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《战国策·楚策一》:“以财交者,财尽而交絶;以色交者,华落而爱渝。是以嬖女不敝席,宠臣不避轩。”《史记·佞幸列传》:“ 孝文 时中宠臣,士人则 邓通 ,宦者则 赵同 、 北宫伯子 。”《后汉书·盖勋传》:“时小黄门 京兆 高望 为尚药监,倖於皇太子,太子因 蹇硕 属 望 子 进 为孝廉, 勋 不肯用。或曰:‘皇太子副主, 望 其所爱, 硕 ,帝之宠臣,而子违之,所谓三怨成府者也。’”
Soon the young Marco became a great favorite of the Emperor and was one of his most trusted friends.
不久,年轻的马可-波罗就成了这位大帝的宠臣和一位最受信赖的朋友。he was leaning on the shoulder of his favorite selim , and he drove us all before him , as a shepherd would his straggling flock.
他用手扶着他心爱宠臣西立姆的肩膀,赶着我们这些人在他前面走,象一个牧童赶着他那散乱的羊群一样。Running afoul of the Jiajing emperor's top ministers, he was banished to the frontier of the empire, to what is now Gansu Province.
由于与嘉靖皇帝的宠臣不和,他被贬到当时明帝国的边疆,即今天的甘肃省境内。The king dispatched his favourite courtier to see if she were really as charming as fame reported.
国王派他的宠臣来看她是否真地美如其名。A large part is distributed among the various functionaries of government, and among the objects of the sovereign's favour or caprice.
很大一部分被分配给政府各式各样的官员,以及君王的宠臣。But how far this might be applicable to our courts, and favourites, and ministers of state, my master said I could best determine.
不过这种现象与我们这里的朝廷、宠臣和大臣到底有几分相像,我的主人说只有我最能说得准了。But Mr Bongo brought decades of tranquillity, a rare enough commodity in Central Africa; order, and prosperity for a close and favoured few.
不过,彭高先生带来数十年的国内安宁,在中非国家中已属难能可贵;并且为他的少数近亲宠臣,带来生活秩序和经济繁荣。he had been the king ' s favorite , and his sudden fall from grace surprised everyone.
他本是国王的宠臣,他的突然失宠震惊了众人。He had been the king's favourite, and his sudden fall from grace surprised everyone.