




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:fǎ zi







  1. 佛教语。佛的弟子。

    《观无量寿经》:“法子,汝行大乘,解第一义。” 唐 皎然 《听素法师讲<法华经>》诗:“法子出西 秦 ,名齐 漆道人 。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷二:“鬅鬆头髮,黑白眼睛, 天童 法子, 金粟 的孙。”

  2. 办法;方式。

    清 李渔 《巧团圆·闯氛》:“縉绅做过美官,家家都有蓄积,处此乱世,定有法子收藏,决不放在家中被人搜取。”《儿女英雄传》第十二回:“这个人是怎么个説话法子?” 曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“你这次想法子盖大丰大楼是一点也不错的。”



  1. In the Most Holy Place he made a pair of sculptured cherubim and overlaid them with gold.


  2. I'm afraid so, and it has progressed too far for anything to be done. I wish there was something I could do to help him, but there isn't.


  3. She had yielded on two occasions to the force of circumstances which might have been fought out differently.


  4. There was no doubt in his mind now, and he would find a way to win her.


  5. The manager at this hotel goes out of his way to make sure that you never return to this hotel .


  6. In science and engineering, some of the greatest discoveries seem so simple that you say to yourself, I could have thought of that.


  7. Let me come up with the the means of preventing the fearful experiment of this evening, and farewell to other thoughts.


  8. His restaurant was more successful than any of his competitors' because he thought up a very ingenious way to cook the eels.


  9. If he had stepped in there and used his eyes, instead of his disordered mind, he could have cure the well by natural means.


  1. 没其它法子。

    Had no choice.

  2. 没其它法子。

    Had no choice.

  3. 一个好法子。

    A positive solution.

  4. 这法子真损。

    That's a mean trick.

  5. 我们会想法子的。

    We'll figure a way.

  6. 其实,还有别的法子。

    You know,there is another way.

  7. 其实,还有别的法子。

    You know, there is another way.

  8. 法子都想绝了。

    All possible ways have been tried. or All possibilities have been exhausted.

  9. 这个法子看来也行不通。

    So, that idea disappeared.

  10. 这也是没法子的事。

    That's the way it goes.

  11. 我一定要想个法子。

    I must think of something.

  12. 这就是我们挣钱的法子。

    This is what we do for making the money.

  13. 你就必须另想法子了。

    It's one day.

  14. 我就得自己想法子赚。

    I have to earn by myself.

  15. 键盘也许不是个好法子

    This keyboard is probably actually the really wrong direction to go.

  16. 而不是两个月一个法子

    grounding me for one month instead of two.

  17. 没法子再补进空头了。

    There is no way to cover a short position.

  18. 不要,还会有别的法子的。

    No, there's gotta be another way.

  19. 不要,还会有别的法子的。

    No, there's gotta be another way.

  20. 想法子说得清楚些。

    Try and speak less indistinctly.

  21. 他只是在找法子在折磨我。

    He just looks for ways to torture me.

  22. 这是我们最好的法子了

    All right.Just give me the grinder,and you can go.

  23. 他想法子隐瞒自己的错误。

    He tried to cover his mistake.

  24. 我们想法子帮助她, 但没用。

    We tried to help her but in vain.

  25. 她不再想法子影响他们了。

    She gave up attempting to influence them.

  26. 他很容易就找出了法子。

    He had it easily.

  27. 想法子吧, 可他又束手无策。

    He would have to do something, but he had no idea what to do.

  28. 我说了男人是没法子的。

    I said there was no way known to man.

  29. 我要想个法子来对付他。

    I must think of a way to deal with him.

  30. 突然,布里想出了个法子。

    And then out of the blue, Bree came up with a solution.


  1. 问:法子拼音怎么拼?法子的读音是什么?法子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法子的读音是fǎzi,法子翻译成英文是 way