




1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……



汉语拼音:jiān chēng






  1. The pair landed in court after an Emirati woman complained about the public kiss, which the couple insisted was just a peck on the cheek.


  2. Speaking Thursday at a press conference, Mr. Hatoyama denied knowledge of any wrongdoing and said he personally didn't benefit.


  3. Sucre is suspicious of his motives and nearly leaves, but C-Note insists that he's trying to help.


  4. Moulton insisted that he did not seek or receive any benefits from the Tories as a result of his financial largesse.


  5. But Mr Sharma played down the defeats, insisting India was not trying to compete with China.


  6. He insisted, both to the board and probably to himself, that it was more about getting proper recognition than getting rich.


  7. France's Nicolas Sarkozy was the only one who insisted last week that the crisis spelt the demise of "Anglo-Saxon capitalism" .


  8. Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll's partnership should be judged in a year's time, insists Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish.


  9. Just when we cried out "No more food" , our hosts insisted that we at least try the fish congee. It was the right finish.


  1. 她坚称自己无罪。

    She affirmed her innocence.

  2. 他坚称自己无罪。

    He asserted his innocence of the crime.

  3. 她坚称自己清白无辜。

    She asserted that she was innocent.

  4. 她仍然坚称自己无辜。

    She continued to assert that she was innocent.

  5. 他坚称自己是无辜的。

    He averred that he was innocent.

  6. 他妻子坚称他是清白的。

    His wife stand to her assertion that he is innocent.

  7. 被告坚称自己是无辜的。

    The defendant insisted that he was innocent.

  8. 他坚称,欧元不存在问题。

    He insists that the euro is not in question.

  9. 嫌疑犯坚称自己是清白的。

    The suspects affirmed his innocence.

  10. 日方坚称以中间线划界。

    Japan claims its boundary as the median line.

  11. 他至死都坚称自己无罪。

    He died protesting his innocence to the last.

  12. 雪莉坚称,她必须为他着想。

    Sherry insists that she must look out for him.

  13. 叛乱者坚称这并不是投降。

    The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender.

  14. 但波西亚坚称必须马上回去。

    But Portia replied that she had to return quickly.

  15. 工人们坚称自己的诉求是合理的。

    The workers insisted their demands were reasonable.

  16. 克里平坚称自己是无辜的。

    Crippen insisted on his innocence.

  17. 科尔曼坚称他是无辜的。

    Coleman has never wavered in his claim that he is innocent.

  18. 顽固的乐观派可能坚称不会。

    Diehard optimists might insist not.

  19. 官员坚称这个仓库里只有面粉。

    Libyan officials insisted that the warehouse contained nothing but bags of flour.

  20. 携程网坚称保单不是伪造的。

    The net that carry Cheng firm say slip is not to forge.

  21. 携程网坚称保单不是伪造得。

    The net that carry Cheng firm say slip is not to forge.

  22. 他坚称一切都在按计划进行。

    He maintains that everything is going according to plan.

  23. 孙坚称, 汇兑损失是亏损主因。

    Sun Jian says, exchange loss is deficit advocate because of.

  24. 她坚称自己清白无辜。他坚称自己无罪。

    Her whole person, permeated with the joy of youth, of innocence, and of beauty, breathed forth a splendid melancholy.

  25. 英国政府坚称英国的核电站非常安全。

    The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses.

  26. 但高恬莎坚称, 这些努力是值得的。

    But Ms Kotanchek insists these efforts are paying off.

  27. 但高恬莎坚称,这些努力是值得的。

    But Ms Kotanchek insists these efforts are paying off.

  28. 伊朗坚称其没有制造核武器的计划。

    Iran insists it has no plans to make nuclear weapons.

  29. 他坚称这笔捐款将用于国际用途。

    He has maintained that the money was donated for international purposes.

  30. 他们坚称,奥巴马的话被断章取义了。

    They insist his remarks were ripped out of context.


  1. 问:坚称…拼音怎么拼?坚称…的读音是什么?坚称…翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坚称…的读音是Jiān chēng …,坚称…翻译成英文是 to maintain that...



坚称 jiānchēng [claim;insist;state insistently] 断言,尤指不顾可能遇到的反驳或怀疑而断言 坚称他看见了鬼