







汉语拼音:zào fú








  1. 指造福田。佛教谓积善行可得福报,如播种田地,秋获其实。


  2. 指给人带来幸福。

    明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·史九》:“故縉绅辈凡有志与朝廷干事与百姓造福者,独守令可行其志。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷二:“据此,则 王氏 之造福 闽 疆,亦不让吾 浙 之有 钱氏 矣。” 郭小川 《青松歌》:“千秋万古,给天下造福!”



  1. As is often pointed out , knowledge is a two- edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil .


  2. The whole concept of the public domain, was that it worked for the benefit of mankind.


  3. As all-in-one devices designed to be easy to move, laptops remain a high value item that can benefit from being 'physically' restrained.


  4. "China is ready to join hands with the Arab side to boost new progress of our cooperation, in a bid to benefit the two peoples, " said Yang.


  5. To put it simply, democracy, more than any other form of government, delivers for our citizens.


  6. He warned that science seems to be benefiting the rich, with not enough focus on solving the problems of the poor.


  7. Patients have had the great benefit for the marvelous development in orthognathic surgery in the last century.


  8. If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?


  9. "Joe is a very good player, a very, very nice player. He has a good spirit and is good to any team on and off the pitch, " said Grant.


  1. 造福人类。

    for great benefits.

  2. 造福社群。

    To do good deeds to benefit all.

  3. 为后代造福

    benefit future generations.

  4. 来造福人群

    a little bit better by working on these things.

  5. 科学造福社会。

    Science benefits society.

  6. 造福千万家呀!

    Benefiting tens of thousands of homes!

  7. 保护环境, 造福人类

    protect the environment to benefit the people

  8. 科学家为人类造福。

    Scientists contribute to the wellbeing of mankind.

  9. 发展中水造福人民

    To Develop Intermediate Water and Bring Happy Life for the People

  10. 这发明将造福人类。

    This invention will serve all mankind.

  11. 为造福后代而植树。

    plant trees for the benefit of posterity

  12. 这种新药将造福人类。

    This new medicine will benefit mankind.

  13. 保护环境, 造福子孙。

    Protect the environment for our children.

  14. 保护环境,造福子孙。

    Protect the environment for our children.

  15. 为造福后辈而种树

    plant trees for the benifit of posterity

  16. 利用雨水资源造福人类

    Utilization Rain Water Resources to Serve the People

  17. 运用科学原理造福人类

    apply the principles of science for the good of mankind

  18. 服务, 造福于新的长征

    A New Long March incomparable hospitality

  19. 必将造福于两国人民

    Is bound to make our two peoples both winners

  20. 他的发明造福于人类。

    His invention brought benefit to mankind.

  21. 服务,造福于新得长征

    A New Long March incomparable hospitality.

  22. 平抑房价为百姓造福

    To Control the Price of Houses is Benefit to the Common People

  23. 是用来造福人类的天赋

    That was a gift should be used for the good mean kind

  24. 至今仍造福于当地百姓。

    It has been benefiting local people to this day.

  25. 自造福, 自得福缘。

    Those who sow the seeds of blessings shall harvest plentiful blessing.

  26. 自造福,自得福缘。

    Those who sow the seeds of blessings shall harvest plentiful blessing.

  27. 可持续发展必须造福穷人。

    Sustainable development must benefit the poor.

  28. 造福全人类的一项发明

    an invention for the good of all mankind

  29. 二, 造福于民的社会事业

    II. A Social Undertaking That Benefits the People

  30. 研究两栖动物解剖, 造福人类。

    studying amphibian anatomy for the benefit of mankind.


  1. 问:造福拼音怎么拼?造福的读音是什么?造福翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造福的读音是zàofú,造福翻译成英文是 benefit




【注音】:zào fú
