如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
行走:~兵。~行(xíng )。徒~。信~。闲~。固~自封。望而却~。踏着别人的足迹走,追随:~韵。~其后尘。~武前贤。行走时两脚的距离:~伐。~测。寸~难行。事情进行的程序、阶段、程度:~骤。初~。中国旧制长度单位,一步等于五尺。古同“埠……
汉语拼音:xué bù
见“ 学步邯郸 ”。
宋 陆游 《三山杜门作歌》之一:“我生学步逢丧乱,家在中原厌奔窜。” 孙中山 《建国方略·民权初步序》:“孩提之举步也,必有保母教之。今国民之学步,亦当如是。” 郭小川 《乡村大道》诗:“当我脱离了娘怀,也还不得不在上面学步。”
he was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words.
他才十一个月零九天。尽管刚趔趔趄趄地学步,却已开始咿呀学语了。He was just a toddler and he wasn't very good at it, and he kept falling over.
他还只是个学步而且并不擅长这个的小孩,他就一直摔倒。As soon as we're old enough to toddle toward the Hubba Bubba on the lowest shelf at the checkout aisle, we get the concept of money.
当我们蹒跚学步地走向结账台最底层的HubbaBubba泡泡糖的时候,我们就懂得了金钱的概念。The toddler, nicknamed Yueyue, had been cared for in a hospital in Guangdong province since she was injured a week ago.
还在蹒跚学步的小悦悦一周前受伤后就被送到广东一家医院受治。But XHTML has yet to toddle, yet to smile, and yet to cry loud enough to get the attention of most Web designers.
但是,XHTML仍然要蹒跚学步,学着用微笑和大喊大叫来引起大多数Web设计人员的注意。Born in Fukuoka on the southern island of Kyushu, she was just a toddler when her father walked out.
她在日本南方九州岛的福冈市出生,父亲在她还蹒跚学步时就抛家弃子。When a toddler wants to do something, like get a stash of chocolate you've hidden on top of the fridge, he'll figure it out.
当蹒跚学步的孩子想做某件事,比如找到你藏在冰箱上面的巧克力,他会找到办法。When I held a young child in my arms, he reached up and grabbed my nose, just as Chelsea used to do when she was a toddler.
当我抱起一个小孩时,他伸手抓住我的鼻子,切尔西蹒跚学步时也经常这样,一位摄影师抓拍了这个镜头。Sometimes he made an effort, coaxing her to walk with baby steps to exercise her shrinking muscles.