


拿着:~刃。~鞭。~笔。掌握:~政。~教(jiào )。捕捉,逮捕:战败被~。坚持:固~。~意。实行:~行。凭单:回~。朋友:~友(志同道合的朋友,简称“执”)。姓。……


1. 著 [zhù]2. 著 [zhuó]3. 著 [zhe]著 [zhù]显明,显出:~名。~称。显~。昭~。卓~。写文章,写书:~述。编~。~书立说。写作出来的书或文章:名~。巨~。遗~。译~。~作。古同“贮”,居积。著 [zhuó]附……



汉语拼音:zhí zhuó








  1. Years have flown by, professor Li is now elderly. Yet, he is just as energetic and devoted to his career as before. . .


  2. does not give up the ignorance is to give up, do not give up should not give up the perseverance!


  3. The not obtaining easily by making new advances of him, but the diligent persistent result that pursues .


  4. No matter how hard I try to be the best, you may not like me a bit. No matter what others may think, I will always be persistent.


  5. It's really easy to get attached to a hypothesis of your own.


  6. I stood in front of it panicking to make sure that no draft would blow it out, stubbornly waiting for it to burn brightly.


  7. She did not know that the past 10 years, boys are so obsessed with dedication and love her!


  8. Among the images that testify to that persistence is a rare picture of a woman's bare, bound foot.


  9. Marsh tall, gentle, gentle, love Michelle, persistent pursuit of her for years, until she did get her divorce.


  1. 中性的执著, 伤心, 内疚。

    Neutral Attachment, grief, guilt.

  2. 我笑奇怪的花的执著。

    I laughed strange flower dedication.

  3. 形象创新, 务实, 执著, 奉献。

    Image innovation, pragmatic, perseverance and dedication.

  4. 然后, 他们就更加执著了。

    Then they cling on even tighter.

  5. 执著追求, 勇于开拓, 力求革新

    The rigid pursue, dares to develop, makes every effort to innovate

  6. 执著, 幻想和妄想真的可怕!

    Obduracy, illusion and delusion of one can be terrible.

  7. 执著, 幻想和妄想真得可怕!

    Obduracy, illusion and delusion of one can be terrible.

  8. 执著是我们所有问题的根源。

    Grasping is the source of all our problems.

  9. 凡内芮知道我对音乐的执著。

    She knows am crazy in music.

  10. 他执著地追求着自己的事业。

    He is inflexible in pursuit of his own cause.

  11. 我依然执著于你踌躇的耐心

    And I hold a record for being patient with your kind of hesitation

  12. 也许是小米的执著感动了上帝。

    Maybe Remi's persistent has moved the God.

  13. 那个贵族执著于他过去的荣耀。

    The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past.

  14. 你怎么可能摆脱你所执著的东西?

    How can you rid yourself of what you cling to?

  15. 不放弃该放弃的是无知,不放弃不该放弃的是执著!

    does not give up the ignorance is to give up, do not give up should not give up the perseverance!

  16. 既然结局已定,又何苦如此执著。

    Now that there is an ending, why bother persisting so much?

  17. 你是说,我实际上是执著于我的恐惧?

    You mean I actually cling to my fears?

  18. 我不知道,为什麽我会对你这麽执著。

    I did not know, why I to you such rigid.

  19. 我不明白,为什么你对战斗这么执著?

    I don't understand. Why do you want to fight that bad?

  20. 她终于嫁给了最执著追求她的人。

    She eventually married the most persistentof her admirers.

  21. 琼小姐是一位可靠和执著的姑娘。

    Miss Jean is a girl of reliable and persistent.

  22. 琼小姐是一位可靠和执著得姑娘。

    Miss Jean is a girl of reliable and persistent.

  23. 可是人们至死都还在执著与追求。

    However, people pursue and persist until their last breath.

  24. 我女人的身躯,我要执著地追求你的美。

    Body of my woman, I will persist in your grace.

  25. 我女人得身躯,我要执著地追求你得美。

    Body of my woman, I will persist in your grace.

  26. 一直执著地向前, 终会寻找到成功。

    Go straight ahead persistently and someday you will succeed.

  27. 自己的执著, 幻想和妄想会是什麽呢?

    What are the obduracy, illusion and delusion in my life, if there are any

  28. 两相比较, 执著当然比悲观明智得多。

    Comparison of two phase, dedicated much more sensible than pessimistic.

  29. 无疑地它必须放下悭吝,执著与贪心。

    Certainly it involves relinquishment of stinginess, clinging and greed.

  30. 彼亦为断除悭贪执著之最胜武器。

    It is the best weapon for cutting the selfish knot of miserliness.


  1. 问:执著拼音怎么拼?执著的读音是什么?执著翻译成英文是什么?

    答:执著的读音是zhízhuó,执著翻译成英文是 persevering