







汉语拼音:chū zhàng








  1. 卖物的契约。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三一:“ 王元椿 早起来,写个出帐,央 李媒 为中,卖与本地财主 贾包 家,得银二十餘两。”

  2. 把支用的财物登入帐册。



  1. When I crawl out the tent, Afterglo was shining over the horizon, a group of sandhill cranes was flying across.


  1. 进货退出帐

    returned purchases account

  2. 算出帐目的总数

    Figure up an account

  3. 未满期责任的出帐

    portfolio entry

  4. 请查收按开出帐单付款。

    Please find enclosed payment per account rendered.

  5. 他很快就能算出帐来。

    It will not take him a minute to reckon up the bill.

  6. 你算出帐目总额我就付钱给你。

    If you figure up the total, I'll pay you.

  7. 最后朋友付了帐,走出饭店。

    Final friend paid debt, walk out of restaurant.

  8. 我凑不出这笔款子来还帐。

    I cannot make out the required sum to settle this account.

  9. 我明天要结帐出旅馆。

    I'm checking out tomorrow.

  10. 我今天要结帐出旅馆。请把帐单给我。

    I'm checking out today. Get me the bill, please.

  11. 我想结帐出旅馆了。请把帐单给我准备好。

    I want to check out, please. Will you please have the bill ready for me ?

  12. 帐目有出人。

    Account not quite in order.

  13. 帐单上出了一点错。

    There is a mistake on the bill.

  14. 退出你的邮箱帐号

    about logging out of your email account.

  15. 查帐员查出侵占公款者。

    Auditors caught up with the embezzler.

  16. 购货退出及折让日记帐

    Purchase returns and allowance journal

  17. 怎么去汇出和结算帐目?

    How to remit and how to settle accounts?

  18. 这商人已经开出他得帐目。

    The tradesman has rendered his account.

  19. 这商人已经开出他的帐目。

    The tradesman has rendered his account.

  20. 她在合计帐单时出了差错。

    She make a mistake when adding up the bill.

  21. 打印出复式帐单并请客人签名。

    Print a final copy of the folio for guest to sign on it.

  22. 她计算出食品杂货店帐单的总数。

    She summed up bills at the grocery store.

  23. 出这是您的帐单,请核对一下。

    Here is your hill. Please check it.

  24. 查帐员查出了那个侵占公款者。

    Auditors caught up with the embezzler.

  25. 取出登记卡为结帐做好准备。

    Draw out guest registration card from guest bucket ready for guest checking.

  26. 在他的帐目上没有出什么大差错。

    There's not so much amiss with his accounts.

  27. 付了帐单, 汤姆捆起行李, 走出了酒吧。

    After paying the bill, Tom bound his belongings and went out of the pub.

  28. 侍者很快地合计出我们晚餐的帐单。

    The waiter quickly totted up our bill for the dinner.

  29. 通过装运作出库可使用移动类型603过帐。

    Removal from storage can be posted with movement type 603 via Shipping.

  30. 新的规定同样显示出审计和记帐的问题。

    The new mandates also present auditing and bookkeeping challenges.


  1. 问:出帐拼音怎么拼?出帐的读音是什么?出帐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出帐的读音是chūzhàng,出帐翻译成英文是 charge off