




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:bào míng







  1. 欲参加某种活动或组织时,向主管者开具自己的姓名以及年龄、籍贯等。有时只须报告姓名。

    清 陈康祺 《燕下乡脞录》卷十:“﹝ 康熙 乙酉﹞諭 江 南上下两江举监生员等,有书法精熟,愿赴内廷供奉抄写者,著报名。” 丁玲 《母亲》三:“幼稚生更多一点,先报名的也是四五十了。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第十二章:“夜里, 郭祥 刚宣布要组织出击小组,大家就抢先报名。”



  1. Received pseudonym or aliases can be, but must be clearly stated in the application form (participation message is sent with the name).


  2. Hoped that the general students register positively, display their talent, here can be very good unfolds your stage.


  3. The healing benefits are awesome so I'm super keen to enrol in the next upcoming laughter yoga training program down in New South Wales.


  4. You said you wanted to learn Business English, so why not sign up for a class in the New Oriental course. Come on, give it a shot!


  5. After paying the application fee, the waitress directed her to grabble into a three-temperatured oven.


  6. Students could sign up to implant electrodes into a rat's skull to show thatelectrical stimulation of the brain can affect behavior.


  7. I decided to check in early with Madame and go to bed, and I put the yearbooks away.


  8. It's not necessary for the user panel to be integrated in the website like the registration, but there will be a bonus payment if it is!


  9. If you can't quite get yourself to ask for a raise, try signing up for an art class or running a marathon.


  1. 运动会报名

    Registration for Sports Meeting.

  2. 报名号编号

    numbering the register.

  3. 报名参加竞选

    file for

  4. 招生报名系统

    enrolling system

  5. 报名多少钱?

    How much does it cost to enroll.

  6. 下载报名表格。

    Please download the application form here.

  7. 我在哪里报名?

    Where do I sign up ?

  8. 他已报名参军。

    He has applied to join the army.

  9. 他报名参赛了。

    He put his name down for the matches.

  10. 报名已经截止了。

    Registration is already over.

  11. 报名参加马拉松比赛

    sign up for a marathon

  12. 问我要如何报名

    How do I register for the audition.

  13. 报名程序是怎样的?

    How do I apply?

  14. 报名费是多少?

    How much is the application fee?

  15. 我第一个报名参加。

    I am the first one.

  16. 报名选修一门课程

    register for an elective course

  17. 你不应该报名参加

    You shouldn't have signed us up.

  18. 已经有175个人报名了。

    175 people have signed up.

  19. 报名时间3月1日至12月1日。

    Application period 1st March to 1st Dec.

  20. 我想报名参加跳高。

    I wanted to enter my name for the high jump.

  21. 这个青年要报名参军。

    The young man wants to enlist.

  22. 他报名参加这个社团。

    He put his name down for the society.

  23. 父母给子女报名入学。

    Parents enter their children in school.

  24. 他报名参加了国防军。

    He registered for the national defence troops.

  25. 截至目前, 报名人数众多。

    So far, turnout is heavy.

  26. 报名的学生非常踊跃。

    Their enrolments have risen by leaps and bounds.

  27. 我们应该自动报名从军。

    We should sign up as volunteers.

  28. 她报名参加马拉松比赛。

    She put herself in for the marathon.

  29. 我应该何时开始报名?

    When should I register ?

  30. 给某人报名参加某事

    to enter somebody for something


  1. 问:报名拼音怎么拼?报名的读音是什么?报名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报名的读音是bàomíng,报名翻译成英文是 sign up

  2. 问:报名表拼音怎么拼?报名表的读音是什么?报名表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报名表的读音是bào míng biǎo,报名表翻译成英文是 entry form

  3. 问:报名费拼音怎么拼?报名费的读音是什么?报名费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报名费的读音是bào míng fèi,报名费翻译成英文是 entry fees

  4. 问:报名截止日期拼音怎么拼?报名截止日期的读音是什么?报名截止日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报名截止日期的读音是bào míng jié zhǐ rì qī,报名截止日期翻译成英文是 deadline for entries




【拼音】bào míng 基本解释报名bàomíng [enter one’s name;sign up] 报告自己的姓名 报名bàomíng [entry;application] 投考或应征时填写姓名、籍贯、年龄等的一种手续 报名单 详细解释1、欲参加某种活动或组织时,向主管者开具自己的姓名以及年龄、籍贯等。有时只须报告姓名。

清 陈康祺 《燕下乡脞录》卷十:“﹝ 康熙 乙酉﹞谕 江 南上下两江举监生员等,有书法精熟,愿赴内廷供奉抄写者,著报名。”