


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……











  1. The wind blew into a millennium, sand the desert sky, alone keep empty city, keep a decade long a meditation.


  2. One sincere mother closed her eyes and meditated while holding her baby quietly in her arms.


  3. At the end of each day, meditate upon what you did or did not do, so you can become stronger for tomorrow.


  4. When Zi Sang was eating, Zi Yu sat beside him. Zi Yu closed his eyes and pondered on the question of destiny.


  5. He practices two hours of meditation daily, recognizing that this discipline has been a true revolution in his life.


  6. Beginning from his infancy, we often meditated by his bedside when he was sleeping.


  7. So he closed his eyes and meditated for a while and then suddenly said, How come its so dark?


  8. If he woke up occasionally, he would not disturb us; he seemed to acknowledge the right of his parents to meditate.


  9. In compliance with his request, the initiates taught him the Convenient Method, and he continued to meditate even after they left.


  1. 师父谈打坐

    Master talked about meditation practice.

  2. 和尚合掌打坐。

    Buddhist monk sat with folded palms.

  3. 打坐有益健康吗?

    Is meditation good for health?

  4. 天堂中的打坐大殿

    A Meditation Hall In Heaven

  5. 打坐有助于放松心情。

    Meditation can help ease ones mind.

  6. 这会影响我打坐吗?

    Will it effect my meditation?

  7. 我会在神龛前打坐。

    I will meditate before the shrine.

  8. 你能否教我如何打坐?

    Could you teach me how to meditate?

  9. 练习舒压, 如瑜珈, 打坐。

    Learn better ways to relax. Try yoga or meditation.

  10. 所以打坐真是一种奖赏!

    Therefore, meditation is truly a kind of reward!

  11. 耐心轻松打坐, 一切自然来

    All Things Come through Patient, Relaxed Meditation

  12. 打坐是专注致胜的秘诀

    Concentration is the Key to Success

  13. 若没有打坐, 我的内心没有爱。

    Without meditation, I have no love inside.

  14. 除了打坐,似乎别无他法。

    Except for meditation, there seems to be no other way.

  15. 师父打坐的秘诀是什么?

    What is the key to meditation that Master has given us?

  16. 所以请爱自己,打坐就是爱你们自己。

    So please love yourself. To meditate is to love yourself.

  17. 打坐给我一种舒服的感觉。

    And meditation was giving me a comfortable feeling.

  18. 您每次打坐的时间大约多久?

    How long do you meditate each time

  19. 打坐是很好放松紧张压力的。

    Meditation is a good let out for stress.

  20. 请穿著宽松衣物以方便打坐。

    Please wear loose clothes for sitting meditation.

  21. 以打坐的神圣振动力净化世界

    Purify The World With A Holy Meditative Vibration

  22. 说完后, 和尚合起眼继续打坐。

    With that, the monk closed his eyes and continued his meditation.

  23. 亲爱的师父,我打坐时很难专心。

    Dear master, I have difficulty concentrating when I meditate.

  24. 美国企业界也开始重视打坐的利益。

    Corporate America is also beginning to capitalize on the benefits of meditation.

  25. 我已有四个月的时间未曾打坐。

    I have not meditated in four months.

  26. 你不知道我已经打坐二年了吗?

    Dont you know Ive already meditated for two years?

  27. 用打坐方法解决监狱受刑人犯罪问题?

    Can meditation solve the crime problems in prisons?

  28. 问师父,请问为什么打坐时需要有指导

    Q Master, why is it necessary to be guided through meditation.

  29. 这和尚现在还想教它怎样打坐呢。

    The priest is now trying to teach him how to meditate.

  30. 巨浪开始打坐,试图将自己想象为海浪。

    Onami sat in meditation trying to imagine himself as waves.


  1. 问:打坐拼音怎么拼?打坐的读音是什么?打坐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打坐的读音是dǎzuò,打坐翻译成英文是 sit for meditation