


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……


1. 冲 [chōng]2. 冲 [chòng]冲 [chōng]用水或酒浇注,水撞击:~茶。~剂。~洗。~荡。向上钻,直上:~腾。~入云霄。破解不祥:~喜。空虚,谦虚:“大盈若~,其用不穷”。~挹(yì)。谦~。幼小:~昧。~弱。~龄。方……



汉语拼音:yào chōng







  1. 处在交通要道的形胜之地。

    《后汉书·傅燮传》:“今 凉州 天下要衝,国家藩卫。” 宋 岳飞 《奏辞镇南军承宣使第三状》:“况 九江 乃控扼之重地,连 武昌 为襟带之要衝。” 清 张尚瑗 《仙霞关》诗:“尔来文物盛 唐 宋 ,舟车衢信当要衝。”



  1. Jessica now came quickly into sight from around the chook shed. This was the final run for MIn Min as she headed now for the main gate.


  2. Mrs Brooks, thinking that the speaker was coming to rush out of the door, hastily retreated down the stairs.


  3. I began to unpack but was overtaken by my habitual urge to have a shower at the end of a day's cycling. Was there anywhere to stay?


  4. Marlin relents, but he finds himself unable to let the child out of his sight for more than a minute without rushing to his side.


  5. The aim of the assailant seemed to be to enter the mill, but that of the defenders to beat them off.


  6. Dunhuang had been a strategic passage and communications hub of the Silk Road.


  7. He sometimes nods his head and threatens to come down; but we are old neighbors, and agree together pretty well upon the whole.


  8. "Just calmly tell the Aspie what he's doing wrong, " she suggests. "Don't yell at him. "


  9. Jiayuguan is the ancient "Silk Road" of the transport hub and is the starting point at the western end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall.


  1. 记得要冲水。

    Remember to flush the toilet.

  2. 您要冲几卷胶卷?

    How many rolls of film do you want to be developed?

  3. 晚餐前我要冲个澡。

    I take a shower before dinner.

  4. 埃及是一个战略要冲。

    Egypt is a strategic pivot.

  5. 约翰每天都要冲个澡。

    John has a shower every day.

  6. 兰州是西北交通的要冲。

    Lanzhou is the communications hub of the Northwest.

  7. 你我注定要冲向天空,

    You are destined for higher ground

  8. 我睡觉前总要冲个澡。

    I take a bath shower before I go to bed.

  9. 因为今年我们要冲到最后

    cause this year we're going all the way.

  10. 如果你要冲我吼,那我没空

    Not if you're gonna yell at me.

  11. 直布罗陀是地中海的要冲。

    Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean.

  12. 它要冲向玻璃了,请看视频。

    Here he goes, and here's a short video.

  13. 大便很丑,所以我们要冲一下马桶。

    Poop is stinky, so we need to flush the toilet.

  14. 我们要冲出黑暗向我们的信念进发!

    We travel out of darkness into faith.

  15. 商周时即位居南北水陆交通要冲。

    Business Week ranked the North and the South when water transportation hub.

  16. 别忘了马桶要冲水,手也要洗一洗。

    Don't to flush the toilet and wash your hands.

  17. 如果你要冲谁发火的话,就冲我来吧

    If you're gonna get mad at anyone, get mad at me.

  18. 又有便利的水陆通道,处于南北交通的要冲。

    it lied in communications center of the traffic from south to north.

  19. 现在, 我要冲一杯热气腾腾的混合肥料茶

    Now, I am gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea.

  20. 他本要冲出人群,凯西小姐又抓住了他。

    And he broken circle, Miss Cathy seized him again.

  21. 他本要冲出人群,但是凯西小姐又抓住了他。

    And he would have broken from the circle, but Miss Cathy seized him again.

  22. 那是因为我要冲到花园里去看虫子吃露水。

    That's because I had to rush to the garden to watch the worms eat dew.

  23. 昭化古城是古蜀道的要冲, 山环水绕, 古色古香。

    Zhaohua city is the hub of the ancient Shu Road, Mountain, Central water around, antique.

  24. 对某些人来说, 力量像是要冲出樊笼的困兽。

    To some power is like a trapped animal trying to get out of a cage.

  25. 昭化古城是古蜀道得要冲,山环水绕,古色古香。

    Zhaohua city is the hub of the ancient Shu Road, Mountain, Central water around, antique.

  26. 毫不夸张地说,南半球将会成为 21世纪天文学的要冲。

    It's no exaggeration to say that the Southern Hemisphere is going to be the future of astronomy for the 19st century.

  27. 作为古代中西交通要冲的帕米尔具有重要的战略地位。

    As the communications centre between ancient China and the West, Pamir has its important strategic position.

  28. 马六甲海峡是世界上最危险和最重要的战略要冲之一。

    The Strait of Malacca is one of the worlds hottest and most crucial strategic choke points.

  29. 他要冲到贫民窟里,去和拿着手榴弹的毒贩子搏斗。

    He goes up into the favelas to fight with drug dealers who have grenades.

  30. 我听了这句话愣了一下下,我只是撒了一泡尿,就要冲水?

    I stunned by this question. I just pee, i need to flush ?


  1. 问:要冲拼音怎么拼?要冲的读音是什么?要冲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:要冲的读音是yàochōng,要冲翻译成英文是 communications centre; major crossroad


要冲,拼音yàochōng,意思是 多条重要道路会合的地方。