




总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。……



汉语拼音:yī tǒng






  1. 统一。多指全国统一于一个政权。

    《管子·五行》:“以天为父,以地为母,以开乎万物,以总一统。” 尹知章 注:“总持其本,以统万物也。”《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“海内为郡县,法令由一统。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·审举》:“今普天一统,九垓同风。” 明 黄元吉 《流星马》第一折:“方今寰区一统,都来进贡。”

  2. 犹一并,一齐。

    孙中山 《党员须研究革命主义》:“本总理自当将吾党事和国事,一统尽力做去。” 沙汀 《一个秋天的晚上》:“因为一次颇为别致的示众,它把全市的男妇老幼,一统召集来了。”

  3. 犹一桩。指一个整体。

    明 王守仁 《传习录》卷上:“问:‘释氏於世间一切情欲之私都不染着,似无私心,但外弃人伦却似未当理。’曰:‘亦只是一统事,都只是成就他一箇私己的心。’” 清 陈确 《与刘伯绳书》:“即心即性,即学即道,是一统功夫。”

  4. 表数量。用于碑碣,犹一座。

    元 马致远 《荐福碑》第三折:“打一统法帖碑,去向京师卖。” 元 李寿卿 《伍员吹箫》第一折:“我久已后索与他盖一所设像的祠,建一统纪节的碑。”

  5. 汉 代《三统历》以一千五百三十九年为一统。




  1. Each of her works has an essence of its own; each of her phenomena a special characterisation : and yet their diversity is in unity.

  2. This structure may be perfectly situated to bind the activity of the sensory cortices into a single, coherent percept.

  3. In the integrated world, "The Great Mystery" goes in an opposite direction.

  4. The Xiongnu people and central plains people together create the magnificent history and culture of our great country.

  5. Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

  6. You want to not only synthesize the very large and the very small, but we want to understand the very complex.

  7. Dr. Sun Yat-sen said "Reunification is an integration which means real reunification both physically and in name. "

  8. Over her tomb Jacob set up a pillar, and to this day that pillar marks Rachel's tomb.

  9. Shaft yellow emperor is Chinese cultural ancestor, the unification of the first emperor of founding the horde.


  1. 浑天一统星象全图

    A Complete Chart of Unified Celestial Globe

  2. 秦代实现了华夏民族的大一统。

    Cathay was reunified in Qin dynasty.

  3. 只有极少数人支持迫近的大一统。

    A tiny minority favours imminent unification.

  4. 论汉代公羊学的大一统思想

    The idea of unification in the gongyang studies of han dynasty

  5. 战国变法运动与大一统的中央集权

    The Institutional Reform in the Warring States Period and the Centralized State Power of the Unified Domain

  6. 然而讲故事的程式并不需要大一统。

    Yet the process of telling a story doesnt have to be unidirectional.

  7. 大一统的观念和注重整体利益的价值取向

    the conception of great national unity and values of collectivism.

  8. 刍议宋朝没有一统华夏的经济因素

    On Economic Factors that the Song Dynasty Failed to Unify China.

  9. 元朝的天下一家思想及其政治文化一统

    The idea of all under heaven are one family in Yuan dynasty and the political and cultural unification

  10. 而多元化而非大一统才是全球化的真正成果。

    And diversity, not uniformity, is the real result of globalization.

  11. 秦王朝以还, 我国确立了大一统得封建政权。

    Since the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, our country established a unified feudal regime.

  12. 秦王朝以还,我国确立了大一统的封建政权。

    Since the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, our country established a unified feudal regime.

  13. 秦王朝以还,我国确立了大一统的封建政权。

    Since the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, our country established a unified feudal regime.

  14. 在这个一统的世界里, 大阴走的是不同的方向。

    In the integrated world, The Great Mystery goes in an opposite direction.

  15. 一元论是一种归多于一, 以一统多的智性理论。

    Monism is a kind of return more than one in order to unify many intellectual theories.

  16. 于是一切耀眼光中上升的破片都汇成一统。

    Then crystal scraps of all these rising in the dazzling beams added to their sum.

  17. 生而为王,它将吸收宇宙所有辐射,一统神界。

    Born to be the King, he will absorb all the nuclear radiation, dominate the universe.

  18. 这些思想见解是维护周王朝的统治和大一统思想的体现。

    This is called venerating the emperor. These thought embodies the idea of great national unity to vindicate the control of the Zhou Dynasty.

  19. 这些思想见解是维护周王朝得统治和大一统思想得体现。

    This is called venerating the emperor. These thought embodies the idea of great national unity to vindicate the control of the Zhou Dynasty.

  20. 形成了从秦汉以来延续2000余年的大一统多元性文化。

    Forming eventually a united, pluralistic culture that has been lasting over 2000 years since the Qing and Hang Dynasties.

  21. 轩辕黄帝是中华人文始祖, 一统部落而开国的先帝。

    Shaft yellow emperor is Chinese cultural ancestor, the unification of the first emperor of founding the horde.

  22. 一统中亚各部落后,成吉思汗将注意力转移它处。

    Having united the tribes of Central Asia, Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere.

  23. 从早期国家结构的基本形式看秦汉大一统政治的社会基础

    The social foundation of the unitary state of Qin and Han dynasties as viewed from the early primitive state structure


  1. 问:一统天下拼音怎么拼?一统天下的读音是什么?一统天下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一统天下的读音是yītǒngtiānxià,一统天下翻译成英文是 A unified country.; It refers to an independen...



词目:一统 拼音 :yī tǒng 基本解释 :[unify a country]统一[国家]