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1. 疑 [yí]2. 疑 [nǐ]疑 [yí]不信,猜度(duó):~惑。~问。~心。~团。~虑。~窦。~点。~端。猜~。怀~。半信半~。不能解决的,不能断定的:~案。~难。~义。存~。疑 [nǐ]安定,止息。古同“拟”,比拟。……
汉语拼音:yí dòu
清 周亮工 《书影》卷六:“《养痾漫笔》载 东坡 缄封与 李方叔 者为二 章 ( 章持 、 章援 )所窃事……第中尚有疑竇。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九六回:“我今天又细细的想了一天,忽然又想起一个疑竇来:他天天来诊病,所带来的原方,从来是没有抓过药的。” 郭沫若 《<管子集校>叙录》:“ 日本 学者 猪饲彦博 字 文卿 ,所为《管子补正》……善能揭发疑竇而予以慎重解答。”
These same vectors also happen to be suspiciously close to the direction of the sun's motion through the universe.
启人疑窦的是,这些向量恰好就接近太阳在宇宙中的运动方向。But if the United States (with its pesky respect for human rights) is skeptical of your intentions, Russia presents a promising alternative.
但如果美国(其对人权的尊重令人生厌)对您的企图心生疑窦,俄罗斯会是一个不错的选择。He must fill his head first with a thousand questions of authenticity of manuscript, and correctness of translation.
他脑子里首先一定会疑窦丛生,反复思考手稿是否可靠,翻译是否正确之类的问题。Often their Jesus turned out to be an inspirational preacher who bore a suspicious resemblance to a 19th century German.
往往他们口中的耶稣成了一个鼓舞人心的传道士并且与19世纪的德国人相似得让人疑窦丛生。The results have left some analysts wondering: with the turnaround in its rear-view mirror, how can eBay keep up the pace?
这个结果让一些分析师不免心生疑窦:眼看着市场迎来转机,eBay怎么才能保持增速呢?Only few organizations can survive by a little of foreign donation, which threats the furture of these NGOs.
少数机构仅靠国外组织的小额捐款生存,导致项目的可持续性存在疑窦。If I had given tongue to my doubts about the plan, we might all have been saved a lot of trouble.
对这个计划我心存疑窦,如果我早讲出来,我们就可省掉好多麻烦了。But there are plenty of doubters who point out that you need only go into a Chinese home.
但是,只要你走进一个中国家庭,你定会疑窦丛生。In a place where most people saunter quietly, on this morning folks were dashing about with perplexed looks on their faces.