







汉语拼音:bēng bēng






  1. 象声词。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第八章:“‘有绳子的话早拴住了!’捏着拳头的那人牙咬得嘣嘣响。” 李云秀 《燕子飞在电杆上》:“ 万如 表面上假作镇静,心呢却嘣嘣乱跳。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“覆盖在工棚上的油毛毡,让稠密的雨点打得嘣嘣响。”



  1. When he told me, I felt my heart cease, then begin again, The Bonanza was just a few miles from me and dead ahead.


  2. My breath stopped , and a vein began to pound in my right temple.


  3. Before the exam, we feel like a bucket 15 - , bang bang pounded wished to be caused by "memory of bread. "


  1. 我心里嘣嘣直跳。

    My heart is thumping.

  2. 这床的弹簧嘣嘣响。

    The bed springs twanged.

  3. 除夕晚上鞭炮嘣嘣响。

    On New Year's Eve there were lots of bangs from firecrackers.

  4. 我兴奋得心嘣嘣地跳。

    On hearing the news, my heart thumped with excitement.

  5. 他紧张得心里嘣嘣直跳。

    His heart was pounding with nervousness.

  6. 他紧张得心里嘣嘣直跳。

    His heart was pounding with nervousness.

  7. 他们俩紧紧靠在一起,心嘣嘣直跳。

    And the two clung together with beating hearts.

  8. 听到这消息,我兴奋得心嘣嘣地跳。

    On hearing the news, my heart thumped with excitement.

  9. 我的呼吸停止了, 我的右太阳穴的血管嘣嘣直跳。

    My breath stopped, and a vein began to pound in my right.

  10. 我的呼吸停止了,我的右太阳穴的血管嘣嘣直跳。

    My breath stopped, and a vein began to pound in my right.

  11. 你打不到我的,嘣,嘣

    You didn't get me!Bang!Bang!

  12. 你打不到我的,嘣,嘣!

    You didn't get me! Bang! Bang!

  13. 嘣 啊哈 嘣!

    Bam! Unh! Bam!

  14. 嘣!绳子断成了两节。

    Snap!The rope breaks into two.

  15. 快要死的鱼在木板上吧嗒吧嗒地乱嘣。

    Dying fish were flopping about on the wooden boards.

  16. 我们捕到的鱼在船底叭达叭达地乱嘣。

    The fish we'd caught flopped about in the bottom the boat.

  17. 有一次他只看了我的胸罩一眼,它就自己嘣开了。

    One time he just looked at my bra and it popped open.

  18. 哇, 真的?有一次他只看了我的胸罩一眼, 它就自己嘣开了。

    Really ?One time he just looked at my bra and it popped open.

  19. 游击队员举起枪, 嘣得一声, 又一名德军士兵倒地而死。

    The guerrilla raised his gun, and pang, another German soldier bit the dust.

  20. 游击队员举起枪, 嘣的一声, 又一名德军士兵倒地而死。

    The guerrilla raised his gun, and pang, another German soldier bit the dust.

  21. 看看越南吧,那张南越军官,一枪把那家伙打了个脑浆迸裂嘣!

    The picture of that South Vietnamese officer blowing that fellas brains out of the side of his head, whammo!

  22. 呀!布吉冲击波!嘣洽卡拉卡嘣!

    Ya! Boogie blaster! Boom chakalaka boom!

  23. 她在嘎嘣嘎嘣地啃着一个硬面包圈。

    She was chomping away on a bagel.

  24. 她在嘎蹦嘎嘣地啃着一个硬面包圈。

    She was chomping away on a bagel.

  25. 她吸了块冰块到嘴里,嘎嘣嘎嘣地大声嚼着。

    She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.

  26. 门嘣的一声就关上了, 老人连一句谢谢都没说。

    The door banged and not a word of thank you was heard.