


1. 曲 [qū]2. 曲 [qǔ]曲 [qū]弯转,与“直”相对:弯~。~折(zhé)。~笔(a.古代史官不按事实、有意掩盖真相的记载;b.写文章时故意离题而不直书其事的笔法)。~肱而枕。~尽其妙。不公正,不合理:~说。~解(jiě)。委……





汉语拼音:qǔ mù






  1. 剧本或歌曲目录。亦指歌曲和其他音乐作品等的名目。

    赵沨 《管弦乐民族化群众化的尝试》:“我深信,这个作品经过不断的演出和加工,一定可以成为我国管弦乐创作的一个优秀的保留曲目的。”



  1. On recordings, how much preparation and arranging do you do before you go into the studio? Or it is mostly an outline of songs?


  2. It's the type of track you might have heard on one of his recent EPs-- the kind Blake purists lament this album's supposed lack of.


  3. his technique is stellar, his repertoire is large, and in particular he commands the greatest performing gift of all, that of communication.


  4. One third Sonata for Solo Violin modernist as one of the representative track, combines fire just as warm and brilliant playing skills.


  5. I had taken a large pile of pieces with me, played through some of them and was later awarded one of the four places they were offering.


  6. When ready to step the piece up a notch make sure all four parts of base technique are thoroughly practiced and one feels in control.


  7. You could see him modulating, changing, re-composing the piece in his head.


  8. He played all the left-hand repertoire, but it was the expansion of his musical vision that saved him.


  9. While no one doubts that it is possible to note similarities between musical pieces, there are often exceptions and caveats associated.


  1. 专辑曲目1。

    Adagio Allegro Molto 2.

  2. 曲目扩充性

    expansibility of music number.

  3. 单曲目唱片

    single playing record.

  4. 神魔交战曲目

    The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me.

  5. 其代表曲目如

    Following are some representative pieces of this genre.

  6. 变化无尽的曲目

    an endlessly varied repertoire of songs

  7. 传统戏剧有很多曲目。

    Traditional opera has a wide repertoire.

  8. 我们不知道既定曲目

    We had no idea what key we were going to play in.

  9. 选项来快速得到曲目数量。

    Option to get the track number quickly.

  10. 初赛与决赛曲目可以相同

    First and Final Stages could be the same repertoire

  11. 全是大腕和其保留曲目。

    That's artist and repertoire.

  12. 他们清唱了一首合唱曲目。

    They sang an a cappella mass.

  13. 他们清唱了一首合唱曲目。

    They sang an a cappella mass.

  14. 也就是即將為你們表演的曲目。

    which is the piece that we'll perform for you in just a moment.

  15. 请参考单张内的曲目表。

    Please refer to leaflet for the list of variations.

  16. 有很多供长笛演奏得曲目。

    There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.

  17. 有很多供长笛演奏的曲目。

    There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.

  18. 他的钢琴演奏曲目大大增加了。

    He has added considerably to his piano repertoire.

  19. 这竖琴有很广泛的演奏曲目

    The harp has a very large repertoire.

  20. 只需键入曲目,即知专辑名?

    I can type in the track and get album names back.

  21. 曲词题材极其广泛, 曲目十分丰富。

    Improperness theme extremely extensive, repertoire is very rich.

  22. 钢琴家内容丰富的曲目内容广泛的采访

    A pianists wideranging repertoire a wideranging interview.

  23. 乐队今晚要演奏清一色巴赫曲目。

    The ensemble will play an allBach program tonight.

  24. 天鹅湖是著名的古典芭蕾曲目之一。

    Swan Lake is one of the famous classical ballets.

  25. 这个乐队正对一些曲目进行重新合成。

    The band are remixing some tracks.

  26. 体味典雅与细腻是这些曲目的关键。

    Understated elegance and nuance are the keys to these programs.

  27. 你是否会根据不同的曲目使用不同的吉他

    Do you change your guitar according to the repertoire

  28. 创造一些基础的练习曲目有点困难。

    Setting up a base repertoire for etudesexercises is slightly harder.

  29. 短暂的休息后, 乐队继续演奏他们的曲目。

    The band continued with their set after a short break.

  30. 代表曲目有百家春, 出水莲等。

    Typical of this style are Hundred Family Spring and The Lilies are Emerging From the Water.


  1. 问:曲目拼音怎么拼?曲目的读音是什么?曲目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:曲目的读音是qǔmù,曲目翻译成英文是 The name, type, or catalogue of song, music or opera...