







汉语拼音:qiǎn sòng








  1. 送嫁。谓以财物送女出嫁。


  2. 旧指术士以法术驱逐妖邪。


  3. 发送。

    瞿秋白 《乱弹·“匪徒”》:“最近 上海 不是有九百多 日本 兵因为‘思想不稳’而被遣送回国吗?”

  4. 犹送葬。指丧葬礼仪。




  1. He did not know of any who had been sent back.


  2. I expect him to send me back to Vancouver at once and with curses on my head as well.


  3. The court's ruling says Britain would be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights if it sent the two men back to Somalia.


  4. they lack alternative options , so a disagreement or funding problem is all that it takes for them to be sent back to china.


  5. attracted the eyes of her deliverer, and for a few moments they stood silent.


  6. Pakistani officials said the survivors would be sent to their countries of origin after the investigation was completed.


  7. And right up until he was taken back to Russia, he kept begging me over and over to take care of his family, almost as if he was delirious.


  8. The Russian had been so frightened. In case somebody had been hit, he would be sent back to Russia of ice and snow.


  9. The edict added that the felons in German jails "shall be emptied out" and sent to England "for the better peopling of that country. "


  1. 遣送是间歇性得。

    The transport is spasmodic.

  2. 遣送是间歇性的。

    The transport is spasmodic.

  3. 他们将他遣送警察局。

    They sent him over to the police.

  4. 难民被强制遣送回国。

    The refugees were forcibly repatriated.

  5. 都好多星期都没遣送了。

    There have been no transport for many weeks.

  6. 我同意政府遣送的请求

    I grant the government's petition for removal.

  7. 那个下达遣送命令的法官

    who granted Angelo a stay of the removal order.

  8. 我只想强调,遣送我的当事人

    I would only stress that removing my client.

  9. 他蒙着耻辱被遣送回去了。

    He was sent home in disgrace.

  10. 不然他们会把我遣送回国

    otherwise they would not let me back into the country.

  11. 逃亡者被遣送回自己得祖国。

    The fugitive was delivered to his home country.

  12. 逃亡者被遣送回自己的祖国。

    The fugitive was delivered to his home country.

  13. 逃亡者被遣送回自己的祖国。

    The fugitive was delivered to his home country.

  14. 如果你们把安吉洛遣送回去

    If you guys have Angelo deported.

  15. 遣送委员会犯下了严重得错误。

    Gross errors were made by the Transport Commission.

  16. 遣送委员会犯下了严重的错误。

    Gross errors were made by the Transport Commission.

  17. 古代艺术品从美国遣送回希腊。

    Ancient artworks were repatriated from the US to Greece.

  18. 我总是担心被抓到 被遣送回国。

    I was always worried about being caught and sent back.

  19. 如果你被遣送回国她们的状况

    those circumstances don't rise to the level of hardship.

  20. 他被遣送到地球, 帮助人类犁耕。

    He was sent down to earth to help men at the plough.

  21. 而且要遣送更高一级的看管所?

    And want send back taller the detention house of one class ?

  22. 而且要遣送更高一级得看管所?

    And want send back taller the detention house of one class ?

  23. 大约300名法国人质即将被遣送回国。

    About 300 French hostages are to be repatriated.

  24. 雇主们总是威胁要把我们遣送回国。

    The employers always threaten to deport us to our own country.

  25. 是否遣送前还有什么要补充的吗

    I make my ruling on Mr. Sorrento's removability?

  26. 这位战士因负伤而被遣送回家。

    The soldier was invalided home because of the wounds he received.

  27. 所以这几年他们往往是被遣送回老家

    So they send them back in recent years.

  28. 他还不知道是否有人被遣送回国。

    He could do nothing but go sadly back to bed.

  29. 我命令将索伦托先生遣送回意大利

    I order Mr. Sorrento returned to Italy.

  30. 能被遣送回国,受点轻伤也值得得。

    Its worth getting a small wound to be invalided home.


  1. 问:遣送拼音怎么拼?遣送的读音是什么?遣送翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣送的读音是qiǎnsòng,遣送翻译成英文是 deport

  2. 问:遣送出境拼音怎么拼?遣送出境的读音是什么?遣送出境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣送出境的读音是qiǎn sòng chū jìng,遣送出境翻译成英文是 deport

  3. 问:遣送回国拼音怎么拼?遣送回国的读音是什么?遣送回国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣送回国的读音是,遣送回国翻译成英文是 repatriate



词目: 遣送 注音: qiǎn sòng 英文:send back 释义:带有强制性地把人送走。
