


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……


排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:cóng liè






  1. 见“ 从班列 ”。



  1. Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.


  2. Not sure what organization would be right for you? This list , organized by topic, can help you get started.


  3. Starting from the top of the list determine if any of the constructed names matches a name in the Classic Registry.


  4. To export specific project information, type or select the field that you want in the From column, and then press ENTER.


  5. If the source text was copied from a column selection, each line of the source text will occupy one line of the destination area.


  6. Remove the Yearly Income attribute hierarchy from the column area and remove the Internet Sales-Sales Amount measure of the Data pane.


  7. You can do this by editing a table's PrimaryKey property and choosing the parts of the key from the drop-down list of columns.


  8. Property and choosing the parts of the key from the drop-down list of columns.


  9. list , choose the number of columns you want to display or choose auto for automatic adjustment to fit the width of the window.


  1. 从列一个要感恩的事情的清单开始。

    Start making a list of things to be grateful for.

  2. 那就从列一份清单开始吧, 并按主题分类整理好。

    This list, organized by topic, can help you get started.

  3. 其他列从一开始编号。

    Other columns are numbered starting with one.

  4. 指令可从任意列开始。

    Instructions can begin in any column.

  5. 同时从所有列和行中检索数据。

    Retrieves data from all columns and rows at once.

  6. 补充的机会, 来激活的应用从命令列。

    Added opportunity to activate the application from the command line.

  7. 补充得机会,来激活得应用从命令列。

    Added opportunity to activate the application from the command line.

  8. 这列从莫斯科开往圣彼得堡的火车或许只是另一个受害者。

    The train from Moscow to St Petersburg may have been just another victim.

  9. 伦理文化不是从一系列的禁止性的规则发展而来的。

    An ethical culture does not stem from a set of prohibitive rules.

  10. 数据集表中某列的名称, 将从该列读取参数值。

    The name of a column in a dataset table from which the parameter value will be read.

  11. 三名海达族代表从不列颠哥伦比亚赶来出席。

    Three Haida representatives had travelled from British Columbia to be present.

  12. 这列火车从哪一站始发?

    Which station does the train go from?

  13. 这列火车从哪一站出发?

    From which station does the train leave?

  14. 这列火车从哪一站台始发?

    Which platform does the train go from?

  15. 这列火车从北京开往上海。

    The train is bound from Beijing to Shanghai.

  16. 这列火车从哪个站开出呢

    From which station does the train leave.

  17. 这列火车从哪一个站台出发?

    From which platform does the train start ?

  18. 顺便问一句,这列火车从几站台走?

    By the way, what platform does the train leave from ?

  19. 这列快车从北京直达上海,中途不停车。

    This express will go straight from Beijing to Shanghai without a stop.

  20. 数字时间信息列,从序列的开始进行量化得到的

    A timestamp, quantized from the start of the sequence

  21. 数字时间信息列,从序列得开始进行量化得到得

    A timestamp, quantized from the start of the sequence.

  22. 这列火车从伦敦开往利兹只停两站。

    The train goes from London to Leeds with only two stops.

  23. 这列快车从纽约直达波士顿, 中途不停车。

    This express will go straight from New York to Boston without a stop.

  24. 如今,科州官员希望这些从加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省'引进'的野山猫将成为重新落户于此的首批居民。

    Today, Colorado officials hope these animals, translocated from British Columbia, will be the start of a new population.

  25. 从表中删除列

    To delete columns from a table

  26. 排污费可从生产成本中列支。

    The pollutant drainage fee can be included in the production costs.

  27. 一次仅从一行的所有列中检索数据。

    Retrieves data from all columns but only one row at a time.

  28. 一个限制从列列表返回的值的条件。

    A condition to restrict the values that are returned from the column list.

  29. 如果将视图按表复制, 则无法从表中筛选列。

    If you replicate the view as a table, you cannot filter columns from the table.

  30. 可以容易地从任何行中获取列的内容,无需进行迭代。

    You will be able to easily retrieve the contents of a column from any of those rows without going through an iteration.