


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……


1. 亲 [qīn]2. 亲 [qìng]亲 [qīn]有血统或夫妻关系的:~属。~人。~缘。双~(父母)。~眷。婚姻:~事。因婚姻联成的关系:~戚。~故。~邻。~朋。称呼同一地方的人:乡~。本身,自己的:~睹。~聆。~笔。感情好,关系密切……



汉语拼音:cóng qīn






  1. 合纵相亲。指六国合纵结为联盟。

    《战国策·楚策一》:“故为王至计,莫如从亲以孤 秦 。”《史记·苏秦列传论》:“夫 苏秦 起閭阎,连六国从亲,此其智有过人者。”



  1. A cluster of droplets separated out of a lyophilic colloid.


  2. It makes Iran from the pro-Western camp turned to anti-Western camp and made the Iran and the radical Arabian countries' joint in possible.


  3. It was a juvenile water bird, as soon as it became independent from the parents.


  4. Rebel forces have reportedly taken some new ground from Gadhafi loyalists on the road to the oil port of Brega.


  5. From the "pro-democracy" lobby, this is par for the course.


  1. 初嫁从亲, 再嫁由身

    the first time a woman weds she heeds her parents, the second time her own desire

  2. 我从亲起那借点钱,一直熬到我收到下一笔汇款。

    I scraped by until my next cheque arrived, by borrowing form my relations.

  3. 不过小伍子跟联珠从小定亲。

    But it's already been agreed upon.

  4. 我又从我亲儿子那听到了什么?

    And what do I hear from my own son?

  5. 解论长化体解用药反在医疗机构中从要性出无容亲忽。

    Conclusion Using the medicine on digestive system is more and more important in the medical establishment.

  6. 今天下午她的父母亲从美国乘飞机到达这里。

    Her parents are arriving from the States this afternoon.

  7. 从你的心上发出的怜悯比别人的更珍贵可亲。

    And Pity from thee more dear than that from another.

  8. 我需要从我爱的人身上得到一定程度的亲。

    There's a constant level of closeness that I really need from the person I love.

  9. 你亲问我冰冷的面颊, 将我从动摇中解救。

    Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking.

  10. 迅速出没亲能提取压缩档案瑞士法郎从可执行文件。

    Swifty Xena Pro can extract uncompressed SWF files from executables.

  11. 从血亲复仇到财产赔偿。

    Revenge from the blood kin the to property compensation.

  12. 他是威尔士亲王的侍从。

    He is equerry to the Prince of Wales.

  13. 从童年起,我们就亲如兄弟。

    We had been close friends, just like brothers, ever since our childhood.

  14. 亲疏值从01与档案的长度无关。

    This makes the relatedness range from0 for unrelated files to1 for identical files, regardless of length.

  15. 从今天开始,你将与双亲之一成为陌生人。

    From this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents.

  16. 试图从她那怪癖的老父亲那儿获得怜悯

    seeking sympathy from her addlepated old dad

  17. 试图从她那怪癖得老父亲那儿获得怜悯

    seeking sympathy from her addlepated old dad.

  18. 瑞安从他父母亲那里得到了那笔钱。

    Ryan got the money from his parents.

  19. 他是一个麻烦的孩子他不服从他父母亲。

    He is a troublesome child he is not obedient to his parents.

  20. 从二年律令论汉代孝亲的法律化

    On the Legalization of Filial Piety in Han Dynasty from The Second Year Law

  21. 双亲的爱如此动人, 从根本上讲如此富有孩子气。

    Parental love is so touching and at bottom so childish.

  22. 另一个双亲是随机地从双亲人群中挑选的。

    The second parent is picked at random from the parent population.

  23. 从核心词看汉语和藏语缅语的亲疏关系

    From Core Words to See Relationships of Chinese, Tibetan and Burmese

  24. 我从他那儿了解到, 你的双亲都去世了。

    I understood from him that you had lost both parents.

  25. 我从小在姑姑家长大,姑父待我像亲儿子一样。

    I grew up at my aunt's house from when I was little and my uncle treated me like his own son.

  26. 凝集作用从亲液胶体中分离出的一串微粒

    A cluster of droplets separated out of a lyophilic colloid.

  27. 我今年将一双老亲从农村接到北京来生活。

    I took my old parents from the country to Beijing this year.

  28. 双语的学龄前儿童从父母亲那儿学到母语。

    Bilingual preschoolers pick up their first language from their parents.

  29. 我的故事从英国开始 背景清白,双亲是沉默的移民

    My story started in England with a clean slate and the silence of immigrant parents.

  30. 从那之后,他就把她当作自己的亲妈那样照顾。

    Since then, he cared for her as if she were his own mother.