


1. 拘 [jū]2. 拘 [gōu]拘 [jū]逮捕或扣押:~捕。~系。~留。~拿。~囚。~禁。~押。限,限制:~束。~谨。不~小节。固执,不变通:~泥。~礼。~迂。拘 [gōu]遮蔽:“凡为长者粪之礼,必加帚于箕上,以袂~而退”。……


在文书、契约上签名或画记号:画~。签~。把财物交给人作保证:~租。~金。~当(dàng)。典~。拘留:看(kān )~。拘~。~禁。跟随看管:~送。~运。同“压”,用于“押宝”、“押队”、“押韵”。姓。……



汉语拼音:jū yā








  1. 拘禁,扣押。

    茅盾 《喜剧》二:“捕头只骂了一顿,并不肯用拘押的方式来替他解决严重问题的住与食。”



  1. A criminal court judge on Monday denied bail to Mr. Strauss-Kahn, leaving him in police custody at least through May 20.


  2. He was taken up, censor'd, and imprison'd for a month, by the speaker's warrant, I suppose, because he would not discover his author.


  3. The Russian Foreign Ministry repeated the statement Thursday, saying it was ready to provide consular assistance to any Russians in custody.


  4. He said it was wrong to think, however, that Pakistan was punishing and detaining the people that led the United States to bin Laden.


  5. Although some gangsters escaped the siege via storm-water drains, others are reported to have been ferried out in police cars.


  6. Hodgkinson says U. S. policy is not to detain a juvenile for more than a year whenever practicable.


  7. The police have power to hold a suspect during the investigation of his participation in a crime.


  8. Gonzalez was being held in a Brooklyn jail. Prosecutors would not comment on the whereabouts of the two Russians.


  9. In a welcome act, the Zimbabwean government has allowed the release of a number of detainees on bail in the last week.


  1. 将某人拘押候审

    Commit sb for trial

  2. 被告已被拘押。

    The accused man has been put under restraint.

  3. 但他们拘押了我。

    But they detained me.

  4. 她正在拘押候审中。

    She is in prison, awaiting trial.

  5. 我是27号晚上被拘押的。

    I was detained on the 25th night.

  6. 呃,我得先将他拘押问话。

    Well, I got to take him into custody for questioning.

  7. 拘押他是为了他本人的安全。

    He was kept in custody for his own safety.

  8. 记者也遭任意逮捕和拘押。

    Journalists have also been subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention.

  9. 这个经理因受贿罪名被拘押。

    The manager was taken into custody on the charge of bribery.

  10. 你们现在把那人给拘押了?

    Do you have the man in custody now?

  11. 告诉私家侦探不用担心非法拘押。

    Tell John not to worry about false imprisonment.

  12. 医务人员遭到绑架、殴打和拘押。

    Medical staff had been abducted, beaten or taken into custody.

  13. 警方最终拘押了那名杀人犯。

    The police have finally apprehended the killer.

  14. 解交被拘押者到庭作证令状

    writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum

  15. 解交被拘押者到庭答辩令状

    writ of habeas corpus ad respondendum

  16. 如果我们不拘押他,我就是玩忽职守。

    I'd be remiss if we don't detain him.

  17. 一名男子被警方逮捕并拘押讯问。

    A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning.

  18. 医生证实这个被拘押的人精神异常。

    The doctor certified the prisoner insane.

  19. 使用或规划采取哪些替代拘押的措施?

    What measures alternative to detention are used or planned?

  20. 我被拘押了12天,被蒙着眼,戴着手铐。

    I was detained for 10 days, blindfolded, handcuffed.

  21. 被扣押的人当中有一个还在拘押中。

    One of the men detained is still in custody.

  22. 欧洲国家曾努力游说美国关闭这个拘押中心。

    Europe strongly lobbied for Washington to close the Guantanamo detention center.

  23. 这些孩子和成年人一起被拘押了三个星期。

    The children were held for three weeks, together with adults.

  24. 现在拘押的还有很大数量的被告有待审判。

    There remain in custody a large number of defendants who have yet to be tried.

  25. 对她审判和拘押的决定引起国际社会的反响。

    Trial and detention of her decision to the international community response.

  26. 在调查嫌疑犯是否参加期间, 警方有权拘押嫌疑犯。

    This is a big opportunity for China and a strong point of its participation in a multilateral organization like the World Bank.

  27. 它应遣返占领科威特期间拘押的全部人员。

    It should return all persons detained during the occupation of Kuwait.

  28. 有关被捕、被拘押和被监禁人员的关押和待遇的规定

    Provisions concerning the custody and treatment of arrested, detained and imprisoned persons

  29. 他随后被拘押在哈巴罗夫斯克拘留中心。

    He was then placed in the detention centre of Khabarovsk.

  30. 新西兰承认需要对其他拘押设施做进一步的工作。

    New Zealand recognises that further work is required regarding other custodial facilities.


  1. 问:拘押拼音怎么拼?拘押的读音是什么?拘押翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拘押的读音是jūyā,拘押翻译成英文是 take … into custody

  2. 问:拘押令拼音怎么拼?拘押令的读音是什么?拘押令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拘押令的读音是jūyālìng,拘押令翻译成英文是 order of committal

  3. 问:拘押证拼音怎么拼?拘押证的读音是什么?拘押证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拘押证的读音是jūyāzhèng,拘押证翻译成英文是 custodial warrant




拼音:jūyā 基本解释 [arrest] 拘禁;扣押 详细解释 拘禁,扣押。 茅盾 《喜剧》二:“捕头只骂了一顿,并不肯用拘押的方式来替他解决严重问题的住与食。”