




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:fēi shēn







  1. 身体腾空飞行。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷四:“ 红綫 闻知,弄出剑术手段,飞身到 魏博 ,夜漏三时,往返七百里,取了他床头金盒归来。”

  2. 形容行走迅疾。


  3. 犹纵身。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十六:“不大一会,他们从一家院里扛来一根大松木,靠在墙头上。 赵玉林 从松木上爬上墙头,飞身跳进院子里。”



  1. But when the door frame was being taken away, one of the boys leaped onto the train, embraced the girl in his arms.


  2. He was too busy to think more like a diving fighter flying the small tightly under pressure in the body.


  3. Look! Jordan is flying and dunking the ball! Attaboy! He is always a superstar in the spotlight.


  4. He knocks into drums, speakers, drops his mike, picks it up, then throws it to the floor and tosses himself after it for good measure.


  5. Wire-guided fighters alighting on treetops were wondrous to American audiences, but that was old hat for Mr. Lee, more like an homage.


  6. Stamina: affects same like any other player. Goalkeepers don't run fast, but still get tired of flying to get balls.


  7. Or it could be a tennis player chasing down a volley during the final game of a classic match.


  8. Yes, you need a seat or berth reservation for any long-distance journey on an Indian train, you cannot simply turn up and hop on.


  9. Ring headman horse to tightly pucker up eyebrows, flying the body ambition work to save a person, but at this moment where in period!


  1. 她飞身上马。

    She swung herself into the saddle.

  2. 她飞身跳入河中。

    She soused down into the river.

  3. 他立即飞身扑到地上。

    He immediately flung himself to the floor.

  4. 他们英勇无畏策马飞身,

    Boldly they rode and well

  5. 她冲向前,飞身越过栅栏。

    She rushed forward and took a flying leap at the fence.

  6. 她爸爸飞身去救她,把她一把抓住。

    Dad flew over to save her and grabbed her.

  7. 我飞身上马, 疾驰而去。

    Vaulting into the saddle, I rode away as fast as I could.

  8. 刘翔飞身跨栏的动作利落矫健。

    Liu Xiang leaps swiftly over the hurdles.

  9. 刘翔飞身跨栏的动作利落矫健。

    Liu Xiang leaps swiftly over the hurdles.

  10. 一名保安人员飞身把他抱倒。

    A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle.

  11. 她双脚错动, 飞身跨过了栏杆。

    She moved her feet one after the other and passed over the railing with a quick lift of her body.

  12. 她双脚错动,飞身跨过了栏杆。

    She moved her feet one after the other and passed over the railing with a quick lift of her body.

  13. 警察飞身上前把盗贼扑倒在地上。

    The policeman brought the thief to the ground with a flying tackle.

  14. 约翰加上助跑,用手一撑,飞身跃过篱笆。

    John took a running jump at the fence and vaulted over.

  15. 它从7楼的窗户飞身出去,嘴里叼着一只小鸟。

    It flew from the7th floor and ran back with a little bird in its mouth.

  16. 我惊呆了, 只好跳下窗户, 飞身上马, 奔向山坡。

    I was shocked, had no choice but to jump off the windows, started flying towards the hillside.

  17. 瞧!乔丹飞身投篮!好啊!他总是众所瞩目的超级明星。

    Look! Jordan is flying and dunking the ball! Attaboy! He is always a superstar in the spotlight.

  18. 幸亏这时已经到了海边,皮诺奇飞身一跳,跳进了大海。

    Luckily, by this time, he was very near the shore. Pinocchio leaped into the water.

  19. 又或许,是经典网球赛事总决赛中一个选手飞身截击的镜头。

    Or it could be a tennis player chasing down a volley during the final game of a classic match.


  1. 问:飞身拼音怎么拼?飞身的读音是什么?飞身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞身的读音是fēishēn,飞身翻译成英文是 To move one's body quickly and swiftly forward or...

  2. 问:飞身翻腾拼音怎么拼?飞身翻腾的读音是什么?飞身翻腾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞身翻腾的读音是fēi shēn fān téng,飞身翻腾翻译成英文是 flying somersault