转处计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕前转处计划的读音是dǎi bǔ qián zhuǎn chù jì huà,逮捕前转处计划翻译成英文是 prearrest diversion program

  19. 问:逮捕排除决定量表拼音怎么拼?逮捕排除决定量表的读音是什么?逮捕排除决定量表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逮捕排除决定量表的读音是dǎi bǔ pái chú jué dìng liáng biǎo,逮捕排除决定量表翻译成英文是 Arrest Decisions as Precludes to Scale



“逮捕”是个多义词,它可以指逮捕(汉语词语), 逮捕(美国1993年摩根·弗里曼执导电影), 逮捕(刑事诉讼强制措施)。