







汉语拼音:shāo qián






  1. 焚化纸钱。

    宋 黄庭坚 《题牧护歌后》:“及在 黔 中,闻赛神者夜歌……末云:‘奠酒烧钱归去。’” 宋 范成大 《四时田园杂兴》诗之五:“社下烧钱鼓似雷,日斜扶得醉翁回。”亦作“ 烧钱纸 ”。《清平山堂话本·快嘴李翠莲记》:“沙板棺材罗木底,公婆与我烧钱纸。” 巴金 《家》二九:“你在给哪个烧钱纸?”参见“ 烧纸 ”。



  1. This process rigor is often part of the project's lifecycle whether it adds value or is just overhead that burns time and budget.


  2. Before you decide that's a waste of money, imagine how much more it would have cost before the collapse of ad revenues.


  3. The problem for the company smoking cash was that it was beneath the CEO to make these calls or to make the difficult cuts.


  4. Applied to the national policy level, no doubt, education should only is public welfare undertakings, and is burn money career.


  5. And the personage inside course of study thinks, such speed that burn money, cash of shake hands handle net flows to prop up a year hard.


  6. We could not eat this money, wear it or burn it for warmth; but as if by magic it could be changed into such things.


  7. It's true that cleaning up the banking sector will be costly and unpopular, but it need not be crippling for the eurozone as a whole.


  8. Regarded as a "white elephant" by the Admiralty, Magnificent was broken up for scrap shortly after the War ended.


  9. If you are burning cash and your current investors are less than supportive, even the hottest negotiator will fail to get a great exit deal.


  1. 你以为我们是来烧钱的。

    You would think we have money to burn.

  2. 鸟的咖啡馆?不应该乱在上面烧钱!

    A fucking cafe? You can't make money off that shit!

  3. 鸟得咖啡馆?不应该乱在上面烧钱!

    A fucking cafe ? You can't make money off that shit!

  4. 你以为我们是来烧钱的。事实上不是。

    You would think we have money to burn. But it's not.

  5. 你敢烧钱么?有神马了不起,地球人都敢!

    Dare you burn money? Well, everyone dare with this candle.

  6. 但是烧钱以取得好的成效是非常昂贵的做法!

    Outspending is a very expensive way to try to catch up.

  7. 你是在烧钱,这是个无底洞,不要再玩了。

    You are to burning money, this is an a bottomless pit, did not play again.

  8. 很多人认为教室里面放笔记本电脑只不过是烧钱。

    Many have argued that laptops in a classroom are nothing but splurges.

  9. 从第一架飞机诞生那天开始,航空业就注定是个烧钱行当。

    The airline industry's demand for capital ever since that first flight has been insatiable.

  10. 钱烧口袋漏,一有就不留。

    His money burns in his pocket.

  11. 我们在18月内就把所有得钱烧完了。

    We burned through all or our money in 18 months.

  12. 我们在18月内就把所有的钱烧完了。

    We burned through all or our money in 18 months.

  13. 客户需要律师间皮瘤有钱烧也都高调处理案件的情况。

    Clients needing mesothelioma lawyers have money to burn as well, both dealing in high profile cases and situations.

  14. 我们在18月内就把所有的钱“烧”完了。

    We burned through all or our money in 18 months.

  15. 但是要打赌的话,你必须要有足够的钱可烧才行。

    But to take the bet, you would need to have money to burn.

  16. 冰岛人烧了我们的钱,又把灰给吹了回来。

    The Icelander burned our cash, and blow the ash to us.

  17. 钱会把衣服口袋烧出一个洞。

    Money Burns a hole in the pocket.

  18. 一旦你开始赚进钱, 火星可能要烧掉整个钱袋的。

    Once the money starts coming in, Mars may burn a whole in your pocket.

  19. 男生们正在烧纸钱。

    The males are burning paper money.

  20. 鬼屋和烧纸钱

    Haunted Houses and Burning Money

  21. 我在大火中烧掉了我所有的钱。

    I lost all my money in the fire.

  22. 我们在这里印钱,然后把这个地方烧了。

    We print the money here and we'll torch the place.

  23. 我想我们在烧纸钱时候应该多加注意。

    I think we should pay more attention to burning paper money.

  24. 我有钱就非花不可, 不然荷包就会烧个洞。

    When I have money, I have to spend it. Money burns a hole in my pocket.

  25. 我有钱就非花不可,不然荷色就会烧个洞。

    When I have money, I have to spend it.Money burns a hole in my pocket.

  26. 钱德,我不要老盯着门看。就象盯着烧水壶。

    Chandler, you gotta stop staring at the door. It's a watched pot.

  27. 你把暖气系统由烧煤改造成烧瓦斯会花好多钱。

    Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly.

  28. 他们在商店前的铁桶里烧纸钱,祈求好财运。

    The owners burn it in metal cans in front of their stores and pray for good business.

  29. 咱们只要把这些钱埋起来把这张纸一烧就行了。

    all weve got to do is to bury the money and burn the papers.

  30. 房东想要放火烧房, 以便向保险公司领取一大笔钱。

    The owner intended to set fire to the house so as to obtain great sums of money from the insurance companies.