











汉语拼音:cāng cuì yù dī








  • 【解释】:苍翠:深绿。形容草木等绿色植物仿佛饱含水份一样。
  • 【出自】:宋·郭熙《山川训》:“春山澹冶而如笑,夏山苍翠而欲滴,秋山明净而如妆,冬山惨淡而如睡。”
  • 【示例】:在这块地面上,~的树木……一株株一丛丛地生长着。
  • 【语法】:补充式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容草木茂盛的样子


  1. The green plot at the end of the alley does not look wildly fresh, but contributes a sense of vitality not felt in wilderness.

  2. Sunlight, the green vegetation, verdant, roots and earth shall Teng, Teng drive in mid-air, extending his lush leaves . . .

  3. Moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, which almost like screens of primitive simplicity.

  4. The other branches of green dripping, it appears that higher than anyone else.

  5. Zhifu sunny verdant, picturesque, abaxially Guaidan rugged, steep cliffs, like his king, so Zhifu hill and Lord hill called.

  6. The earth had donned her mantle of brightest green.

  7. clusters of fresh green wistaria


  1. 笛声甜美似蜜糖欲滴,七弦琴韵始终悠扬无限。

    And the pipe is ever dropping honey and the lyre's strings are ever strung.

  2. 那本新出烹饪书上得实物照片非常诱人,真使我馋欲滴。

    The photographs in that new recipe book really make my mouth water.

  3. 那本新出烹饪书上的实物照片非常诱人,真使我馋欲滴。

    The photographs in that new recipe book really make my mouth water.

  4. 一株株苍翠欲滴的植物,

    Set off by luxuriant plants

  5. 此地青山掩映, 苍翠欲滴。

    There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green.

  6. 此地青山掩映,苍翠欲滴。

    There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green.

  7. 大地披上了苍翠欲滴的绿色斗篷。

    The earth had donned her mantle of brightest green.

  8. 其他枝条苍翠欲滴, 似乎在比谁高。

    The other branches of green dripping, it appears that higher than anyone else.

  9. 碑林的前面长满了苍翠欲滴的柏树,一排排,一行行。

    Forest of Stone Tablets in the front covered with green cypress For droplets, rows, rows.

  10. 嘴唇红艳欲滴

    And her lips of a ruby red

  11. 双肩垂落欲泪滴。

    Shoulders falling down like teardrops.

  12. 简直叫人馋涎欲滴呢!

    And almost good enough to eat.

  13. 简直叫人馋涎欲滴呢!

    And almost good enough to eat.

  14. 舞会上, 那位红妆女郎娇艳欲滴。

    At the ball the lady in red appeared very charming, and gorgeous.

  15. 舞会上,那位红妆女郎娇艳欲滴。

    At the ball the lady in red appeared very charming, and gorgeous.

  16. 那条狗馋涎欲滴地等着吃。

    The dog licked its chops.

  17. 哦,真真是一绿的山姑啊,含羞欲滴!

    Oh, Zhenzhen, a Green Mountain Kou ah, Hanxiu to drop!

  18. 妾伸手欲触,无他,但枯叶一雨滴耳。

    My hands reached out, catching nothing a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.

  19. 君伸手欲触,无他,但枯叶一雨滴耳。

    My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.

  20. 卡第夫山显得青翠欲滴,远看上去十分柔和。

    Cardiff Hill lifted its soft green sides

  21. 仰望天空, 翠色欲滴的树冠挡住了一方蓝天。

    Looking up at the sky the canopy drip For a party to the blue block.

  22. 当饲养员扔过来生肉的时候, 狮子馋涎欲滴。

    The lion licked its chops when the zookeeper threw him some red meat.

  23. 他穿过露水欲滴的树林时,那儿一片静悄悄。

    The dewy woodland, as he threaded it,was solitary and still.

  24. 店铺橱窗里摆的馅饼使小汤米馋涎欲滴。

    The pies in the store window made Little Tommy's mouth water.

  25. 我从开始用它就让我的双唇一直这么娇艳欲滴!

    I start using it let me from the lips have been so delicate and charming be about to drip!

  26. 看着树上溜圆的红石榴,真叫人馋涎欲滴。

    One's mouth drools with greed when seeing the round and smooth red pomegranates on the tree.

  27. 看着树上溜圆得红石榴,真叫人馋涎欲滴。

    One's mouth drools with greed when seeing the round and smooth red pomegranates on the tree.

  28. 看着树上溜圆的红石榴,真叫人馋涎欲滴。

    One's mouth drools with greed when seeing the round and smooth red pomegranates on the tree.

  29. 于是,试着把一枝 娇艳 欲滴的玫瑰花摘下来观赏。

    I do not believe that! Thus, trying a off to watch the roses.

  30. 唐伯虎,你老婆红唇欲滴面泛桃花,还不快亲她一下?

    Your wife is so pretty, why don't you kiss your bride now?


  1. 问:苍翠欲滴拼音怎么拼?苍翠欲滴的读音是什么?苍翠欲滴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍翠欲滴的读音是cāngcuìyùdī,苍翠欲滴翻译成英文是 fresh and green, suggesting a juicy texture....



词 目 苍翠欲滴 发 音 cāng cuì yù dī 释 义 苍翠:深绿。形容草木等绿色植物饱含水份仿佛要流出来一样。

出 处 宋·郭熙《山川训》:“春山澹冶而如笑,夏山苍翠而欲滴,秋山明净而如妆,冬山惨淡而如睡。” 示 例 在这块地面上,~的树木……一株株一丛丛地生长着。(秦牧《沙面晨眺》) 反义词:枯黄凋(chou)零